SherLuck Apps

Jenis - Jenis Kucing 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi informasi seputar jenis-jenis kucing yang adadi dunia. Mulai dari asal-usul sampai tingkah lakunya. Tambahpengetahuan anda tentang dunia kucing dengan aplikasi ini.
Delicious Waffle Recipes 1.1
Waffle is one of most well-known food in the world. You can eat itin breakfast, lunch or at tea time. Here you will get how to makewaffle easily, with many various taste! With step by step tutorialand correct ingredients to help you cook.
Noodle Recipes 1.0
Here you will find many noodle recipes from many contries all overthe world! Download this and make your own noodle.
Tips Menjadi Pengusaha Muda 1.0
Banyak orang ingin menjadi pengusaha yang sukses, tapi tidak tahubagaimana memulainya atau apa saja yang harus dimiliki. Aplikasiini berisi kumpulan tips bagaimana cara memulai suatu usaha danmenjadi seorang pengusaha muda.
Delicious Pudding Recipes 1.1
Pudding is one of the most favorite desserts in the world. Almosteveryone loves it. Do you ever think you may wanna make it? Here weprovide you pudding recipes that easy to learn. With step by stepguide that help you make delicious puddings!
Coffee Drinks Recipes 1.0
Are you bored with the same coffee every morning? Do you want totaste delicious coffee to start your day? This application containsmany delicious coffee drinks recipes, from mocha, chai, latte andmany more! with estimated time to make the coffee, caloriesinformation and easy guide. Make your own favourite coffee!
Home Remedies & Natural Cures 1.0
Acne? Cough? Flu? Those are some of troublesome diseases that weall want to remove as soon as possible. Do you usually take medicalmedicine to remove those diseases? Why don't you try the usefulremedies in your house? Do you know acne scars can be removed byice? Do you know the symptons of malaria and the cause of it? Thosequestions above will be answered in this application! In this appyou will find over 250 diseases and how to remove them with onlyhome remedies that usually available in our houses. Using homeremedies could possibly saving your money too from buyingmedicines. Download this app and find out the miracle of homeremedies! features : - the menu is ordered alphabetically - detailexplanations about the symptons, the causes, the remedies, the dietand the suggestions - easy to use
Love Stories Collection 1.0
This app contains many good love stories from many talentedwriters, touching, sadness, happiness. Everything about love is inthis app. download it for free and choose your own favouritestories!
Best Crepes Recipes 1.1
The Best Crepes Recipes You Can Get Is Here!
Health Benefits of Fruits 1.0
Apple, orange, watermelon... Everyone had ever eat at least onekind of fruits, or maybe even love it. But do you know the healthbenefits of apple, blackberry, or even durian? and how to selectthe perfect fruits for your meal? This app contains explanationabout the health benefits of fruits, how to select, and suggestionsof how to serve the fruits. Just download it for free and figureout the benefits of many fruits!
Resep Crepes Rumahan 1.1
The housing set Crepes Recipe Made Easy
Inspiring Christian Stories 2
This app contains many stories about christians' experiences withGod. Some are based on true story, some could inspire your life.Download this app to learn more!
50 Pertanyaan Wawancara Kerja 1.0
Wawancara kerja merupakan hal penting agarandaditerima dalam pekerjaan yang diinginkan.Terkadang orang-orang kesulitan untuk menjawab pertanyaandariwawancara.Aplikasi ini menyediakan 50 pertanyaan beserta jawabanyangpaling sering diajukan saat wawancara kerja.Dengan 2 bahasa yaitu bahasa inggris dan bahasa indonesia.Pelajari pertanyaan wawancara dan dapatkan pekerjaanimpiananda!The job interviewisessential that you received in the desired job.Sometimes the trouble to answer questions from the interview.This application provides 50 questions along with answers tothemost frequently asked questions during a job interview.With two languages ​​namely English and Indonesian.Learn the interview questions and get your dream job!
Christmas Holiday Recipes 1.0
Contains many recipes for Christmas! Christmas cookies, maindishes, beverages & desserts are in this application! Enjoyyour holiday with delicious meal!
Trik Sulap Sederhana 1.1
Berisi kumpulan sulap-sulap yang sangat mudah dipelajari dandipahami. Beberapa pesulap terkenal Indonesia pernah memainkantrik-trik yang ada di dalam aplikasi ini.
50 Trik Sulap Pilihan 1.0
Dengan 50 trik sulap, kamu sudah bisa menjadi seorang pesulap!Kuasai trik-trik kerennya dan jadilah seorang pesulap yang hebat..
Kumpulan Cerita Horor Seram 1.0
Cerita Horor sangat digemari terutama di Indonesia. Banyak orangyang sangat menyukai kisah-kisah horor, dari hanya cerpen hinggapengalaman sungguhan. Cerita horor juga dapat digunakan sebagaipengisi waktu luang dan menguji adrenalin ketika membacanya.Aplikasi ini berisi kumpulan cerita horor dari berbagai sumber,mulai dari cerpen belaka hingga kisah nyata yang dialami olehnarasumber. Perhatikan belakang anda ketika membaca kumpulan ceritahoror seram.-----------------------------Catatan---------------------------------Kami tidak memiliki satu pun isi dari aplikasi ini. Kami membuataplikasi ini semata mata untuk menghibur orang-orang tanpa tujuankomersil. Bila isi dari aplikasi ini ada yang melanggar ketentuanhak cipta, mohon segera hubungi kami terlebih dahulu.
Natural Ways to Remove Pimples 1.0
Pimples are so annoying, right? They are only small things but canruin your perfect appearance. Getting rid of pimples make you spenda lot of money. But with this application, you can save a lot ofmoney! This application will teach you how to remove those smallannoying things with natural remedy and easy to get! So what areyou waiting for? Download this and make your face shine.
Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat 1.0
Berisi panduan cara menghilangkan jerawat dan bekas jerawatmenggunakan bahan-bahan alami. Banyak orang sudah mencobanya danmemiliki kulit wajah yang lembut dan cerah, sekarang giliran andauntuk membuktikannya!
Moral Stories 1.0
A moral (from Latin morālis) is amessageconveyed or a lesson to be learned from a story or event.The moralmay be left to the hearer, reader or viewer to determineforthemselves, or may be explicitly encapsulated in a maxim.This application contains many moral stories about life,love,family, respect, work and others. Also there is anexplanationabout the moral of every stories.
Resep Masakan Ayam Terpopuler 1.1
Aplikasi ini berisi banyak resep masakan yang dapat dibuat denganmenggunakan ayam. Dengan bahan-bahan yang ditulis lengkap membuatanda mudah membuatnya! resep-resepnya antara lain : -Ayam SausLemon -Ayam Kalasan -Ayam Teriyaki -Pepes Ayam dan masih banyaklagi... Download aplikasi ini sekarang dan dapatkan aneka resepmasakan ayam.
Motivational Stories 1.0
LifeWhat is Life?Do you know the most important things in life?Do you really know who is your true friend?Have you found your true love?This app contains many stories about the meaning of life,family,friends, love and others.If you need some things to motivate you on facing thisworld,just download "Motivational Stories" and learn from thestorywithin...
Homemade Ice Cream Recipes 1.0
Ice cream! Everyone loves ice cream.withplenty tastes.Here you will get many easy to made ice cream recipes,includingvanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, ice creamsandwich, icecream cake and many more!Enjoy the delicious taste of ice cream with thisapplication.
Complete Cat Breeds 1.0
This application contains information about cat breeds from allaorund the world. The personality, the trait, appearance of catsand many more. Improve your knowledge of Cats' World with thisapplication!
100 Resep Masakan Indonesia 2
Berisi 100 Resep Masakan Nusantara Yang Mudah Dipelajari.Diantaranya Adalah : -Sop Buntut -Dendeng Balado -Soto Kudus -MieKoclok Cirebon dll
Chinese Food Recipes 1.0
Here you will find many delicious chinese foods and easy to make.Main courses, Noodles, rice, meat buns and many more. Learn therecipes and make your favorite chinese foods!
Bible Stories 1.1
Contains 97 stories from Bible to help you learning Word of God
Aneka Resep Seafood 1.0
Berisi resep-resep Seafood antara lain Ikan, Udang, Cumi, Kepiting,Kerang dan aneka masakan olahan Seafood. Dengan rincian bahansecara detail dan cara memasak langkah demi langkah anda dapatmembuat masakan seafood seperti di restoran.
Top 50 Job Interview Q & A 1.1
Job interview is one of the most important thing to get the job youwant. Sometimes people failed in job interview because they are notwell-prepared to answer the questions. Causing them to lose theopportunity to get their dreamed job. This applications providesyou how to avoid those things. Contains top 50 questions and teachyou how to answer them. Learn the questions and get your dreamedjob with this application!
22 Resep Nasi Goreng Terlezat 1.1
22 Fried Rice Recipe and tastiest options
Egypt Mythology 1.1
Collection of Egypt Mythology including the origin, the gods andmany myths
Roman Mythology 1.0
Roman mythology is the body of traditional stories pertaining toancient Rome's legendary origins and religious system, asrepresented in the literature and visual arts of the Romans. TheRomans usually treated their traditional narratives as historical,even when these have miraculous or supernatural elements. Thestories are often concerned with politics and morality, and how anindividual's personal integrity relates to his or herresponsibility to the community or Roman state. Heroism is animportant theme. When the stories illuminate Roman religiouspractices, they are more concerned with ritual, augury, andinstitutions than with theology or cosmogony. This app contains howthe Roman myth created, the story of Romulus and Remus, Roman godsand many other Roman mythology, including the legendary JuliusCaesar, The Punic War and Pompeii. Increase your knowledge aboutRoman Mythology with this application! PS : If you have suggestionsto improve this app, please let me know :D *****Disclaimer/LegalNotice***** We do not own any of these materials in this app. Wemade this app to help people reading Roman Mythology easier, ifthere is any trademark or copyright violation that does not followwithin the Fair Use, please contact us and we will take actionimmediately.
Resep Masakan Jepang Populer 1.0
Kumpulan resep masakan jepang palingpopuleryang sering anda dengar atau lihat di acara tv/animasi.Resep-resep itu antara lain :-Onigiri (nasi kepal)-Okonomiyaki-Sukiyaki-Mie Ramen-Sushi-Nasi Karedan masih banyak lagi.Download segera dan rasakan kenikmatan masakan jepang!Japanese collection ofthemost popular recipes you often hear or see on TV shows /animations.The recipes include:-Onigiri (Rice ball)-Okonomiyaki-Sukiyaki-Ramen noodle-Sushi-Nasi Kareand many more.Download quickly and tasted the pleasure of Japanesecuisine!
Creepy Horror Ghost Stories 1.0
Ghost?Do you believe in ghost?Or do you ever have an experience with ghost?This application will tell you about many people thathadencountered with ghost. From their apartments to withintheirhouses.Almost every stories within this application is true, basedonpeople's experience. Creepy, horror ghost stories.Just make sure you don't read this alone and always watchyourback!
Delicious Chicken Recipes 1.0
Many delicious chicken recipes arehere,including :-Chicken Shawarma-Grilled Chicken with Fruit Salsa-Chicken and Bacon Rolls-Ups-Chicken with Dried Plums and Sage-Mediterranean Chicken with Potatoesand many more...!Just download this application and you will taste howdeliciousthey are!
Complete Japanese Food Recipes 1.0
Wanna learn how to make Japanese Cuisine?Thisis the perfect application to start!Many famous recipes are here including :-Onigiri-Miso Soup-Beef Teriyaki-Gyoza-Tonkatsuand many more!
Home Remedies for Hair Loss 1.0
This Application provides you how to treathairloss and grow it with home remedies.No need to spend much money to make your hair grow again!
Italian Recipes 1.0
Pasta, Lasagna, or Calzone are favoritefoodsof the Italian. Have you tasted one of them or maybe all ofthem?Delicious, of course!But do you ever think you can make the foods by yourself?This application is the answer!Find out many Italian Recipes and details instruction on howtomake them in this application!Now make Italian foods is never been easy before withthisItalian Recipes app
Ramalan Bintang 2016 1.0
Berisi kumpulan ramalan bintang menurut12zodiak, terdiri dari :- Karir- Keuangan- Kesehatan- Kehidupan Sosial- AsmaraBaca ramalan mengenai bintangmu dan hadapi tahun 2016 ini!Contains a collectionofzodiac horoscope according to 12, comprising:- Career- Finance- Health- Social life- AsmaraRead predictions about your star and face of this 2016!
Easy Card Magic Tricks 1.0
Provide dozen of card magic tricks withdetailexplanation and some suggestions.Easy to follow, grab your cards and learn the tricks!
Zodiac Horoscope 2016 1.0
What does the horoscope 2016 have in storeforyou? Find out in seconds with this application for the comingyear.Knowing how your life will be in 2016 in terms of career,love,family and many more... can give a big boost to youroverallwell-being.
Dessert And Pudding Recipes 1.0
Here you will get a lot of dessert recipes,aswell as pudding and ice cream!With step by step tutorial that will make you understand.Some of the recipes :-Caramel Apple Cake-Buttermilk Plum Ice Cream-Double Apple Pie-Caramelized Banana PuddingCoca Cola Cake and many more!Download now and enjoy the recipes@
Dating Tips For Teenage Guys 1.0
This Application contains dating tips foryouguys!Get your dream girl with the help of this application!
Jenis-Jenis Batu Cincin 1.0
Kumpulan informasi mengenai batu-batu cincin yang paling seringdicari.
Blood Group Personality 1.0
Blood group system as we know it wasdevelopedby Austrian scientist in 1900, and already in 1927 TakejiFurukawa,a professor at Tokyo Women’s Teacher’s School,suggestedpersonality types and blood groups must be related. He hasbackedit with his own observations, and the theory quickly spreadinJapan and beyond. While it wasn’t a big hit in the Westernworld,it is taken very seriously in Japan, South Korea and someotherAsian countries. In fact, there were cases of discriminationbasedon blood group in workplace and schools. Japanese even haveaspecial term for this type of discrimination – bura hara, orbloodtype harassment.
Jenis - Jenis Anjing 1.0
Aplikasi ini berisi jenis-jenis anjing beserta informasinya sepertisifat, asal-usul dan penyakit yang rentan diderita anjing. Dapatmenambah pengetahuan bagi para pecinta anjing serta orang awam.
Makhluk Mitologi Dunia 1.0
Di dunia ini banyak misteri yangbelumterpecahkan, salah satunya adalah keberadaanmakhluk-makhlukmisterius.Terkadang manusia sangat penasaran mengenai kisah dansosokmakhluk-makhluk tersebut.Di dalam aplikasi ini kamu akan mendapatkan berbagaiinformasimengenai makhluk-makhluk misterius yang ada di dunia,sangatberguna untuk menambah pengetahuan.In this worldmanyunsolved mysteries, one of which is the existence ofmysteriouscreatures.Sometimes people are very curious about the story and figurethesecreatures.Within this application you will get a variety ofinformationabout the mysterious creatures that exist in the world,it is veryuseful to increase knowledge.
Korean Food Recipes 1.0
In This Applicatin you will meet many korean recipes includingkimchi, bulgogi, korean sushi, galbi and many more... Download nowand have a taste of Korean cuisine!
123 Fakta Golongan Darah 1.0
Golongan darah manusia dibagi menjadiempat,yakni O, A, B dan AB. Berdasarkan golongan darah ini, kitadapatmenilai kepribadian atau karakter seseorang. Bahkan dibeberapanegara, ada orang-orang yang mempercayai golongan darahtelahmenentukan karir seseorang sejak ia lahir.Aplikasi ini berisi 123 fakta menarik seputar golongandarah.Human blood groupisdivided into four, namely O, A, B and AB. Based on this bloodtype,we can assess a person's personality or character. Even insomecountries, there are people who believe blood type hasdetermined aperson's career since she was born.This app contains 123 interesting facts about blood type.
Tea Recipes 1.0
Who don't like sweet tea?a cup of tea in the afternoon would be great!Especially when you are used to have a 'tea time'in this app you will find many tea recipes like matcha tea,thaitea, bubble tea and many more!just download it for FREE