Super-Dvp Apps

Age Scanner Simulateur 1.0
Quel âge dois-je regarder? Naturellement Ilaété créé pour plaisanter avec des amis, photo scanner estpolissongénial pour les amis. Age scanner est un simulateur descanners devisage.Age scanner Quel âge peut dire à quel âge avez-vousaujourd'hui.Peut-être que résultat de l'analyse est plus. Il estblague biensûr.Vous pouvez plaisanter avec des amis, juste leur dire quelesscanners utilisent des algorithmes sophistiqués dereconnaissancefaciale par photo, les réseaux neuronaux et ainsi desuite. Quelâge que je cherche? Prenez un selfie avec scanner decaméra etd'analyser l'instantané. Le résultat de l'analyse estaléatoire etnon réel. Ne vous inquiétez pas si détecteur de visagepense quevous êtes très vieux, le programme est le simulateur detest d'âge,pour plaisanter amis! Résultats ne sont pas scannercaméra réelle!Aussi, vous pouvez dire à vos amis que cetteapplication est untest d'âge mental. Quel est votre âgepsychologique? Il suffit detester votre âge mental avecl'application de photographie!Vous pouvez être différent avec détecteur d'âge, afin deprendreun selfie et en savoir plus sur vous-même! Attention! Cetanalyseurde visage est une blague, simulateur. Le résultat estdéterminé auhasard. En fait, scanner photo ne peut pas analyser levrai visageet de déterminer quel âge êtes-vous. Vous ne devriez pasêtre sisérieux lorsque le détecteur analyse des photos, car il aété créépour le divertissement seulement.Post-scriptum Cette application fonctionne avec selfie aussi!Vouspouvez tester photo analyseur, il suffit detéléchargergratuitement sur appareil Android. Nous espérons quevous aurez duplaisir avec près!How old do Ilook?Naturally it was created to joke with friends, photo scannerisgreat prank for friends. Age Scanner is a facescannersimulator.Age How old scanner can tell how old are you today. Perhapsresultof the analysis is more. It is a joke of course.You can joke with friends, just tell them that scannersusesophisticated algorithms of facial recognition photo,neuralnetworks and so on. How old I'm looking for? Take a selfiewithcamera to scan and analyze the snapshot. The result of theanalysisis random and not real. Do not worry if face detector thinkyou arevery old, the program is age test simulator, jokingfriends!Results are not real camera scanner! Also, you can tellyourfriends that this application is a mental age test. What isyourmental age? Just test your mental age with the applicationofphotography!You can differ with age detector to take a selfie and learnmoreabout yourself! Warning! This face analyzer is a jokesimulator.The result is determined randomly. In fact, photo scannercan notscan the true face and determine how old are you. You shouldnot beso serious when the sensor analysis of pictures because itwascreated for entertainment purposes only.PS This application works with selfie too! You can testpictureanalyzer, simply download on Android device. We hope youwill havefun with close!
Casque Virtuel Simulateur 1.0
Casque Virtuel Simulateur est un jeudesimulation de plaisanterie où vous pouvez jouer avec un casqueoudes lunettes de réalité virtuelle ou avec votre téléphone commeunvisiocasque Habillez votre téléphone comme un casque etregarderSalle de 3D réel Vous pouvez voir tous les détails deschoses Notrejeu va plaire à tous, Agir et leur montrer la réalitédu téléphonevirtuel.Important tenir longtemps au téléphone à l'œil, L'applicationestentièrement la sécurité et nuire à votre santé Utilisezletéléphone pour une place de points VR.Appuyez sur le téléphone comme un casque ou des lunettes etderegarder autour!Helmet VirtualSimulatoris a joke simulation game where you can play with a helmetorglasses of virtual reality or with your phone as a HMD Dressyourphone like a helmet and watch Living Real 3D You can see allthedetails of things our game will please everyone, act and showthemthe reality of the virtual phone.Important long hold the phone to the eye, The applicationiscompletely safe and harm your health Use the phone to a place ofVRpoints.Tap the phone as a helmet or glasses and look around!
Vr Videos Simulator 1.0
Voulez-vous de vérifier vos lunettes deVR?Regarder des vidéos étonnantes créées spécialement pourdeslunettes de réalité virtuelle! Ceci est une collectiondesmeilleurs films ! Vous pouvez regarder tous les types defilm:horreur, comédie, rouleau point de vue de montagnes russes,desvidéos de détente, des vidéos d'effets spéciaux. Ilssontincroyables spécialement pour les lunettes VR! Téléchargercettecollection de films gratuitement!VR Video est le joueur ultime pour VR et 3D des vidéos quivousdonne un contrôle complet et supporte tous les modes.Mettant en vedette:- Parfait réponse de suivi de la tête, profiter d'unevéritableexpérience VR avec des mouvements en temps réel.- Contrôler tous les paramètres d'affichage, la distancedel'œil, correction optique, le terrain de vue (zoom),luminosité,saturation, contraste, ou la position de la vidéo.- Prise en charge de tous les modes, y compris:stéréoscopiquecôté à côte, empilés, 180º et 360º, 180º ou 360ºpanorama et biensûr, des vidéos normales.- Prise en charge de tous les formats, y compris Full HDvidéosMP4.Plongez dans de nouvelles aventures grâce à la réalité virtuelle360??vidéos et explorer votre environnement comme vous êtes danslascène, il est étonnant!. VR 360 vidéo, vous serez surpris aveccettecollection de plus en plus d'expériences vidéo dynamiques. Avotredisposition sont différentes sections de la musique, fiction,Voyageet aventures extrêmes:- Plongée sous-marine et plongée en apnée- Course automobile- Fiction Films- Montagne russe- Music Video 360- Football- Sports extrêmes... Et une longue liste de vidéos que nous avons mis à jour.- Utiliser 360 °- Vue d'ensemble- L'utilisation du dispositif de capteur gyroscopique pournaviguerla vidéo- Jouez et diffuser des vidéos en ligne- Utilisation comme un lecteur vidéo- 4K HD High Resolution VidéoTous les problèmes ou suggestions, s'il vousplaîtcontactez-nous.La meilleure chose à propos de VR Video est que, il peut liredesvidéos à partir de n'importe où, que ce soit en direct,téléchargéou déjà placé sur votre carte SD. Utilisation d'uneconnexionInternet, vous pouvez lire des vidéos en direct dans le VRVideoPlayer et de la terre dans un nouveau monde de l'excitation.Il y aun certain nombre de films, de clips vidéo enregistrés dansnosmobiles, et nous sommes tout simplement trop paresseux pourlestransférer à un dispositif pour les regarder dans unenvironnementVR, mais l'attente est terminée maintenant,maintenant, vous pouvezlire vos vidéos de l'appareil en VR partouttu veux. Vous voulezprofiter de la vidéo de toute occasion spécialeenregistrée dansvotre mobile avec vos amis, alors vous êtes soulagémaintenant.aussi des vidéos simples semblent ennuyeux une fois quevous lesavez regardé en HD ou VR 360.Vous pensez peut-être que ce qui est le format vidéo qui peutêtrejoué dans le VR Video Songs Watch & Download App? Si leformatde la vidéo est; SBS, 3D, Oculus Rift? La qualité du casquepeutégalement augmenter ou diminuer votre niveau d'excitation.Vous auriez beaucoup de photos ou des vidéos de votre vie réelle,àpartir de votre école, au collège et vous avez sûrement manquervosamis, vous pouvez faire une vidéo de ces images et de lesregarderdans le lecteur vidéo VR, pour un instant, vous voussentirez commevous êtes de retour ce moment-là à nouveau, Faire cequi est prèsde votre coeur. Entrez dans l'action.Caractéristiques du jeu:longueur de la vidéo illimité supportéSuperview 360 ° VR360º 3D: Gauche et Droite oeil 360 film pour une expériencecomplètede la chanson 3D VR360 ° panorama vidéovidéo uniqueLes options de taille de l'écranImmersive 3D SBSFull HD MP4 vidéosDéplacez la tête, doen, Droite, GaucheTélécharger la chanson que vous jouezchansons téléchargées sont enregistrées dans votre appareil.
Kitchen Scale Simulateur 1.0
Kitchen scale Simulator is not a real scaleupuntil he joined the kitchen bluetooth scale! The onlyapplicationdoes not measure the mass, she can't weigh food forreal! It's afunny joke to kitchen created for fun!Kitchen scale Simulator Prank - is a farce: act as if you wereableto weigh food for the kitchen! Simply turn on the kitchen onyourphone scale Simulator, put food on the screen and pretend youknowthe real mass! Show who is the boss on a kitchen! You're agoodleader?It is useful as: kitchen scale, balance of nutrition, headscale,scale of food and any other digital scale you want...Convenient portable Simulator scales on android. You can weighanyobject weighing up to 900 grams (depending on the size ofthescreen). It is a small inaccuracy - about 20 grams. The shapemorerounded and smooth of the object, the heavier will scaleSimulator.It is also recommended to put on the screen fabric or asheet ofpaper for accuracyFeaturesInterface of a professional chef!Works with a touch of screen - weighs all food!A funny joke for a kitchen!
Cat Voice Translator Simulator 1.0
Want to communicate with you pet, to say"meow"and make sure it is going to hear you? Or do you know hethink ofyou?Cat Voice Translator is the great opportunity to have funwithfriends and talk with cats.Type a sentence and translate for cats, language or move thecatsentence of man.pets may not understand the words, but they hear the familiarsoundsand clap eyes on you.Talking animals of breaking the language bar.Cat Voice Translator Simulator is a bank destonie, works asatranslator phrasebook for cats and kittens. Translator offershisversion of words in the chat language phrasebook contains themostpopular sounds and meows. Say something to your pet andthetranslation dentendre compound or pick a sentenceconversation,press the button and let the cat hear! Try talking toyour cat orkitten! pets, most likely, will not understand you, butthey willhear familiar sounds! Who knows, maybe native speech makesmorecomfortable! Pretending that you can talk with your cat withthetranslator for cats Simulator! Breaking the language barrierandtalk to cats! feel free to have a conversation with kittens andusecommon expressions!CHARACTERISTICSSeveral cat voice (male, female cat, kittens)The most common commands used sentences!Wide range of language models for content of the conversationwiththe cat!Warning!Cat Voice Translator Simulator is a joke, a farce! You can nothavecontent of the conversation with the cats in reality as aforeigntourist abroad! Cats and kittens will not follow commandsbuiltinto the simulator translator for cats. This applicationwascreated for fun! ! Breaking the language barrier and talk tocats!feel free to have a conversation with kittens and usecommonexpressions!
Laser Pour Chat Simulateur 1.0
Pointeur Laser pour chats est un simulateurdejeu pour adulte, de chats et de chatons! Laser point apparaîtsurl'écran de jeu, le chat voit et essaie de les attraper!Taquinerles chats avec un point de couleur, de faire plaisir àvotrechaton! Les chats adorent jouer avec le laser de point! Joueravecles chatsr! Si le chat s'ennuie, l'application de Laser pourChatva lui remonter le moral (ou ses)!Ce simulateur peut développer une réaction et la résistancedevotre chat! Il n'y a pas de danger de brûlure ou effrayervotreanimal de compagnie, parce que le simulateur de pointeur laserestpeinture absolument sûr.Avec ce simulateur, vous pouvez développer une réactionetlendurance de votre chat!Fun de prétendre que vous avez un vrai laser!Faire plaisir et jouer vos amis et vos proches et spécialementavecvotre chat !Merci pour jouer à nos jeux! Laissez-nous vos commentairesetnous allons essayer de les rendre encore plus intéressant!Laser pointer for catsisa game simulator for adult cats and kittens! Laser dot appearsonthe game screen, the cat sees and tries to catch them! Teasecatswith a color point, to please your kitten! Cats love to playwiththe point laser! Playing with chatsr! If the cat is bored,applyingfor Laser Cat will cheer him (or her)!This simulator can develop a reaction and resistance of yourcat!There is no danger of burning or frighten your pet, becausethelaser pointer simulator is absolutely safe paint.With this simulator, you can develop a reaction and enduranceofyour cat!Fun to pretend that you have a real laser!Have fun and play your friends and family and especially withyourcat!Thank you for playing our games! Leave us your comments andwe'lltry to make them even more interesting!
تعبئات مجانية simulateur 1.0
يبحث العديد من الإخوان عن طرق للحصول علىفرصةالإتصال المجاني عن طريق الهاتف ، ففي بعض الأحيان قد ينتهي لكالرصيدو تكون في حاجة إلى مكالمة عاجلة و عليه فستكون في مأزق وبالتالي منالجميل جدا أن تحصل على رصيد مجاني يمكنك من الإتصال وإنقاد الموقفبسرعة.أحصل على رصيد مجاني للإتصال من هاتفك إلى أي هاتف في العالم |يعملعلى الأندرويد !كل ما عليك القيام به هو تحميل التطبيق للإشارة التطبيق يعملعلىالأندرويد بعد تحميل التطبيق ستقوم بإدخال رقمكن الهاتفي ثم تدخلبلدكالأصلي و بعد دلك تتوصل بكود التعبئة ، جميل الأن أنت قمتبجميعالخطوات المهمة لحد الأن.الأن صديقي سيتم منحك رصيد مجاني " credits remaining " ذلكالرصيدينتهي بعد إستهلاكك له بحيث ستقول لي كيف يمكنني شحن الرصيدمجددا؟؟سهل جدا تقوم بإعادة تشغيل التطبيق و هك\ا تتوصل بكود التعبئةوهكذا ذوالك تستطيع الإتصال بالمجان لأي جهة معينة شرط أن يكونبهاتفكالأنترنت بطبيعة الحال.Many of theMuslimBrotherhood is looking for ways to get a chance free tocontact byphone, sometimes you might end your balance and be inneed of anurgent call and it will be in trouble, and therefore itis verynice to get a free credit you can connect and RescuepositionQuickly.Get free credits to call from your phone to any phone in the world|It works on Android!All you have to do is download the application to refertheapplication runs on Android After downloading the applicationwouldenter dial and then enter your country of origin andafterknead reach Bkod packing, beautiful now you've all importantstepsyet.Now my friend will be given free credit "credits remaining"balancethat ends after your consumption so that his going to tellme howcan I recharge again ?? very easy you restart the applicationandHCA \ a reach Bkod packing and so Zulk you can call free ofchargefor any given point of the requirement that the haveInternetphone, of course.
Followers Master for I‍G Prank 1.0
Through this app, a user can share photosandvideos privately or can share them publicly.There are several strategies that you can follow to increasethenumber of followers. All you need to do is to take initiativestofollow the ways so that the number of your followers canbeincreased.Welcome to Get Followers, Get Followers is the most active(andprobably the best) platform to get followers & likes.So it does not get followers to any works for all versions of ‍I‍‍n‍‍s‍‍‍t‍‍a+Try to impress your friends with this prank.Try it with all accountsPretend that you can get followers, and prank your friends.It's a Prank
Smoke Detector Simulator 1.0
Smoke Detector Prank est une applicationblagueà des fins ludiques.Obtenez amuser avec cet outil d'espionnage ultime.Est-ce que votre ami fume en vrai ou faux? Pas plusdemensonges!MODE D'EMPLOI:1- Le scanner va scanner votre visage.2- la cam ira throught votre visage.3- App simulera détecter vrai ou faux.DISCLAIMER:smoke Detector Prank est une blague, blague ousimulerl'application.
Lastes Boys Hair Styles 1.0
Lastes Boys Hair Styles is anapplicationcontaining new styles of boy hair and menLatest boys hair styles is an application contains the new stylesofboy hair and men. New styles are according to modern world. Inthemiddle of the previous years, men are not so overly worriedabouttheir hairstyles. In any case, these days are no more. Atthemoment, men turn out to be more concerned about theirappearance.Coiffure does not only concern girls but also boys.Boys'hairstyles are very important for boys of all ages. Thesedays,most children would rather not have an obsolete haircutbecausethey can be harassed at school.Choose a haircut for boys are not easy way so we will show thenewtrends in modern cuts for short and long hair depending on thetypeof face. Different cuts and styles for you to be modern men.Duringthe summer, beginning new trends, what a haircut refers to.We willshow the haircuts you can choose, so you can change yourlook andbe the last in this new season to come. Find a scene wherepeopletake a stealthy man who has done so ingenious or hair lookslikemessy It may sound strange and unlikely. Men are so aware oftheappearance of her crowning as women. They also go to classroomsandare very particular and very aware of the hairstyle they want.Theykeep track of trends and what celebrities wear and go forthemdepending on the shape of your face and taste. Styles boysstylishhair 2016-2017, good hairstyles guys, trendy hairstyles formen,men's hairstyles according to the shape of the face, long hairformen, trendy boys haircuts, best hairstyles, stylesCelebrities,wavy, curly, stiff, short, medium, long; Classic,trendy, wild,virtual men's hairstyles show a wide variety. Thereare three basichairstyles for short, medium and long term hair forchildren withdifferent types of haircuts. You can go for any ofthem dependingon the shape of your face and what you feelcomfortable on theperfect sporting hairstyle to go with yourpersonality. Discoversome wonderful ideas and inspirations that arenot in sightbefore.Characteristics:- Simple and obvious interface- A lot of hairstyles for boys- Latest collection and elegant design- High Definition (HD) images- Scale, zoom and organize for a perfect fit.Hopefully, with this application Boys Hairstyles, we can havemoreinsight and update news. We will continue to add informationaboutthis application. So you should always install the applicationaswell. Thank you.DISCLAIMER: Photos and captions in this app do not redeemtheopinions of the team Hairstyles. Photos and captions aresubmittedby users or found on other web pages. Do not give badreviewsbecause you find a photo and offensive legends - we simplyprovidethe requested images to our users. Hairstyles team did notcreateany of the images or captions in this application -Internetdid.Men's Hairstyles Men on your phone you apply stili.b hair formen'sreal men's hair style application, tips, concept, design,color, toshow style gallery and hairstyle for your men hair. Inthisapplication, you can have an idea of ​​male facial hair styleas aninspiration for your hair.Short, long, curly, medium-length haircut, last cut hair, andmore:the different types of male hair styles as thisapplicationcontains. This application is the best hair style formen and theimages will show the most recommended. Hair Men's cups,like thesame time, some featured with good design:Short hair style for men gives the best advice for these guyslookgood with short hair short hairstyle. Best short hairstyle maleyouwill find this application can implement short hair. Good ideasforshort haircuts for men in this application.This medium hair cut for men with medium hair hair look willgivethe best to inspire excitement. Mid-knit haircut for men andcommonevents that you want to look good and are good for you. Inthisapplication, no favorite medium hair cuts for men.
كاشف الجراثيم والبكتيريا prank 1.0
التطبيق نكتة الذي يحاكي البحث عنالعدوىوالميكروبات للوقاية من الأمراض والرعاية الشخصية.تخافون على صحتهم؟ حذار من الحصول على أيديكم القذرة والتقاطالجراثيمفي الأماكن القذرة؟ تخاف من لمس مقبض الباب، الدرابزين علىمتنالحافلة والسباكة في المرحاض؟ تخافون من النظافة؟ توفير المالمعالصابون والمناديل الصحية ! فيروس الكاشف بفحص الغرفة!تحذير!كاشف الجراثيم والبكتيريا - جهاز محاكاة، نكتة التطبيقلرفعمعنويات الأصدقاء والرسم! قد لا يكون هاتفك للجراثيم والأمراضمعالصورة الجهاز! هذا التطبيق نكتة اعترف لتذكير النظافة: غسل -اليدينبشكل متكرر، واستخدام المنظفات، وغالبا ما تفعل التنظيف في غرفةوليسجراثيم! ولمساعدتك ضد الفيروسات فقط بصحة جيدة والطب!إذا كنت خائفا من صحة الأطفال، حذرين من الحصول على أيديهمالقذرةوالتقاط الجراثيم في القذرة، والبكتيريا استخدامنا التطبيقالماسحمحاكي التي هي 100٪ مجانا للجميع. يرجى ملاحظة أن هذهالبكتيرياالماسح محاكي التطبيق تمزح، و انه لن تعطيك النتائج الصحيحة،ولكنيمكنك استخدام هذا التطبيق كما رعاية وكشف الجراثيم عمالةالأطفال،ونقول للأطفال رؤية الفيروس في يدك وغسل يديك بالماء والصابونقبلتناول الطعام. عندما رأى الأطفال والفيروسات والبكتيريا في يده،وقالانه وافق بسهولة على غسل اليدين بالماء والصابون.وهو أداةتعليميةللأمهات حاملة لتشجيع النظافة الشخصية أطفالهم تحميل وتثبيتلديناالبكتيريا الماسح حرة وتطبيق للكشف عن محاكي والعثور علىبذورباستخدام جهاز المحمول الخاص بك.إخلاء المسؤولية : هذا التطبيق للترفيه و المزاح فقط لا غيرApplication jokethatsimulates Find infections and microbes to prevent diseaseandpersonal care.Afraid for their health? Beware of getting your hands dirty andpickup germs in the dirty places? Afraid of touching thedoorknob,handrail on the bus and plumbing in the toilet? Afraidofcleanliness? Save money with soap and sanitary napkins!VirusDetector scans the room!Warning! Detector germs and bacteria - simulator, jokeapplicationto raise the morale of friends and drawing! Phone togerms anddiseases with the image may not be the machine! Thisapplication isa joke confessed to remind hygiene: wash - your handsfrequently,and the use of detergents, and often do the cleaning inthe roomand not the germs! To help you against viruses only in goodhealthand medicine!If you are afraid of children's health, wary of getting theirhandsdirty and pick up germs in the dirty, bacteria useapplicationscanner emulator, which are 100% free for everyone.Please notethat these bacteria scanner application emulatorkidding, and hewill not give the correct results, but you can usethis applicationas the care and detect germs child labor, and tellthe kids to seethe virus in your hand and wash your hands with soapand waterbefore eating. When children, viruses and bacteria saw inhis hand,he readily agreed to wash your hands with water andAlsabon.oholearning tool for pregnant mothers to encourage personalhygiene oftheir children to download and install our bacteriascanner is freeand the application for the detection of emulatorand find theseeds using your mobile device.Disclaimer: This application is for entertainment only andthebanter is not
Live Video Projector Simulator 1.0
Live Video Projector Simulator is a funprankapp in android market.LIVE Video Projector Simulator is a prank and fun app to watchHDand high quality LIVE projected videos on the phone But there isnoany real video projector on phone and no such way toprojectpictures from phone on the wall.You cannot get real high definition video projection of highqualityon mobile phone screen. This app will just act like it’s arealprojector but this is just simulator app for fun andprank.You can watch animation videos on the smart phone displayscreenwall exploitation the video. If you wish to own your ownprojector?Check the phone’s screen what it might seem like to ownHD topgreat video at the wall of your home! This video Projectorissincerely a simulator app and it will feels like a realchallengewithin the life and might display you the video onthedisplay.Live Video Projector is a joke on simulator and fun applicationtomake your friends and family Prank members and makeentertainmentand fun to watch HD projected videos and high qualityon the phoneby applying options and effects of projection. You canuse themedia player application to control your video and simulateyourjoke videos as a projector, you will feel pleasure andenjoyment ingathering with friends and special events.Just look through the phone screen choose your favorite movieorvideo from Gallery what it would look like to have high qualityHDvideo on the wall you can play different types of video likeMP4,MPEG, AVI and MP3 and So many other Video Projector Simulatorisjust a joke app because there is no actual videoprojectoravailable but you can play your movie and video or sportsvideoslike live cricket, live football or To tennis using videoplayerplayer, it can also support different types of video qualitysuchas standard definition (such as 240p or 360p) to highdefinition(720p or 1080p).Check out the projection feature of the face wherever you wanttomove there you will feel Projection screen of the face onthetable, wall or even the sky or on the top on the floor usingthevideo pause option save the photo of you Or your friendsandcolleagues love everything you love in your phone and applytheface projection technique you will see magic anywhere youwant.With amazing visual effects with the help of animationandhologram.It is the animated theme that will animate when you play thevideoyou can choose your favorite list animation theme insidetheapplication to make 3D hologram animation with video andvideoAnimation will be executed simultaneously to providesimulation asa projector on the wallThis 2016 Live Video Simulator T20 is a stuffing! It is not arealLive Video projector .. you can not watch hd video projectionfromyour phone! This is just for fun and entertainment!Live Video Projector Simulator has defaults Animation.★ Young Man Dance view from projector.★ Fish on Water view from projector.★ Galaxy (Planet in Sky) view from projector.★ Couple Dance view from projector.★ Have Fun by creating Face projection photo frames withyourphotos★ Adjust or Edit your photos with your fingers like zoom inzoomout, etc,★ Save your creations and Share with social networking apps★ Add text to photos, change color, font and size andattractiveStyles★ Choose your favorite live animation and Set as Wallpaper★ Choose your favorite HD backgrounds★ This amazing "Face Projector Photo Editor" app has manymoreamazing featuresSo, Download now For Free!Note: This is Face Projection Simulation AppThis Live Video Projector Simulator is a prank! It’s not a realLiveVideo projector.. you Can’t watch HD video projection fromyourphone! This is created only for fun & entertainment!Thank You…
Computer Hacker Prank 1.1
The application Computer Hacker is anewapplication of the free penetration service where you can accesstotelephones and computers, friends and relatives and family aswellas loved ones also in order to spy on them or by curiosity orbyrevenge and also can penetrate the audience and the directorwithinthe meeting or within the chapter . It seems a professionalis thebest application to prank friends.★ How to use the application:- Go to the place where they are to provide a wirelessnetwork.Private network, wireless access points, Wi-Fi- The launch of our application to computer hacker and pressedthelaunch button.- Directed toward the camera phone to be impenetrable, or avictimof messages sent via social media has been pressure ontheexamination of a button.- Witham wait a few minutes and eventually Witham ViewCamerarefunded impenetrable.★ Notice:Application penetration of computers is just for fun and we inturndo not assume any responsibility for the misuse of theapplication.If you think it's funny, please give us 5 stars, wewill producemore good applications for you.
جهاز كاشف الذهب والفضة Prank 1.0
الآن العثور على جميع المعادن، بما في ذلكالذهبوالفضة (الخواتم والأساور) مع هاتفك المحمولمثيرة للاهتمام ..... خواتم ذهبية تجد في عداد المفقودين، وكانمفهومأساور من الهواتف النقالة، والآن يمكن للمرأة أن تستخدم هذهالعلامةالتجارية أدوات جديدة وكشف عن معدن الذهب للعثور علىالذهبوالنفيس.الآن تبدأ عملية الكشف عن المعادن عن طريق الضغط على الزر لتجدداخلالتطبيق. والجهاز تنبعث صوتا مدويا بعد أن اكتشف عنصرالمعادنالأساسية مثل الذهب والمجوهرات.هل تعلم أن الهاتف المحمول الخاص بك لديه أجهزة الاستشعارالمغناطيسيلقياس قيم الحقول المغناطيسية. استخدام الهاتف المحمولالخاص بكللعثور على الذهب، كما المنقبين عن الذهب. كلها تقريبا منالتطبيقاتالكشف عن المعادن باستخدام أجهزة الاستشعار المغناطيسي لقياسقيمالحقول المغناطيسية وتحويل الروبوت للكشف عن الجهاز المعادنالحقيقيةللعثور على الذهب من حولك.مواصفات1. يكتشف قيمة المعادن (الحديد والذهب والفضة) للشخص.2. الكشف عن الكشف عن المعادن الأصلي وجهاز الكشف عن المعادنمنحولك.3. يتم تقديمه للكشف عن المعادن ثلاثة قياسات في شكل رقمي4. نقل منتجات الاتصالات الهاتفية القائمة على الذهب الخاص بكلتجدالكثير من الذهب في ذلك.5. يعني أن أقل أو يساوي 0 لا المعادن6. أفضل أجهزة الكشف عن المعادن والمؤشرات.7. يعمل أيضا من خلال الجدران! وكشف ابن الكهرباءوالمعادنالمخفية.8. رسومات جديدة تجعل الرسومات الحقل المغناطيسي للأرض.9. سهم البوصلة لتحديد اتجاه مصدر الحقل المغناطيسي10. يهتز للإشارة إلى المعادنتنويه: جهاز كاشف الذهب والفضة هو تطبيق وهمية يتم تطويره منأجلالترفيه والفرح ومزحة.Now find all themetals,including gold and silver (rings, bracelets) with yourmobilephoneInteresting ..... golden rings find missing, and the conceptofbracelets of mobile phones, and now women can use this brandnewtools and detect metal gold to find gold and precious.Now metal detection process starts by pressing the button tofindinside the application. The device emits a loud noiseafterdiscovering base metals such as gold and jewelry item.Did you know that your mobile phone has a magnetic sensorformeasuring the magnetic field values. Use your mobile phone tofindthe gold, as gold diggers. Almost all of the applications themetaldetector using magnetic sensors to measure the magneticfieldvalues ​​and convert the robot to detect the true metal devicetofind gold around you.Specifications1. discovers valuable minerals (iron, gold, silver) ofaperson.2. disclosure of the original disclosure of metals andmetaldetector around you.3. Introducing the metal detector three measurements indigitalform4. Transfer the existing telephony products on your gold to findalot of gold in it.5. means that less than or equal to 0, not metals6. Best Metal detectors and indicators devices.7. also works through walls! He revealed the hidden sonofelectricity and minerals.8. new graphics make graphics Earth's magnetic field.9. shares compass to determine the direction of the source ofthemagnetic field10. vibrates to indicate metalsDisclaimer: The detector gold and silver is a fake applicationisbeing developed for entertainment, joy and a joke.
Real Followers For IG Prank 1.0
Through this app, a user can share photosandvideos privately or can share them publicly.There are several strategies that you can follow to increasethenumber of followers. All you need to do is to take initiativestofollow the ways so that the number of your followers canbeincreased.Welcome to Get Followers, Get Followers is the most active(andprobably the best) platform to get followers & likes.So it does not get followers to any works for all versions of ‍I‍‍n‍‍s‍‍‍t‍‍a+Try to impress your friends with this prank.Try it with all accountsPretend that you can get followers, and prank your friends.It's a Prank
Anti Moustique Simulateur 1.0
Anti Moustique est une application quiestutilisée pour rendre les moustiques garder loin de vous .AntiMoustique est une belle application .moustique Anti utilise des sons de haute fréquence sontutilisésdans cette application qui peut sens de l'oreille Anti Moustique est des fins de divertissement pourfaire vosamis tromper .- L'application Anti Mostique Repellent émet un son àhautefréquence tout à fait unique que la plupart des moustiquestrouventdésagréable et vous empêche de se faire piquer parlesmoustiques.Personne ne se soucie pour les moustiques. Comment éviterlespiqûres de moustiques blague?Cette application peut vous aider à prévenir les piqûresdemoustiques.Cette application fournit les sons à haute fréquence.très simple à utiliser et son puissant !!Anti Mosquito Simulateur est l'un des moyens de lutter contrelesmoustiques. En effet, il complète les méthodes traditionnellesd'unspray ou de la main battement, pour éviter bites . It ontdesfréquences différentes sons, donc pour cela, vous pouvezdéfinirvotre propre choix du son.Nos applications sont au stade de développement sont à larechercheavec impatience les contributions de voscommentaires.Utilisez cette application comme une BLAGUE ! Ce n’est pas unréeloutil répulsif de moustiques! Eloigner les moustiques etautresinsectes en utilisant des sons n’est pas confirmé par lascience.La description ci-dessous est seulement conjecturelle !Nous vousoffrons cet outil gratuit afin que vous puissiez le testerparvous-même."Anti Moustique Simulateur " est une application blague etessaierad'aider à garder les moustiques et les insectes loin devous !Cette application est capable d'émettre des sons de hautefréquence(sons ultrasoniques) qui devrait irriter tous les petitsinsectes.Les moustiques peuvent se tromper en pensant que le sonentendu estle son d’ennemis (par exemple des libellules oudeschauves-souris). Elles devraient rester loin de la source duson.Il suffit de démarrer le son répulsif et de garder votretéléphonemobile près de vous. Vous n’aurez pas de piqûres demoustiques!La plupart des humains ne peuvent pas entendre de son au-dessusde17 kHz. Notre application vous donne la possibilité de réglerlafréquence du son de 9 kHz à 23 kHz ! Définissez la fréquencedemanière à ce que vous ne puissiez pas entendre le son et nevousinquiétez pas, les moustiques devraient bien l’entendre !Rappelez-vous : Mettez votre volume au max lorsque vous jouezleson.Cette application ne garantit pas 100% de chances de succès. Il yabeaucoup d'espèces de moustiques dans le monde et certainesd'entreelles peuvent être résistantes à des ultrasons. En outre,certainshaut-parleurs intégrés de téléphone ne sont pas en mesuredeproduire des sons à haute fréquence.ATTENTION!Cette application n'a pas été confirmée par la science.Développeurfait cette application à travers les penséespersonnelles.Fonctionnalité:• Anti moustiques Simulator• Mosquito Repeller Simulator• Anti moustiques Prank• Tenir à l'écart des insectes• Tenir à l'écart des moustiques• Mosquito tueur Prank• Anti moustiques Simulator• Anti moustiques Repellent• Anti moustiques• Tuer les moustiques Prank• moustiques Kill• tueur de moustique• répulsif sonore• repeller d' insectes•Insecticide•Application gratuiteAnti Mosquito isanapplication that is used to make keep mosquitoes away fromyou.Anti Mosquito is a beautiful application.Anti mosquito uses high frequency sounds are used inthisapplication that can sense of hearing human ear. Anti Mosquitoappis for entertainment purposes to deceive your friends.- Applying Anti Mostique Repellent emits a high frequencysoundquite unique that most mosquitoes find distasteful andprevents youfrom getting bitten by mosquitoes.Nobody cares for mosquitoes. Avoiding mosquito bites joke?This application can help prevent mosquito bites.This application provides the high frequency sounds.very simple to use and powerful !!Anti Mosquito Simulator is one of the ways to fightagainstmosquitoes. Indeed, it complements the traditional methodsof aspray or hand flapping, to avoid bites. It havefrequenciesdifferent sounds, so for this you can define your ownchoice ofsound.Our applications are in the development stage are looking forwardtothe contributions of your comments.Use this app as a JOKE! This is not a real mosquito repellenttool!Keep mosquitoes and other insects using sounds is notsupported bythe science. The description below is only conjectural!We offerthis free tool so you can test it for yourself."Anti Mosquito Simulator" is a prank application and try tohelpkeep mosquitoes and bugs away from you! This application iscapableof emitting high frequency sounds (ultrasonic sounds) thatshouldirritate all the little insects. Mosquitoes can be mistakenintothinking that their course is the sound of enemies (egdragonfliesand bats). They should stay away from the sound source.Simplystart the sound repellent and keep your mobile phone nearyou. Youwill not get any mosquito bites!Most humans can not hear any sound above 17 kHz. Ourapplicationgives you the ability to adjust the sound frequency of 9kHz to 23kHz! Set the frequency so that you can not hear the soundand donot worry, mosquitoes are expected to hear it!Remember: Turn your volume to max when playing the sound.This application does not guarantee a 100% chance of success.Thereare many species of mosquitoes in the world and some of themmay beresistant to ultrasound. Also, some built-in speakers of thephoneare not able to produce high-frequency sounds.WARNING!This application has not been confirmed by science. Developermakesthis application through the personal thoughts.functionality:• Anti mosquito Simulator• Mosquito Repeller Simulator• Anti mosquito Prank• Keep away insects• Keep away mosquitoes• Mosquito Killer Prank• Anti mosquito Simulator• Anti Mosquito Repellent• Mosquito repellent• Killing mosquitoes Prank• Kill Mosquitoes• Mosquito Killer• Sound repellent• repeller insect•Insecticide• Free Application
Avion Driving Simulator 3D 1.0
Airplane is waiting for you to fly intotheair. Become a 3D aircraft pilot and start driving.This Driver Simulator 3D Driver Driver is an excellent 3Ddrivingsimulation game for everyone, airplane new game 2016!PilotAirplane Driving Sim 3D is 100% free game for all; EnjoytheDriving Simulator and fly plane as a driver without anyhassle,tilt your aircraft and move left, right, top to bottom. Donot missthe rings to earn points and complete the levels.Fly among the clouds and in the sky and see how fast you canreachthe destination with this amazing flight simulatorDownload today and play this wonderful game also show thisairplanegame for your little ones and toddlers, they really go thisgameand feel like he / she drives the plane and fly in the airAbovethe buildings of the city. The kids will really enjoy thisreal 3dairplane because we designed this simple plane simulator toplaywithout tough controls. They just need to control the speedandinclination of the device to move and catch the rings intheaircraft's aerodynamic lane. In the cockpit to visualize, youwillfeel Airplane Flight Simulator in the air seems that youaredriving and flying. Free Aircraft Driving Simulator 3D todownloadfor everyone.Pilot Airplane Driving Sim Free 3D does not require anInternetconnection. You can enjoy it in the actual plan ortraveling on arail or in the car on the road withoutinternet.- Best game Avion Driving Simulator 3D for Android- 3D Training Pilot Airplane Simulator- Control the aircraft to fly safely through Air- By plane Pilot Car your duty is to catch all the rings- Reach your goal in otherwise time crushed game- Change your view of the game to the cockpit or external- Use the camera button to change the view- UP speed and down control- Restart Pause Game at any time- Beautiful scenarios with incredible graphics- Download this beautiful 3D Airplane game and enjoy the drivingofairplane games- 3D effects with impressive dimensionsDownload free today, Hope this is one of the best and awesome3Dgame in the 2016 airplane games. You will become the pilot oftheplane and by airplane in the pilot games.Warning:All graphics, sounds and images are used in this pilotaircraftsimulator just for reference purposes. Let us know if youhavefound anything or complaints.Thank you
Driving Car Simulator 3D 1.0
Pilote, Are You Ready? Disques missionsvousattendent!Vrai jeu Driver Ville Voiture, conduite 3D.Jeu fiction tout à fait réaliste, épisodes réels.Are you fed up of playing 3rd person car racing games and wanttotry something different? Then you are at the right place 3Ddrivingsimulator car gives you all new car racing experience insidewiththe first person controls.Car Driving Simulator 3D is the best car racing game where youcandrive by car. You can sit in your seat to drive the car andseethrough endless traffic.Racing in the car will give you a most realistic drivingexperience.It gives you such an incredible feeling that you aresitting in yourdream car and drifting through traffic.Tie your belt and get ready for the most realisticdrivingexperience.Practical functions:Cockpit Realistic Driving ExperienceBeautiful environment LandscapeIncredible Game PlayAutomotive smooth controls