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Kedatangan Alex Ferguson rupanyya tidakberarti masalah selesai. MU mengalami kesulitan walau berhasillolos dari degradasi dan naik ke posisi papan tengah. Di buku kaliini diperlihatkan bagaimana musim ke-2 Alex Ferguson menangani MUyang menjadi musim pertama dirinya mena­ngani MU dari awalmusim.The arrival of AlexFerguson rupanyya does not mean the problem is over. MU had troubleeven escaped from degradation and rising to the position of thecenter board. At this time the book shows how season 2 ManchesterUnited Alex Ferguson handles the first season he handles MU fromthe beginning of the season.
Setelah Sir Matt Busby pensiun, MU mengalamipenurunan prestasi. Pergantian pelatih pun berulang kali dilakukanhingga muncul nama Ron Atkinson di tahun 1982. Prestasi MU masih dibawah bayang-bayang Li­verpool walaupun mereka berhasil meraih duakali Piala FA tahun 1983 dan 1985. Kini posisi Ron Atkinsonmendapatkan cobaan selama menangani MU di awal musim1986/1987.Kali ini buku ini akan memaparkan bagaimana era baru MU akandimulai. Bagaimana era kepelatihan Ron Atkinson berakhir dandatangnya era Alex Ferguson. Inilah masa-masa awal AlexFerguson.After the retirement ofSir Matt Busby, Manchester United has decreased achievement. Thechange of coach was repeatedly carried out until the name of RonAtkinson in 1982. Achievement MU still under the shadow ofLiverpool, although they won the FA Cup twice in 1983 and 1985. Nowthe position of Ron Atkinson was tested during handling at thebeginning of the 1986 season MU / 1987.This time the book will explain how MU will begin a new era. HowRon Atkinson coaching era ended and the era of Alex Ferguson. Thiswas the early days of Alex Ferguson.