Slamtastic Apps

Do Now - Focused Timeboxing 2.4.7
Simplifying the todolist: Planned - stuff to do now/today.Unplanned- brain bump, worry about it later stuff. Routines -stuff yourepeat a lot/want to plan ahead for/interval training andsince youcan load them into any other list they can be used overand overagain as building blocks for easily managing lots ofvariations ofyour day - not to mention that they can be scheduledto be loadedinto your planned list automatically. Helpful forthose withADD/ADHD and need help staying focused. Focusing ontime: Be timerich. See how much time things actually take to do.See what timeyou'll be done with each task. Move tasks aroundwhile the timer isgoing without worrying about losing progress.Control the timer likea music playlist - play, pause, stop, put iton auto-repeat so taskscompleted will be re-added to the bottom,put on continuous mode sothe timer will automatically move throughtasks as their time's upand you don't have to intervene. Enterfull-screen mode for lessdistraction and to reinforce the idea offocusing on one task at atime. Optional countdown alerts, statusbar notifications, and awidget all give you awareness and controlof your time. StayOrganized and In Sync: Google Task Syncing isavailable to make iteasy to connect not just with Google Tasks butother services suchas Todoist that focus more on organization(more direct integrationis planned). See this Zapier recipe a userof Do Nowcreated: look good: Multiple themes to choose from and morecoming!Widget theme matching app theme is being rolled out. Noads!: Theonly ads are optional - you can opt-in to get rewards forcompletingtasks that are usually discounts/deal types. In-apppurchasesavailable include unlocking extra features and themes.Recommendedusage is to follow a technique like Pomodoro or 30/30as well asGTD. Break up your day into chunks of time and assignsome amount oftime to each task you want to get done otherwiseknown as timeboxing. There’s no need to be rigid - you can varythe duration foreach task and the app will keep track of the timeand tell you whenit’s time to move on. Turning on continuous andrepeat mode as wellas the countdown option make it a powerfulinterval timing for yourworkouts or structured work tasks. Checkout the settings page foroptions. Feel free to use the Help &Feedback option to learnmore and reach the developer for feedback.Permissions:Networking-related permissions are used by Google TaskSyncing, Kiip- the rewards service, Google analytics, Google Playfor purchasingitems. Vibrate permission is used for timingnotifications (can bedisabled in settings) Sync and accountrelated permissions arerequired to sync with Google tasks(optional feature). If you'd liketo participate in translatingthis app please contact me. Twitter: G+ (with access tobeta/alphaversions): tracking: