TutorABC Apps

英文學習報 6.0
了解各國時事脈動,體會世界人文之旅,英文學習報絕對是您第一手消息的最佳來源!APP特色:●「真人語音文章導讀」功能依照每篇內容,錄製真人語音文章導讀,搭配重覆播放,用「聽」的就能輕鬆學英文。●「單字翻譯」功能看不懂的單字,長按單字就會即時出現翻譯。●關鍵單字解析將關鍵性的單字詳細解說,並且提供例句讓您學會最正確的單字用法。●支援離線複習,學習不中斷沒有網路仍可閱讀先前看過以及收藏過的內容,複習更方便,讓您的學習不中斷。●掌握社會脈動藉由各式文化、旅遊、人文...等資訊,透過英文學習報的資訊讓您在學習英文的同時,也能吸收各式各樣的新資訊。精彩內容由TutorABC獨家提供TutorABC.com英語學習 第一品牌●全球24時區、外籍師資● 全天24小時自主排課●100 % 量身訂製個人課程● 100 % 線上互動不拘時空● 每年逾2,300,000使用人次、口碑肯定TutorABC擁有遍佈全球32國的外籍顧問群,如第一線的駐地記者為您彙整最熱門的時事議題,更帶回各地的文化采風、社會動脈,凝聚成一篇篇引人入勝的佳文!透過行動閱讀平台與簡約的操作介面,大幅減省您搜尋文章的時間與力氣,任何時間、任何地點、多元載具,讓您一手掌握趨勢,拉闊視野。
英文急救站 1.5
「英文急救站」為TutorABC專業團隊策畫、拍攝,在生動引人的劇情中,巧妙融入常見的英語使用情境、說明易犯錯誤,讓您在享受影片的同時,自自然然學好英語,深化印象;透過行動閱讀平台與簡約的操作介面,您更無須費時前往劇院或花錢租片,任何時間、任何地點、多元載具,都能開啟英語之門,身歷其境。"EnglishFirst Aid Station" for TutorABC professional team planning theshooting, in a vivid introduction of the story, cleverly integratedinto common English usage scenarios, indicating fallible, allowingyou to enjoy the movie at the same time, learn English naturallyand deepen impression; reading through the action platform andsimple user interface, you do not need more time and money to go tothe theater or rent films, any time, any place, multiple vehicles,the English can open the door, immersive.
TutorMobile for Phone 1.2.7
TutorABC是全球唯一提供「全球跨24時區師資、天天24小時服務、」的真人線上學習企業。現在,您只要拿起手上的平板電腦連上網路,馬上開始雲端學習旅程,透過全球24時區最專業的外籍顧問,並藉由TutorABC專利的『DCGS』動態生成課程系統,讓您學習無負擔,輕鬆提升英文語言能力!無論何時何地,都能即時與全球最專業的外籍顧問進行最密切的線上互動學習;24小時自選課程,再冷門的上課時段,也阻擋不了您學習的熱情最優質的學習服務,唯有TutorABC!服務特色:●隨時隨地展開您的行動學習無論任何時間、任何地點,皆能身處英語學習環境!學習不必侷限教室,舟車勞頓更成過去式。●24小時全天候真人即時教學讓您與外籍顧問實際互動,自然開口,連語言中最微妙的情緒、表情、字彙選用、音調起伏,都能完整掌握。● 包羅萬象的網路直播課程網路直播的主題多為深具新聞話題、富有啟發與趣味的主題,在外籍顧問由淺入深的引領下,您可在最短時間內,獲得該主題最全面、最實用的內容。●全球外籍顧問 打造學習聯合國倫敦、紐約、香港、雪梨…橫跨南北半球、五大洲,讓全世界24時區都有您的專屬顧問。在TutorABC,您找到真正的學習日不落國!TutorABC 英語學習 第一品牌★ 全球24時區、外籍師資★ 全天24小時自主排課★ 100 % 量身訂製個人課程★ 100 % 線上互動不拘時空★ 每年逾2,300,000使用人次、口碑肯定TutorABC is the world'sonly provider of "global faculty across 24 time zones, 24 hours aday," the live online learning business.Now you can pick up in the hands of the Tablet PC connected tothe Internet, the clouds begin immediately learning journey throughthe world's 24 time zones most professional foreign consultants,and dynamically generate curriculum system patented by TutorABC"DCGS" to let you learn without the burden easy to enhance Englishlanguage skills!No matter when and where, can instantly with the world's mostprofessional foreign consultants most closely online interactivelearning; 24 hours optional courses, then upset the class periodcan stop your enthusiasm for learningBest quality learning services, only TutorABC!Features:● Expand your action anytime, anywhere learningRegardless of any time, any place, able living environment forlearning English! Learning need not be confined to the classroom,tiring and more into the past.● instant weather live 24 hours teachingLets you actually interact with foreign consultants, naturalopenings, even the most subtle emotional language, facialexpressions, vocabulary selection, tone ups and downs, can completemaster.● inclusive curriculum webcastWebcast relating mostly deep news topic, enlightening andinteresting theme in the foreign consultants under the guidance ofprogressive approach, you can in the shortest time, to get thetopic the most comprehensive and useful content.● UN global foreign consultants create learningLondon, New York, Hong Kong, Sydney ... across the northern andsouthern hemispheres, continents, so that 24 time zones around theworld has your exclusive advisor. In TutorABC, you find the reallearning is not charged country!Learning English first brand TutorABC★ the world's 24 time zones, foreign teachers★ 24-hour independent Timetable★ 100% tailored private lessons★ 100% online interactive informal space and time★ use more than 2,300,000 visitors a year, word of mouth iscertainly
TutorCalendar 1.17
全新推出 New TutorMobile App讓你在平板、手機上隨時隨地訂課、上課。馬上下載→https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tutorabc.tutormobileTutorABC 是全球唯一提供「跨24時區師資、天天24小時服務、」的真人線上學習企業。下載TutorCalendar,讓您可以隨時掌握雲端學習旅程,輕鬆提升英文語言能力。在行動中,隨時隨地訂課、查看課表,預習和複習課堂教材單字,英文學習進度,讓您一手掌握!服務特色:●雲端學習立即啟動任何時間都可以透過TutorCalendar訂課/取消課程,只要連上網路,就可以隨心所欲規劃自己的英文學習。●隨時隨地增進英文學習效率無論任何時間、任何地點,都能夠立即查看學習課表;開課前半小時,還能預覽單字與教材,讓您再也不需守在電腦前,學習更輕鬆。●隨時隨地瀏覽字彙銀行您在課堂上所下載的每一個英文字彙,都可以透過TutorCalendar隨時查看、複習,讓英文學習24小時無所不在。● 課前推播提醒擔心自己忘記上課時間嗎?「課前推播提醒」讓您再忙,也能準時進入教室。包含課前五個小時、以及一小時的推播提醒,讓您有充分餘裕做好上課準備。●MGM好友推薦想和好友分享最棒的雲端學習經驗?不定期推出會員MGM專屬活動,讓您立即掌握優惠訊息。TutorABC 英語學習 第一品牌★ 全球24時區、外籍師資★ 全天24小時自主排課★ 100 % 量身訂製個人課程★ 100 % 線上互動不拘時空★ 每年逾2,300,000使用人次、口碑肯定
TutorMobile for Pad 1.2.7
我們已提供全新的TutorMobile,請下載新版使用。https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tutorabc.tutormobileTutorABC 是全球唯一提供「全球跨24時區師資、天天24小時服務、」的真人線上學習企業。現在,您只要拿起手上的平板電腦連上網路,馬上開始雲端學習旅程,透過全球24時區最專業的外籍顧問,並藉由TutorABC專利的『DCGS』動態生成課程系統,讓您學習無負擔,輕鬆提升英文語言能力!無論何時何地,都能即時與全球最專業的外籍顧問進行最密切的線上互動學習;24小時自選課程,再冷門的上課時段,也阻擋不了您學習的熱情最優質的學習服務,唯有TutorABC!服務特色:●隨時隨地展開您的行動學習無論任何時間、任何地點,皆能身處英語學習環境!學習不必侷限教室,舟車勞頓更成過去式。●24小時全天候真人即時教學讓您與外籍顧問實際互動,自然開口,連語言中最微妙的情緒、表情、字彙選用、音調起伏,都能完整掌握。● 包羅萬象的網路直播課程網路直播的主題多為深具新聞話題、富有啟發與趣味的主題,在外籍顧問由淺入深的引領下,您可在最短時間內,獲得該主題最全面、最實用的內容。●全球外籍顧問 打造學習聯合國倫敦、紐約、香港、雪梨…橫跨南北半球、五大洲,讓全世界24時區都有您的專屬顧問。在TutorABC,您找到真正的學習日不落國!TutorABC 英語學習 第一品牌★ 全球24時區、外籍師資★ 全天24小時自主排課★ 100 % 量身訂製個人課程★ 100 % 線上互動不拘時空★ 每年逾2,300,000使用人次、口碑肯定We have provided newTutorMobile, please download the new version to use.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tutorabc.tutormobileTutorABC is the world's only provider of "global faculty across 24time zones, 24 hours a day service," the live online learningbusiness.Now, you just pick up the hands of the Tablet PC connected tothe Internet, start learning right away clouds journey through theworld's 24 time zones most professional foreign consultants, anddynamically generate curriculum system patented by TutorABC "DCGS"to let you learn without the burden easy to enhance Englishlanguage skills!No matter when and where, can instantly with the world's mostprofessional foreign consultants most closely online interactivelearning; 24 hours optional courses, then upset the class periodcan stop your enthusiasm for learningBest quality learning services, only TutorABC!Features:● Expand your action anytime, anywhere learningRegardless of any time, any place instantly Language Englishlearning environment! Do not have the limitations of classroomlearning, tiring and more into the past.● instant weather live 24 hours teachingLets you actually interact with foreign consultants, naturalopenings, even the most subtle emotional language, facialexpressions, vocabulary selection, tone ups and downs, can completemaster.● inclusive curriculum webcastWebcast relating mostly deep news topic, enlightening andinteresting theme in the foreign consultants under the guidance ofprogressive approach, you can in the shortest time, to get thetopic the most comprehensive and useful content.● UN global foreign consultants create learningLondon, New York, Hong Kong, Sydney ... across the northern andsouthern hemispheres, continents, so that 24 time zones around theworld has your exclusive advisor. In TutorABC, you find the reallearning country the sun never sets!TutorABC first brand of English learning★ world's 24 time zones, foreign teachers★ 24-hour independent Timetable★ 100% tailored private lessons★ 100% online interactive informal space and time★ use than 2,300,000 visitors a year, word of mouth iscertainly
行動字彙通 6.1
服務說明:●嚴選5單字‧每日自動更新您不需要背下一本字典,只需要掌握最常見、最常用的關鍵字彙!●附中英解釋‧加深印象用英文理解英文,最能快速拓展您的字彙量,從此和英語變熟,不再會錯意。●線上發音‧會念、會拼、自然開口聆聽正確發音並附音標說明,幫助您勇敢開口,英語自然朗朗上口!精彩服務由TutorABC獨家提供TutorABC.com英語學習 第一品牌★ 全球24時區、外籍師資★ 全天24小時自主排課★ 100 % 量身訂製個人課程★ 100 % 線上互動不拘時空★ 每年逾2,300,000使用人次、口碑肯定
TutorABCJr 英文小學堂 for Pad 1.1.21
GEPT I 1.2
「TutorGEPT Intermediate」為TutorABC專業語言顧問針對歷屆全民英檢中級考題,編撰而成的專業英文檢定APP!●行動學習由TutorABC專業語言顧問針對GEPT考試進行中級測驗的規劃,讓您無論在任何時間、任何地點,皆能身處英語學習環境!●模擬全民英檢考試情境收納聽力、閱讀題型、擬真考試方式與流程,讓您熟悉考試步調!不再考試皮皮挫!●三種測驗方式提供三種獨立測驗方式﹝聽力、閱讀、綜合題組﹞,一切依照您想加強部份,自由選擇,量身訂做。●測驗排行榜測驗成績分成「個人排名」、「今日排名」、「總排名」。隨時記錄測驗成績,並透過「總排名」讓您與全球用戶一較高下。只要下載「TutorGEPT I」,並提供寶貴資訊,我們馬上回饋給您所有測驗的中文翻譯,讓您自我學習,英文程度UP UP!另外加贈:TutorABC專業語言顧問與您分享英文學習經驗談,並建議您最好的學習方式。★ 教育類百大排名 品質保證★精彩服務由TutorABC獨家提供
Pinyin Table 1.1
Simple and elegant! TutorMing’ s Pinyin App isbuilt with a simple three steps format in an elegant interface.With all the Mandarin Chinese pinyin table components laid out, youcan combine consonants, vowels, and tones to hear how it’s supposedto sound in Chinese!FeaturesAll Pinyin Combinations (1,600+)TutorMing’s certified consultants give you all possiblecombinations of pinyin in this easy-to-use table. Learn everyChinese sound with our pinyin table app.Choose Consonants and Vowel Sounds SeparatelyThe TutorMing Pinyin table lets you pick the consonant sounds fromthe pinyin table separately. This lets you examine patterns andrhymes between different Chinese Pinyin combinations.Audio PronunciationsHear all the Chinese Pinyin combinations pronounced by a certifiedconsultant! Practice echoing the speaker, and you can improve yourown pronunciation!Word SuggestionsA Chinese character suggestion will appear for the pinyin sound youselected, so you can match the sound to the character! The Chinesecharacter will appear in both simplified and traditional Chinese.The English meaning of the character will also appear.What is Pinyin?Pinyin is the Romanization of the Chinese characters based on theirpronunciations. In Mandarin Chinese, the phrase “pinyin” literallytranslates into “spell sound.” It is used for spelling out Chinesephrases with letters from the English alphabet. Additionally, thetones indicate to the reader what emphasis to place on the wordcombination. There are 22 consonants (initials,) 36 vowels(finals,) and 4 tones, and total of 1,600+ combinations. EveryChinese character can be pronounced with one of the 1,600+combinations.Free registration is required after download.TutorMing: https://www.tutorming.comRegister for TutorMing: https://www.tutorming.com/registerTutorMing’ s blog: https://www.tutorming.com/blog
認識TutorABC 1.0
TutorABC是全球唯一提供「全球跨24時區師資、天天24小時服務、」的真人線上學習企業。現在,您只要拿起手上的平板電腦連上網路,馬上開始雲端學習旅程,透過全球24時區最專業的外籍顧問,並藉由TutorABC專利的『DCGS』動態生成課程系統,讓您學習無負擔,輕鬆提升英文語言能力!無論何時何地,都能即時與全球最專業的外籍顧問進行最密切的線上互動學習;24小時自選課程,再冷門的上課時段,也阻擋不了您學習的熱情最優質的學習服務,唯有TutorABC!服務特色:●隨時隨地展開您的行動學習無論任何時間、任何地點,皆能身處英語學習環境!學習不必侷限教室,舟車勞頓更成過去式。●24小時全天候真人即時教學讓您與外籍顧問實際互動,自然開口,連語言中最微妙的情緒、表情、字彙選用、音調起伏,都能完整掌握。● 包羅萬象的網路直播課程網路直播的主題多為深具新聞話題、富有啟發與趣味的主題,在外籍顧問由淺入深的引領下,您可在最短時間內,獲得該主題最全面、最實用的內容。●全球外籍顧問 打造學習聯合國倫敦、紐約、香港、雪梨…橫跨南北半球、五大洲,讓全世界24時區都有您的專屬顧問。在TutorABC,您找到真正的學習日不落國!TutorABC 英語學習 第一品牌★ 全球24時區、外籍師資★ 全天24小時自主排課★ 100 % 量身訂製個人課程★ 100 % 線上互動不拘時空★ 每年逾2,300,000使用人次、口碑肯定
Chinese Exam Helper 1.9.5
TutorMing Chinese Exam Helper is the best wayto increase your Chinese vocabulary skills! Using vocabulary fromstandardized tests such as HSK, AP Chinese, and the SAT II Chinesesubject test, the Chinese Exam Helper App creates daily flashcardsto help you study and memorize Chinese characters.Features:Chinese Exam VocabularyThe TutorMing Chinese Exam Helper app has an extensive list ofvocabulary from HSK Level 1 to HSK Level 6. Over 8,000 charactersare taken from HSK alone, combined with 2000 from the Chinese APexams, and thousands of other frequently used Chinese charactersand phrases.Native Chinese Pronunciation in AudioLearn to speak like a native, just by listening! Our consultantsall have a standard Mandarin pronunciation, so you can perfect yourown pronunciation by mimicking their voices. Simply click the soundicon under the phrase to hear it pronounced in MandarinChinese.Learn Traditional Or Simplified ChineseThe choice is up to you! The vocabulary is shown in both simplifiedand traditional Chinese, unless there’s no difference for thatparticular character. At TutorMing, we give you the option to learnthe style you want.Daily Chinese Words and SentencesThe Chinese Exam Helper gives you a new phrase a day, withsentences issued every week. You can gradually learn new wordswithout feeling overwhelmed. Definitions in English and ahuman-recorded pronunciation of the word are included.Character Frequency RankTutorMing ranks the characters you see based on their frequency inChinese exams, so you can tell how important they are and howlikely you’ll be tested on them. The usage ranking is based onstatistics from Taiwan’s Academia Sinicia and China’s PekingUniversity.Writing ExerciseUsing an embedded writing panel, practice writing Chinesecharacters on your phone screen! Trace the character with yourfinger. Press the “hint” button to reveal the proper stroke order.Now you can improve your Chinese handwriting no matter where youare.Easy-to-useIt’s simple – and that’s a good thing. We made sure our UI/UX hadan intuitive design, so you can focus on what’s important -learning Chinese!Flash Card BankAdd new Chinese characters to your flash card bank, so you canreview them at any time! Increase your Chinese vocabulary bit bybit.The Chinese Exam Helper app will be updated frequently with new andimproved features. Stay tuned for more updates!TutorMing has a team of certified, native consultants, all of whichhave years of experience teaching Chinese as a foreign language.With them, TutorMing has compiled a list of the most frequentlyused words and presented them in daily flashcards to help you acethat Chinese exam. Read more about our Chinese consultants here:https://www.tutorming.com/chinese-tutorsIf you would like to practice some of your Chinese with a livetutor, you can sign up on our website: https://www.tutorming.com.Our Chinese tutor consultants can’t wait to see you in class!
TutorMing Mobile for Pad 1.0.4
TutorMing is your online solution for learningChinese. This is TutorMing’ s classroom app, allowing you to takeour virtual classrooms on-the-go with you on your tablet or smartdevice. Our certified Chinese consultants can interact with you andanswer your questions in real-time.Unlike prerecorded lesson videos or Chinese dictionaries, withTutorMing’ s classroom app, you are in a virtual classroom with areal, live, Chinese consultant. He or she can correct your Chinesepronunciation, answer any questions you may have, and teach you newvocabulary and sentences in Chinese. Our sophisticated DCGS(Dynamic Course Generation System) matches you with the coursematerial that best suits your needs, interests, and industry.Features:Virtual ClassroomMeet with live, Chinese teachers in a cloud-based classroom, wherethey will teach you Chinese online. The TutorMing Classroom App iscompatible with tablets, allowing you to take us on-the-go andlearn wherever you want. Anywhere, anytime, TutorMing.WhiteboardAn integrated whiteboard is included where your consultant canupload Chinese lesson slides. You can also circle, note, and drawusing the whiteboard tools.One-way webcamYou can see our consultant, but our consultant cannot see you,which guarantees your privacy. Now you can try speaking Chineseconfidently.Certified ConsultantsAll of TutorMing’ s consultants have a rich background of teachingChinese as a foreign language, and are fully certified to teach.Many of them have specialized in Chinese culture or teachingChinese to younger children. Read more about TutorMing’ s Chineseconsultants here: https://www.tutorming.com/chinese-tutorsTailored Chinese Lesson plansTutorMing’ s sophisticated platform can your analyze your learningstyle, track your progress, and personalize Chinese learningmaterials for your own needs.Over 2,000 lesson materialsTutorMing has an extensive course library with lessons in allsubjects, so you’ll never run out of things to learn! Ourconsultants are generating new course materials every day.Fast ResultsThis is an immersion-style of learning Chinese, without the costand hassle of traveling to China. You’ll get all the benefits –rapid progress, fun and interesting Chinese classes, as well aslearning Chinese without feeling like you are studying.24/7 SupportHave questions or a technology issue? Our 24/7 support team isthere to solve your problems, so you can focus on learningChinese!REQUIREMENTSAn active TutorMing account is required. Sign upathttps://www.tutorming.com
銀河征戰 1.0.5
TutorConsultant 1.6.4
TutorConsultant is a courseinformationassistant designed for consultants of iTutorGroup. Itspurpose isto allow consultants to have easy access to the times anddates oftheir sessions, and understand course informationanytime,anywhere. There are helpful reminders before and after theclass(App Notifications; push Messages), to allow the schedulingandteaching of the class to run more smoothly!Service Features:To allow consultants to have easy access to theirsessioninformation.Use your mobile device to access course information for thecomingweek, as well as confirm detailed course information for theday;the information will be updated in real time to allow quickaccessto course information and content.Course Information Assistant Instant Reminders.(AppNotifications, Push Messages)Consultants will receive session notifications one hour beforethesession (App Notifications, Push Messages). Consultant will haveachance to preview the lesson plan to allow the session to gomoresmoothly. There is also an after-class reminder (AppNotifications,Push Messages) to remind you to fill in the progressreport foreach session.