
Tradeindia App
Tradeindia App enables you to perform onlineB2B activities from anywhere using yourmobile without ever touching your computer or laptop. You cansearch products / suppliersand contact them. You can respond to inquires from other buyers /sellers. As soon as you getan inquiry or a response your android phone will notify you. Youcan also post products andbuy requirements using this app. Download and use the app to knowall its features.About ( a.k.a trade india )Launched in the year 1996 to offer the Indian Business community aplatformto promote themselves globally has created a nicheas India'slargest B2B marketplace, offering comprehensive business solutionsto theglobal EXIM community through its wide array of online services,directoryservices and facilitation of trade promotional events. Our portal(Trade Mart) is an ideal forumfor buyers and sellers across the globe to interact and conductbusiness smoothlyand effectively.With an unmatched expertize in data acquisition and onlinepromotion, Tradeindiasubsumes a huge number of company profiles and product catalogsunder 2,219different product categories and sub-categories. It is wellpromoted on all majorsearch engines and receives an average of 20.5 million hits permonth.Tradeindia is maintained and promoted by INFOCOM NETWORK LTD. Todaywehave reached a database of 37,66,247 registered users, and thecompany is growingon a titanic scale with a considerable amount of new usersjoining/registering everyday,under the innovative vision and guidance of Mr. Bikky Khosla,CEO.
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