TheMysticStaff Apps

Today in History (French autom 0.4.6
Discover the events that happened today in history(French automatictranslated)
Kid Maze 0.0.5
Explore the labyrinths of Kid Maze in search of their treasures !
Castle Maze 0.3.204
Will you find the castles treasures in these crazy mazes ?
The Path 0.2.2
The Path is a puzzle game in which you have to arrangeorientedtiles to build the correct path. This path must start withthestarting tile, already present on the board, and end with theendtile symbolized by an empty circle. To solve the puzzle, youmustalso fulfill the entire board. - Levels - Dozens of levelsofincreasing difficulty will give you a hard time! A hint canbeasked for each level if you are stuck! Tiles of different typesandeffects provide additional elements of gameplay. Levels willbeadded progressively during updates. - Premium Account - Youcangive some money to acquire the premium account. This allows youtoremove all advertising from the app and not having to wait fornewhints in the levels. - Stars and achievements -- For eachlevel,you can collect stars based on the time and number of shotsyouhave played! To unlock certain levels, you will need to collectamaximum of stars. You can unlock achievements by logging inwithyour google account! - Progression - It is possible to saveyourprogress in the cloud and thus retrieve it on any otherandroiddevice. To enable this feature, you must log in with yourgoogleaccount! You can also share your progress and achievementswithyour friends on social networks!