TechUtil Apps

Profiler 3
Have you ever felt embarrassed when your phone rings in the middleof a class or in a meeting? Do you switch your sound profile often?Then our Profiler app is for you. Just save your preference onceand let our app do the profile switching for you everyday."Profiler" will automatically change your sound profile based onyour preferences. It uses WIFI network to identify your locationand automatically switches to your preferred profile for thatlocation. Well, you might ask what if i don't have a WIFI, wethought about it too so, we added Default feature. Default featureget's activated when there is no saved WIFI around you. You mightbe worried whether we collect your location info, no way, we won'tdo that. Our app doesn't have such a capability. It just uses WIFIto change the sound profile. Our APP was designed by keeping powerconsumption in mind so, it consumes extremely little power. It'sbased on event driven concept where the app gets in to action onlyfor few seconds when it detects the WIFI and then remains calm.User Interface of Profiler is really simple and intuitive. Helpbutton on the top right corner is provided with screenshots andexplanation to give you an idea of how to use the app.