SuperSoftDev Apps

Antivirus for Android FREE 1.0
Antivirus for Android Mobile protects youfromharmful viruses, malware, spyware and text messages and helpskeepyour personal data secure.★ real-time protectionAutomatically scans downloaded apps.★ rapid analysisQuick Scan pre-installed and installed applications and systemfilesto keep your phone safe from viruses, trojans,vulnerability,adware, malware and spyware.★ FILE full rate on the SD cardFree Antivirus scan applications, settings, files, and media inrealtime to detect and remove threats.Auto ScannerAntivirus for Android threats detected before they are installedonthe device faster. Avoid damage to your device withreal-timeanalysis of new applications and updates.Highlights of Antivirus and Mobile Security for Mobile 2015:* FREE* Auto Scanner* Scan SD card* Quick Scan* Faster virus scannerNice and easy interface User-friendlyAntivirus for Android helps you in protecting private datafromharmful viruses, malware, spyware and text messages and helpskeepyour personal data secure.