UnholyAvatar5 Apps

Slap App 1.0
Slap App was designed as a very simpleannoying app that allows you to annoy anyone, and everyone.NOTE: Please be respectful to other people. If someone asks youto stop. Please stop!FAQQ: Why did you even develop this app?I was asked, by someone, to develop a simple app that makesslapping sounds. At first I wasn't going to, but I had a few hoursto spare, so I decided to make it. The app is also more of a proofof concept kind of app. I had never published an app before (I havemade apps, but had never been through the publishing process beforethis), and wanted to learn the process.Q:How long did this app take to make?It took me less than 3 hours to make.Q:Can you add/remove 'x' sound?Even though this app was designed to be annoying, I will onlyremove a sound if you suggest what to replace it with.Q: The graphics are lacking a lot of detail...Can you updatethem?If I find some more time, I will update them. Although, if you havesomething to replace them with I am more than happy to have a look,and change it.Q: Do you have any future plans for this app?I did think about adding in a small game into it, but I haven'tdecide if to put that in another app or not. Watch this space.Sounds from:http://www.freesfx.co.uk/