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Memory game - Family edition 1.64
Memory FamilyMemory game - Family edition is a special version of the classicmemory game whichallows you to play with the pictures stored in the camera's photoalbum in the phone/Tablet.The Game is installed on the device without any pictures.It's configured to run from the first moment without any userintervention.You need to at least 32 pictures for playing all the options ofthe game,but your kid may start to play the game with only 2 pictures and tosee him in thepicture with good resolution.Let your kids take pictures with phone/Tablet camera and thenplay with the picturesthe classic memory game.The game combines the fun of taking pictures and play thegamewith pictures that only exist in your device.The game is also suited to little kids in the age 3 years oldand above.They are in the focus of the game by identifying themselves in thepictures while playing.The game gives the impression and the feeling that the game isjust for you.I skipped over the importance of the Memory Match game becausemany words have been written about.Game Feature1) You may play the game with the original pictures in photoalbum or use the private game photo album so called"MY-Gallery"In using My-Gallery the size of the pictures are significantlysmaller and the time for loading of the pictures to the board gameis shorter.You may hold and handle the private "MY-Gallery" for some picturesand to play with them for sometime and play in other time with theoriginal pictures.You may remove and rebuild MY-Gallery at any time.Tip No 1.:------------For some image layout on the board of the game for example: (2x2),(3x2)and (3x3) it is better to play with the originalpicture to achieve the best resolution of the picture and theloading time is reasonable(2,3 and 4 pictures only) in spite of you have created MY-Galleryand those pictures are exist in.For board layout as (7x6) (8x6) you may use MY-Gallery for loadingthe pictures more quickly and the actually size of the picture onthe game board is relative small.Tip No 2:------------You may use Google Search to download some pictures on Internet ortransfer via USB cable to your device and play with them.Note: See in the main screen of APPL the Help option - How todelete all the private Game Photo album (Pictures files andfolder)-----2) Choose with how many pictures you want to play the game in theChoose Your Option screen.4 Pictures (2x2) – Find 2 Pictures6 Pictures (3x2) – Find 2 Pictures9 Pictures (3x3) – Find 3 Pictures16 Pictures (4x4) – Find 2 Pictures20 Pictures (5x4) – Find 2 Pictures36 Pictures (6x6) – Find 2 Pictures42 Pictures (7x6) – Find 2 Pictures42 Pictures (7x6) – Find 2 Pictures48 Pictures (8x6) – Find 2 Pictures64 Pictures (8x8) – Find 2 Pictures36 Pictures (6x6) – Find 3 Pictures3) You may choose the pictures with which you want to play or letto the Gamechoose randomly several pictures that are stored in your albumphoto for you.
War Card Game 1.7
The WAR (Card Game) is a simple card gamewhich is not relies on specific strategy and memory skill.It is entirely based on the luck of the initial pack of cards andthe values of the cardswhich are compared each time. It is easy to play WAR and it issuited especially for kids.Play this game with your Phone/Tablet or with your friends(Support only two players in each game)through BLUETOOTH.[See the Help how to connect two devices(Phone/Tablet) viabluetooth by tapping Help in main screen of the Game.]You may drag the winning cards to the Next Pack by yourself orleave that to the device.Game Variations1) In each cycle of the game the winning cards are moved to thenext winning pack.2) The pack is initialized to the next pack of cards that wereshuffled when the pack of the cards is empty.3) War - All the three cards are with faces up.Features1) Play against Phone2) Play against another Player through BLUETOOTH3) View up to the 500 recent battles in the game at any moment ofthe game4) Save the battles in the game on file , only upon Player requestat any moment during the game and when the current gamecompleted.5) You may load the appropriate battles file for viewing on thescreen and delete the file during and after the game.6) You may copy the battles file to yours computer using the thirdparty software using the USB cable.7) Settings Menu in the main screen7.1) 1/2 decks (26/52 cards)7.2) Move winning cards to next pack manually or by game7.3) Sound ON/OFF7.3.1) Moving cards7.3.2) Shuffle the cards in the pack7.3.3) WAR occurrence7.4) Two mode to display couple of cards.7.5) Two kinds of themes .7.6) Enable smaller card size7.7) Enable to shuffle the Next pack when it is replaced with thecurrent pack of cards.7.8) Enable performing the internal Sanity-Checking of thegame8) Use the Menu Key to adjust the size of the text in the Helpscreen according to your needObjectThe object of the game is to win all the cards.Initial DeckThe initial deck may contain of one or two decks which determinedin game optionsand each deck contains of 52 cards.Game OverThe game is over with winning when one of the players(Player/Phone)collects all the cards of the initial deck.Cards Face ValuesThe following shows the cards face value from the highest tolowest valuesAce=14King=13Queen=12Jack=11Card-10=10Card-9=9Card-8=8Card-7=7Card-6=6Card-5=5Card-4=4Card-3=3Card-2=2SetupShuffle the initial deck and divide the cards evenly between thePhone and the player.RulesEach stage of the game the Phone first reveals the top card on hispack.Thereafter the game is waiting that the Player will tap on hisdeckto show his top card.The player (Phone/Player) with the higher card value takesthe both cards and moves them to the NEXT winning Deck side.WAR occurs when the two cards are equal value.In WAR the Phone reveals more three cards from each packand the last higher card of three cards takes all the cards asmentioned above.The WAR repeats in the case that the last card of the three cardsis still equal values.When all the cards in the pack (Phone/Player) run out, the NEXTpack is shuffledand the cards are moved to the played deck (Phone/Player).The game is over when cards in the played and next deck run out andthe winningis the other Player that contains cards.The WAR game uses for BLUETOOTH communication, the"BluetoothChat"" code (Exist in Sample folder of the AndroidSDK)of the Android OPEN source under the Apache-2.0 licenses which isspecified in the following URL: you encounter in any problem in the connection of the devicesvia Bluetooth or in any else problem, please report to developere-mail and we will fix the problem as soon as possible.
Camera Puzzle 1.6
Camera Puzzle is swapping Puzzle game from Camera/ Photo album.
Gin Rummy 1.2.3
Gin Rummy is a popular and faster version of Rummy game