TiniaSoft Apps

Sound Analyzer
News: March. 2018 : v1.12 Release: - there is a release ofnewversion available for use & testing. Main noveltyispossibility to select among several sampling rates ( 8000 -48000Hz). Since this is a release after some time, we would kindlyaskmore experienced users to try this release and let us know howitworks for you (on email [email protected]). Any opinion,review,suggestion is more than welcomed. Thanks in advance for yourhelpand effort. Analyze sound you hear with your smartphone ortablet.See sound content in time and frequency in identifyleadingfrequencies. With this tool you can analyze any sound youwish(playing instrument, singing, whistle, car engine, animalsounds,etc...) Analyse captured audio from microphone in threeseparatepanels: - Osciloscope (time domain), - Spectrum(instantaneousfrequency domain), - Spectrogram (accumulativefrequency domain).You can display all panels at once (defaultscreen). If you want tosee each panel at full-screen, you cansimply click on panel and itwill be shown full-screen withadditional settings that can bechanged by pressing buttons. Displaycan also be paused to takescreenshots. In Spectrum panel values ofone or five leadingfrequencies can also be displayed. Linear orLogarithmic magnitudescale can be chosen. For better peak frequencyestimation, specialalgorithm is applied. Please share yourexperience with us. We willdo our best to make this applicationbetter. Note: The Internetpermissions are used for ads only. TheAudio permission is foraudio capture & analysis only (nosamples are recorded).