Conseils Pour Uber 2.0
Ce guide fait par un Fan si vous êtes déjà desfans de Uber app c'est le meilleur guide pour vous d'apprendre plusde technique et astuces sur tous Uber app fans !Tips Pour Uber appConseils pour les fans de cette appguide pour devenir pro,Avec l'application pour Android, Uber, commandez votre chauffeur enune pression sur votre smartphone. Quelques minutes plus tard,votre chauffeur privé viendra vous chercher pour vous conduire oùvous le souhaitez. Avec l'application pour Android, Uber,choisissez votre catégorie de véhicules et estimez le prix de votrecourse. Vous avez la possibilité de payer en utilisant PayPal oudirectement avec une carte de crédit depuis votre compte sécurisépour ne plus avoir besoin d'argent liquide....:::AVERTISSEMENT:::...Il s'agit d'un guide officieux de Uber app, ce n'est pas unofficiel, mais un fan fait guide pour l'application. Tous leslogos, marques de commerce et sources sont la propriété de leurspropriétaires respectifs. Nous n'approuvons pas l'hébergement ou lesoutien de la chaîne.Si vous pensez qu'il y a une violation immédiate du droit d'auteurou de la marque de commerce qui ne prend pas suite aux lignesdirectrices de «l'utilisation équitable», veuillez nous contacterspécifiquement.This guide is a Fan appif you are already fans of Uber is the best guide for you to learnmore techniques and tips on all Uber app fans!Tips For Uber appTips for fans of this appguide to becoming pro,With the Android app, Uber, order your driver in pressure on yoursmartphone. Minutes later, your private driver will pick you up andtake you where you want. With the Android app, Uber, choose yourvehicle category and estimate the price of your race. You have theoption to pay using PayPal or directly with a credit card from yoursecure account to no longer need cash....:::WARNING:::...This is an unofficial guide Uber app, this is not an official but afan made guide for the application. All logos, trademarks andsources are the property of their respective owners. We do notapprove hosting or supporting the channel.If you think that there is a direct violation of copyright ortrademark that does not following the guidelines of "fair use",please contact us specifically.
Tips Dinotrux 1.0
Welcome to Dinotrux Tips, an unofficialTipsand walkthrough for Dinotrux or Dinotrux fromDreamWorksAnimation’s game now it's available on Android . Thisapplicationwill make you enjoy with Dinotrux friends Ty and Garby ,Revvit andDozer friends game with the new experiences and challengeby revealall the tips, tricks, cheats, custom Dino and secrets thatno onetells you.**DISCLAIMER**This is a unofficial Tips to the Dinotrux app, This is NOTanofficial but a fan made guide for this games. All thelogos,trademarks and sources are the properties of theirrespectiveowners. We do not endorse in hosting or supportingthechannel.If you feel there is an immediate copyright ortrademarkinfringement that doesn't take after inside the "fairuse"guidelines, please reach us specifically.
Guide Dinotrux 1.0
Ce guide fait par un Fans si vous êtes déjàdesfans de Dinotrux c'est le meilleur guide pour vous d'apprendreplusde trucs et astuces sur tous Dino trux fans! Obtenezl'applicationet appréciezGuide Pour C'est parti pour un trux GamesConseils pour DinotruxA propos du Dinotrux:Dinotrux est une série télévisée d'animation américaine en39épisodes de 23 minutes basée sur la série de livres écriteparChris Gall et diffusée depuis le 14 août 2015 via le réseaudestreaming Netflix.Les personnages de dessin animé de dinosaures sont les favoris.Unjeu de mémoire difficile. Nos personnages préférés seretrouventdans des figurines en double, se répartissent sur untableau etdans des cartes à l'envers. Tournez-les, jusqu'à deux àla fois,jusqu'à trouver un couple de chance ou grâce à un cerveauformé quia mémorisé leur position. Bonne chance! Jouez au jeuDinotrux Cestparti pour un truxDinotrux est installé dans un monde de créatures géantes qui sontàmoitié dinosaure, demi-camion et tout génial. Avec lescréaturesgéantes, nous rencontrons également Reptools, qui sont despetitsgars qui sont à moitié reptiles, à mi-partie et très utiles.Nousrencontrerons Ty Rux, un Tyrannosaurus Trux massif, et sonmeilleurami Revvit, un Reptool rasoir. J'ai déjà eu l'occasion devoir lespremiers épisodes dans lesquels nous voyons comment lesDinotrux etles Reptools se rejoignent pour la première fois pourbâtir unmonde plus grand et meilleur et se battre contre les plusgrands etles plus méchants de tous: D-Structs , Qui menace dedétruire toutce qu'ils ont construit....:::AVERTISSEMENT:::...Il s'agit d'un guide officieux de Dinotrux C'est parti pour untrux,ce n'est pas un officiel, mais un fan fait guide pour lejeux. Tousles logos, marques de commerce et sources sont lapropriété de leurspropriétaires respectifs. Nous n'approuvons pasl'hébergement ou lesoutien de la chaîne.Si vous pensez qu'il y a une violation immédiate du droitd'auteurou de la marque de commerce qui ne prend pas suite auxlignesdirectrices de «l'utilisation équitable», veuillez nouscontacterspécifiquement.This guide made by fansifyou are already fans Dinotrux is the best guide for you tolearnmore tips and tricks on all Dino trux fans! Get the appandenjoyGuide To Go for a trux GamesTips DinotruxAbout Dinotrux:Dinotrux is a television series American animated in 3923-minuteepisodes based on the written series of books by ChrisGall andbroadcast from August 14, 2015 via network streamingNetflix.The animated dinosaur cartoon characters are favorites.Achallenging memory game. Our favorite characters find themselvesindouble figures, are spread over a table and maps upside. Turnthemup two at a time, until you find a couple of lucky or throughabrain formed who memorized their position. Good luck! Play thegameDinotrux This is a party for truxDinotrux is set in a world of giant creatures that arehalfdinosaur, half-truck and all great. With the giant creatures,wealso encounter Reptools, which are little guys whoarehalf-reptile, half-portion and very helpful. We will meet TyRux, amassive Tyrannosaurus Trux, and his best friend Revvit aReptoolrazor. I have already had the opportunity to see the firstepisodeswhere we see how Dinotrux and Reptools meet for the firsttime tobuild a bigger and better world and to fight against thebiggestand most wicked of all D-Structs, who threatens todestroyeverything they have built....:::WARNING:::...This is an unofficial guide Dinotrux's go for a trux, this is notanofficial but a fan made guide to the games. All logos,trademarksand sources are the property of their respective owners.We do notendorse or support the hosting of the chain.If you think that there is an immediate violation of copyrightortrademark that does not following the guidelines of "fairuse",please contact us specifically.
Guide for Beat the Boss 2 1.0
This guide of Beat the boss 2 made by a Fanifyou are already a fan of Beat the Boss 2 this is the best guideforyou to learn more steps and tricks about all Kick the boss 2gamesfans and players! Fet the app and enjoyGuide For Beat the boss and CheatsTips to help people to learn the fast and the easy way touseantecipado jogosguide to become pro, fast advice for users of betheboss.Beat The Boss 17+ is an extreme version of Kick The Boss 2. ItisCONTRAINDICATED for children and nervous people to play thegame.Your chief is back and threatens to turn your life into alivinghell. But you are not a milksop! You have something to answerthetyranny of your boss, and it will be a sweet revenge. Armyourselfwith an arsenal of deadly weapons and knock him into themiddle ofnext week with the help of black magic forces, smashingguns andsharpened blades. Let him regret that he dared to getinvolved withyou for the rest of his life. The new game tends tosave and keepall the best qualities of its predecessor. Controlremains to besimple, but the game got new graphics, weapons,levels, soundeffects and improved gameplay.Kick the Boss 2 (17+) for Android is very popular and thousandsofgamers around the world would be glad to get it withoutanypayments. And we can help you! To download the game for free,werecommend you to select your phone model, and then our systemwillchoose the most suitable apk files. Downloading is verysimple:select the desired file and "download free Kick the Boss 2(17+)apk", then select one of the ways you want to get the file.Just afew easy steps and you are enjoying full version of the gamefortablet or phone!...:::DISCLAIMER:::...This is a unofficial guide to Beat the boss 2, This is NOTanofficial but a fan made guide for gammes. All the logos,trademarksand sources are the properties of their respectiveowners. We donot endorse in hosting or supporting thechannel.If you feel there is an immediate copyright ortrademarkinfringement that doesn't take after inside the "fairuse"guidelines, please reach us specifically.. Enjoy the Experience
FREE TIPS:FNAF Sister Location 1.0
Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location isanindependent video game of survival horror inpoint-and-clickdeveloped by Scott CawthonFREE TIPS FNAF Sister Location, an unofficial guide for FiveNightsat Freddy's Sister Location or FNAF 5 game on Android, iOSandPC.This application will make you enjoy FNAF Sister Location gamewiththe new experiences and terrors by reveal all the guide,strategie,tricks....:::DISCLAIMER:::...This is a unofficial version to the Five Nights Freddy'sSisterLocation games , This is NOT an official but a fan made guideforthis games. All the logos, trademarks and sources aretheproperties of their respective owners. We do not endorse inhostingor supporting the channel.If you feel there is an immediate copyright ortrademarkinfringement that doesn't take after inside the "fairuse"guidelines, please reach us specifically.. Enjoy the Experience
Jetpack Dash 1.0
Simple one touch To make The jetpack dashstartflying with his jetpacks of levels that will keep you fly endenjoythe challengeJump and flyboard your Jetpack dash through gravity danger inthisbased action platformer-Play daily quests and earn rewards-practice jet pack fast mode to sharpen your skills-Collecte to earn points to complete the levelFeatures of The game:-Amazing graphics-simple and users friendly controls-Optimized for all android devices including tabsSuit up with a selection of the coolest game ever made and taketothe skies, the lovable hero on a one-way trip to adventure, Joinashe breaks in to a secret laboratory to commandeer theexperimentaljetpacks, Rain bullets, bubbles, rainbows and gravitydownwards asyou fly towards higher and higher scores!Along the way you’ll collect coins, powerups and more, all ofwhichcan be upgraded and customized in the dash. Want to fly upfasttouch to make the hero turn on and then ejoy your timeStay alive, get funky and lose yourself . There's so much to seeanddo, all the time in the world and more than enough ! As always,Thechoice is yours!Try your limite, Focus! and Good luck
Tips Gangstar New Orleans 1.0
This game was created and publishedby“Gameloft”, it was released on January 4, 2017.It can be downloaded on both operating systems Android and IOSforfree.Gangstar New Orleans is a hidden object game with a detectivetwistaction adventure RPG. It also contains elements of an openworld soyou can basically explore large portions of the game whenyou areable to do so. Play Run with run Gangstar vehicle is morefunnyways to destroy your best friend, and control your characterand doa series of missions or just goof off around and make yourgangmuch stronger and bigger than it is. Get your gang on withourGangstar New Orleans hack, cheats, tips and guide.Become the new star in New Orleans, prove yourself as one ofthestrongest gangstars by your actions and with Gangstar NewOrleanscheats, you shall be doing it in no time, As you can findsome gamestrategies online in “toucharcade” ....:::DISCLAIMER:::...This is a unofficial guide only, This is NOT an official but afanmade guide for this games. All the logos, trademarks andsourcesare the properties of their respective owners. We do notendorse inhosting or supporting the channel.If you feel there is an immediate copyright ortrademarkinfringement that doesn't take after inside the "fairuse"guidelines, please reach us specifically.. Enjoy the Experience
Guide for Line Rangers 1.0
Guide For Line rangers cheats andsomeTipsTips to help people to learn the fast and the easy way to useLinerangersguide to become pro, fast advice for users of Line rangers.What is Line Rangers?Line rangers is a game made by NAVER CORP. In this game, yousendout units called "Rangers" that walks out from your baseandautomatically attacks enemies. You win by destroying theenemybase.How do I obtain Rangers?There are many ways to obtain rangers. These include passingstages,using GACHA or through special events.Can friends help each other?Sure! You can press send help in friends list to send a rangertohelp the selected friend. Both will get friendship points. Also,inany stage, you can summon help from one of your friends, whichwillsend 3 random rangers from your friend's main team tohelpyou.What is Thomas?When ranger ghosts combine, there will be an icon on the topcenterof your screen. Tap to activate it. Thomas slowly glidesthroughenemy forces, slightly damaging them as well as slowingtheirmovement speed.What are power ups?Power ups are items that can help make stages easier.Theseinclude:Meteor Deals damage to emeny front lines and also dealextracontinuous damage.Ice shot Freezes enemies for 7 seconds.Tornado Sends all enemies back to baseShield/invincibility Makes your rangers and base invulnerable for7seconds.After saving sally, power-ups are much more powerful but alsocostmore.Hell fire Deals immencely increased damage.Blizzard/Freezer Deals continuous damage as well as freezingthemfor 15 seconds.Thunderstorm Has a slower speed, resulting in longer disabling.Alsostuns enemies after they reached base.Super Invinsibility Lasts up to 15 seconds and restores thebase'sHP.How many tiers are there for rangers?There are 8 base tiers, ranking from ☆ to ☆☆☆☆☆. After that, =☆=,=☆☆= , =☆☆☆= are the 6, 7 and 8 star variants. Some supermasteredrangers can ultra-evolve.What are master and supermaster rangers?After feeding 4 of the same ranger into a 5th one, its level capismaxed. If you leve, it up to full level, it becomes a Master. Ifitis thefinal form, excluding Ultra evolution, it becomesSuperMaster.What are ranger attributes?Rangers are classified into 3 types.Strength rangers deal physical damage, has some physical defenceandhigh magical defence. They are usually tough, slow-movingandshort-ranged. The main purpose is as front liners.Agility rangers deal physical damage, has high physical defencebutno magical defence. They usually have high attack speed andmovespeed. Great for ground-covering.Intelligence rangers deal splash magical damage, which doesnodamage to towers, although they have a bit of physical attacktohelp. They have 0 defence and are usually back-liners.Limited rangersSometimes, limited rangers will be available for a short period.Ifyou obtain them, you can keep them forever.How do I obtain rubies?You can obtain rubies by levelling up, pvp rewards or through inapppurchases. Mastering rangers also give rubies. Also, somespecialevents may give you rubies.Do we actually get to save sally?Yes. You can fight Dr.Mephisto at Mephisto's camp inmainstage....:::DISCLAIMER:::...This is a unofficial guide to Line rangers games, This is NOTanofficial but a fan made guide games. All the logos, trademarksandsources are the properties of their respective owners. We donotendorse in hosting or supporting the channel.If you feel there is an immediate copyright ortrademarkinfringement that doesn't take after inside the "fairuse"guidelines, please reach us specifically.. Enjoy the Experience.
Guide Marvel Puzzle Quest 1.0
This guide made by Fan if you are already afanof Marvel Puzzle Quest this is the best guide for you to learnmoresteps and tricks about the game fans and playersGuide For Marvel Puzzle Quest and strategiesTips to help people to learn the fast and the easy way to usethegamesguide to become pro, fast advice for users of MarvelPuzzlequest.In the wake of the Iso-8 Outbreak, the super herocommunitystruggles to recover. Taking advantage of the chaos, supervillainstake control of National Security. Dark Reign follows theseeventsthat twist the destinies of both the heroes and villains oftheMarvel Universe foreverThe best in match-3 puzzle gameplay meets Marvel's biggestSuperHeroes and Super Villains in the most epic puzzle adventuregameout on your phone, tablet and PC! Marvel Puzzle Quest combinesyourfavorite Marvel characters with deep RPG leveling,player-vs-playertournaments, Alliances, and much more. It's time tounleash yourinner Super Hero and wage war against yourenemies.Assemble a team of Marvel’s biggest super heroes and villainsandbattle with Puzzle Quest’s trademark match-3 andstory-tellinggameplay in a game that combines favorite Marvelcharacters with adeep RPG leveling, player vs. player, characterupgrades, andmore.....:::DISCLAIMER:::...This is a unofficial guide to the Marvel Puzzle Quest app, ThisisNOT an official but a fan made guide for the games. All thelogos,trademarks and sources are the properties of theirrespectiveowners. We do not endorse in hosting or supportingthechannel.If you feel there is an immediate copyright ortrademarkinfringement that doesn't take after inside the "fairuse"guidelines, please reach us specifically.. Enjoy the Experience
Guide Exploration Pro 1.0
Guide For Exploration pro make you learntheeasy tricks and strategie tips.Build your own base, enjoy the exploration games, castle orcraftingwhatever you imagine!Exploration pro is a game - editor which allows you moving,buildingandtransforming the terrain in the 3D environment.Exploration Pro is a sandbox game similar to Minecraft inwhichwe'll have to explore a pixellated world where we can buildandconstruct at our own will....:::DISCLAIMER:::...This is a unofficial guide For Exploration Pro, This is NOTanofficial but a fan made guide app. All the logos, trademarksandsources are the properties of their respective owners. We donotendorse in hosting or supporting the channel.If you feel there is an immediate copyright ortrademarkinfringement that doesn't take after inside the "fairuse"guidelines, please reach us specifically.
Guide World Bowling Champion 1.0
Here’s World Bowling Championship Guide,tipsand Hack and cheats Download which is free withamazinggraphic.World bowling championship - make powerful and accuratethrows.Direct a heavy bowling ball along the perfect trajectory toremoveall pins with one throw and strike bowling. Take part in theworldchampionship and become the best bowling player in thisAndroidgame. Swipe the screen to direct the bowling ball directlyto thetarget. Your task will get harder as you will meetvariousobstacles on the path, both stable and moving. Cope withtaskswhich get harder, score points,spare change, increase yourrating,unlock new levels and balls....:::DISCLAIMER:::...This is a unofficial guide to World Bowling Championship app,Thisis NOT an official but a fan made guide for games. All thelogos,trademarks and sources are the properties of theirrespectiveowners. We do not endorse in hosting or supportingthechannel.If you feel there is an immediate copyright ortrademarkinfringement that doesn't take after inside the "fairuse"guidelines, please reach us specifically.