TheTrixGod Apps

Shopping list - WeBuy- trail 1.0
WeBuy is a shopping list sharing tool.With WeBuy you can easly create and share shopping lists betweenphones and tablets.The shopping list is saved on the sarver automatically withevery change, and then shared, alsoautomatically between all the phones and tablets that share thesame code id.If you buy things you don't need, or forget to buy the thingsyou do need this app is for you.It can save you time and money and help you manage yourhousehold more effectively.The trail version stores data on a test service provided by AppInventor,If you use it, your data will be overwritten eventually.To save your list please buy the full version.
shopping list share - WeBuy 1.0
WeBuy is a shopping list sharing tool.With WeBuy you can easly create and share shopping lists betweenphones and tablets.The shopping list is saved on the sarver automatically withevery change, and then shared, alsoautomatically between all the phones and tablets that share thesame code id.If you buy things you don't need, or forget to buy the thingsyou do need this app is for you.It can save you time and money and help you manage yourhousehold more effectively.
Smiley invaders trail 2.0
Fun space invaders game. if you loveshootingsmileys this is your game.this is a trail game.Please buy the full game.this game was created with Appinventor .
Shopping list 1.0
WeBuy is a shopping list sharing tool.With WeBuy you can easly create and share shopping listsbetweenphones and tablets.The shopping list is saved on the sarver automatically witheverychange, and then shared, alsoautomatically between all the phones and tablets that share thesamecode id.If you buy things you don't need, or forget to buy the thingsyoudo need this app is for you.It can save you time and money and help you manage yourhouseholdmore effectively.
Smiley space invaders 4.0
Fun space invaders game. if you loveshootingsmileys this is your game.this is a 10 level game with increasing difficulty.this game was created with Appinventor .