Tribalogy Apps

Pitch Titan 1.1
TIRED of going through 97-page pitch decksonlyto realise you don't want to invest in that startup?SICK of meeting startup founders only to be disappointed?That's where we come in to help.We help investors like you to:DESIGNED FOR IMPACTWe help startups craft a 60 seconds pitch that’s designed togiveyou, the investor, a snapshot of the founders, what they aredoing,what’s the story behind their ideas, what grand problem theyaresolving.CRAFTED FOR EFFECTIVENESSEver been sold on a film just from an amazing, salivatingmovietrailer? Each power-packed pitch must do better than anepicteaser. That means going beyond just ensuring theinvestorsunderstand what the startup is about, but rather engagingthem towant to meet the founders or flip through the slidedecks.HUMANISING THE IDEATechnology can be ground-breaking, but what’s the story behindit?What inspired the idea? What motivated the momentum? Wehelpstartups add the most vital element - the human factor - intotheirpitch videos, so no matter how far-fetch the startup is, we’reallreminded of the real world problem they are trying tosolve.