ToshihikoHoshino Apps

Are you overfatigued? Let's check itout!This app will easily calculate your fatigue level. All you need todo is to place your finger on the camera.The degree of fatigue iscalculated by using the data of HRV got from the heart rate. Theresults are displayed as a percentage(%). If you are tired, it alsodisplays simple tips.This app also serves as heart rate monitor.Heart rate isdisplayed in the upper part graph of the app during measurementtime(about 2minutes).I'm worried that I am overtraining.I am still convalescing today – would it be alright to work out asusual?Which is more productive – getting up early to finish my work, orstaying up late for it?By dealing with fatigue before the symptoms appear, proper bodyconditions can be maintained.Efficiency of work and study can be improved by keeping our body inoptimum condition.It may be possible to prevent future illnesses.We may be able to dramatically change our life for the betterwithout much effort.How to use this AppPlease use this App if you wish to know your fatiguelevel.1. When you use this App for the first time, please enter your ageand sex. The results of the calculations will be modifiedaccordingly.2. Please place your finger on the camera of your smart phone. (Ifyou are a right-handed person ,please you use left index finger andvice versa.)While using the app, ensure that you are in a sittingposition, in a brightly lit room as far as possible.Allow the app to perform the measurements after you follow thedisplayed instructions.3. Calculations are completed in two minutes.4. Degrees of fatigue are displayed as a percentage (%). If you arefatigued, some advice will also be displayed.Results will be corrected according to age, sex, and time zone. Ifthe measurement is not reliable, the App will display anapproximation. Please perform the measurements again according tothe instructions.NotesThe result is sometimes unstable when other applications areopen or the cache of this app is full. In such a case, please closeall the other applications and clear the app’s cache. (Go toSettings → app → Life Optimizer; and clear the cache). Alwaysmeasure in a bright room.Please use mobile phone with flash light.This app is not designed for medical use, therefore we do nottake any responsibility for the action taken based on the resultshown by the app. Please follow your doctor’s instruction in somecases.