Stmulapps Apps

Sleep Advisor 7.10
Keeping track of your sleep can help you figure out what factorsaffect your sleep, on both good nights and bad nights. The SleepAdvisor application was created by licensed psychologist and boardcertified sleep specialist, Dr. Stephanie Silberman. As a sleeppsychologist and author of the Insomnia Workbook: A ComprehensiveGuide to Getting the Sleep You Need, Dr. Silberman incorporatedcomponents of the cognitive behavioral therapy treatment model forinsomnia into the Sleep Advisor app. By using this sleepapplication, you can begin to see if there are certain patterns inyour sleep and what relationship they may have to daytimeactivities. The sleep application is intended to track behaviorsthat are associated with both good sleep and poor sleep and toprovide users with valuable sleep tips in order to improve theirsleep. By receiving feedback about behaviors that may becontributing to sleepless nights, the Sleep Advisor app can helpusers make positive changes in their lives and in their sleeppatterns. Insomnia is a very common sleep problem for adults.According to the National Sleep Foundation, it is estimated that30% of the general population complains of difficulty sleeping atnight on a regular basis, while over 50% of people surveyedreported having symptoms of insomnia sometime in the past year. Notgetting a good night’s sleep can affect your mood, physical health,and cognitive functioning. The Sleep Advisor application uses sleeplogs, along with useful tips, and information on good sleephygiene, to help promote a better understanding of your sleep. Thegraphs give users a visual picture of the reported sleep time,while alerts provide users with real-time tips when entering data.The Sleep Advisor application is designed for anyone who wants tolearn more about their sleep and ways to improve it. Use SleepAdvisor to: - Access important information regarding sleep relatedtopics - Add activities throughout your day and night - Addactivities in any time range and chronological order as they takeplace - Add activities that involuntarily interrupt your sleep -Add an activity at exactly the same time when eating a snack, ordrinking a cup of coffee - Track activities added in Calendar andTimeline view - Understand how activities performed during acertain hour can affect your sleep - Understand how consumingcertain products during a certain hour can affect your sleep - Viewgraph of time slept and caffeine consumption - Track average timespent on activities and consumption of certain products that affectyour sleep on a weekly and monthly basis - Understand how youractivities are shaping your sleeping architecture - Planaccordingly to improve your sleep hygiene - Gain access toinstructions, video tutorial and app support Better yet, it's timeto take action and start getting the sleep you deserve!