SilverRocket Apps

HomeAid OC 1.0
Since 1989, HomeAid Orange County hasendedhomelessness for thousands of families.HomeAid Orange County is a 501 (c) 3 charitablenon-profitorganization that builds and renovates shelters for thosein OrangeCounty who find themselves homeless due to sudden jobloss,catastrophic illness, spousal desertion, and domesticviolence. Ourmission is to end homelessness.
UCI Social Science 1.3
The School of Social Sciences at UC Irvinehasachieved national prominence and top rankings foritsoutside-the-box methodological and theoretical advances. Theschoolmaintains a tradition of excellence in building robustmeasures,innovative models, and powerful methodologies forunderstanding thehuman condition in a diverse and digitalage.