SkillFitness Apps

The Asking Formula 1.9.5-2
The Asking Formula app is part of anenterprise, mobile sales and product training solution. You must bea user authorized by your organization and have a current AskingFormula username and password to use this application. Learn moreat Asking Formula App is an interactive training and practicetool that allows you and your team to learn and practice the sixsteps of the Asking Formula to drive deep into fundamentals andensure learning is taking place.Users Will Learn:• To implement the 6-steps of the proven and high-impact processfor structuring a best-in-class "ask" regardless of audience, topicor situation.• To recognize and avoid 3 common asking behaviors that sabotageeffectiveness and act as barriers to success.• Best-practice techniques that drive better and deeper listeningskills• How to gain your audience's attention and discover the secret togetting them motivated• Learn to build trust with your stakeholders and the ability toovercome resistance and shrug off rejection.
SkillFitness® 1.9.5-2
SkillFitness™ is an enterprise, mobiletrainingand skill practice solution. You must be a user authorizedby yourorganization and have a current SkillFitness username andpasswordto use this application. Learn moreat and your team will:• Learn skills from custom content created by your experts• Practice skills using virtual role-play and capturing video• Get feedback and provide feedback to others• Practice and master key information and messages• Stay motivated and engaged through points, badges, banners,andtrophiesThe SkillFitness platform is ideal for sales and product trainingaswell as leadership training and coaching.
Leadership Ecademy 1.9.1
Leadership Ecademy is an enterprise,businessand leadership skills development training and coachingsolution.You must be a user authorized by your organization andhave acurrent Leadership Ecademy username and password to usethisapplication.