Vzit-India Apps

Vzit Volleyball 2D 0.1
"Don't measure yourself by what youhaveaccomplished, but by what you should have accomplished withyourability."
Vzit Messenger 2.0
I think of myself as a catalyst of action andamessenger of hope, turning people onto themselves and turningpeopleonto their dreams.
Yaadgar 2008 Batch 0.1
Yaadgaar. 2008 Messenger is a mobile toolthatallows users to instantly send chat messages to friends on2008batch. Messages are received on their mobile phones. 2008batchMessenger also enables users to send chat messages to peoplewhoare logged onto their telegram accounts. It is is availableforAndroid phones, iPhone, iPad and BlackBerry devices. It operatesoniOS, Windows (Windows 7 and Vista) and Android.