Vullett Apps

اموال 2.2
بعد قرارات "البنك المركزى المصرى" بتحريرسعرصرف الجنيه، انتشرت الشائعات حول أخر أسعار الصرف. وذلك كبدالكثيرأموالا طائلة.حسنا، لا مزيد من الإشاعات بعد الأن لأننا وفرنا لك الوسيلةالمثلىللتأكد من أحدث أسعار الصرف فى جميع البنوك."اموال" هو تطبيق بسيط ولكنه دقيق وفعال، يقوم بالبحث المستمرعلىالانترنت وفى المواقع الرسمية للبنوك لجلب أحدث وأدق الأسعار.كمايوفر إمكانية عرض الصفحة الرسمية للبنك لمزيد من التأكيدنحن نوفر قائمة تضم الكثير من البنوك الرئيسية وسنقوم بإضافةالمزيددائماAfter the latest exchange rates decisions taken by the"CentralBank of Egypt" a lot of rumors spread about exchange rates,thiscaused many people to lose money due to falseinformation.Well, listen no more to these rumors as we have provided youthebest tool to check for latest and continuously updatedexchangerates."Amwal" is a simple yet powerful app that continuously checkallbanks and return with their official updated exchange" rates.Weprovide the official webpage of every bank we include as proofofour data.We managed to gather many banks and we will continue adding moreaswe go on.After the decisions,"CBE"edit pound exchange rate, spread rumors about the latestexchangerates. And so a lot a lot of money liver.Well, no more rumors anymore because we have provided you thebestway to make sure the latest exchange rates at all banks."Money" is a simple application but accurate and efficient,theongoing research on the Internet and in the Official sitesforbanks to bring the latest and most accurate prices. Italsoprovides the ability to display the official page of the bankforfurther confirmationWe provide a list of many of the major banks and we'll addmorealwaysAfter the latest exchange rates decisions taken by the"CentralBank of Egypt" a lot of rumors spread about exchange rates,thiscaused many people to lose money due to falseinformation.Well, listen no more to these rumors as we have provided youthebest tool to check for latest and continuously updatedexchangerates."Amwal" is a simple yet powerful app that continuously checkallbanks and return with their official updated exchange "rates.Weprovide the official webpage of every bank we include as proofofour data.We managed to gather many banks and we will continue adding moreaswe go on.