Treker Apps

Treker Driver
Treker Driver is app for our driver partnersonly.
Treker School Bus Tracking
The Treker app provides real-time school bus and student ridershipGPS tracking. The Treker apps solution tracks and displaysreal-time bus locations, provides estimated bus arrival times andrecords students on boarding and off boarding the bus. Parents andschool administrators have real-time knowledge of bus and studentlocation to enhance student safety. Parents can set customizedalerts to receive notifications of estimated bus arrival times viaphone call, text message or in-app notification. If a child won'tbe travelling on the bus today or for number of days, a parent canupdate riding schedules in the Treker app, instantly notifying theschool and bus driver to save time. Parents can authorize theTreker app for additional guardians, so a grandparent or nanny canalso utilize Treker notifications regarding bus arrival times, andbus drivers can be made aware of who is picking up their child.
Treker Simulator 3.4.6
Treker Simulator is app for our testingonly.