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Biorhythm 1.0
Biorhythm is an attempt to predictvariousaspects of a person's life through simple mathematicalcycles.(1)The notion of periodic cycles in human fortunes is ancient;foundfor instance in natal astrology and in folk beliefs about"luckydays." The 23- and 28-day rhythms used by biorhythmists,however,were first devised in the late 19th century by WilhelmFliess, aBerlin physician and patient of Sigmund Freud.(2)In some ways, biorhythmics resembles chronobiology, the studyofbiological rhythms. Through medical research, doctors havefoundthat there are periodic biological cycles in a person'slifespan,such as the circadian rhythm (from Latin circa diem;literally,"about a day").(3)Some biorhythm critics say that biorhythms can be thrown offbysuch occurrences in the calendar as the beginning of the newyear,holidays, or something as simple as the start of the week.Interpret the readings taking into account the context, thewayyou feel. People experience sometimes perturbances in theircyclesso a reading offset of days is normal.----------------sources:(1),(2),(3) -