Secureye Apps

DGET APP 1.3.8
The S-VT2000 VTP Terminal is all-in-one,affordable, Wi-Fi enabled terminal. It can be used for variousapplications such as Time Attendance, Access Control, WorkflowManagement, Canteen Management, Visitor Management, EmployeeManagement & all other Tech Smart applications. This innovativeBiometric clock will dramatically improve your ability to monitoryour workforce movements during their working patterns and withfeatures that gives you better time and management reporting. TheS-VT2000 VTP Terminal is suitable for both basic to moderatelycomplex time and attendance requirements. Starting from theclassical Time recording App to a complex Factory Data CollectionApp or a high-security solution with access queries supported by acomparison of live images with stored images or audio-visualcommunication to a Service Command Centre, e.g. for Data centres.Everything is possible.
CSSD APP 1.0.4
The S-VT2000 VTP Terminal is all-in-one,affordable, Wi-Fi enabled terminal. It can be used for variousapplications such as Time Attendance, Access Control, WorkflowManagement, Canteen Management, Visitor Management, EmployeeManagement & all other Tech Smart applications. This innovativeBiometric clock will dramatically improve your ability to monitoryour workforce movements during their working patterns and withfeatures that gives you better time and management reporting. TheS-VT2000 VTP Terminal is suitable for both basic to moderatelycomplex time and attendance requirements. Starting from theclassical Time recording App to a complex Factory Data CollectionApp or a high-security solution with access queries supported by acomparison of live images with stored images or audio-visualcommunication to a Service Command Centre, e.g. for Data centres.Everything is possible.
TechSmart Driver 1.3.6
Tech Smart; An initiative of tomorrow’s innovation by Secureye withprime focus to deliver education through innovation, automation andtechnology. Tech Smart had developed a state of the arttechnologically smart environment along with complete security andsatisfaction for all the Schools, Colleges, Universities andInstitutions. Techsmart Driver app offers following features (a)Total distance travailed for each trip (b) Can check total timetaken for each trip (c) Number of students at each stoppage ofroute (d) Driver can see all stoppages of each scheduled route (e)Total number of students for each trip and the number of studentspresent from the trip (f) School can set a speed limit for driverand auto SMS will be sent to school admin in case of over speeding(g) SOS button in case of any emergency and SMS will be sent toboarded childes parents and school admin
TechSmart Teacher 1.0.33
Tech Smart Teacher’s App is an integral part of Tech SmartSolutions, which facilitates school-teachers impart education in aneffortless manner. Teaching gets utterly uncomplicated andsimplified with this application. Let’s have look at Key featureswhich are going to make teaching simpler and a teacher’s jobeasier: 1.) Teachers can do chatting with Parents 2.) Updatestudents performance and behavior in class to parents instantly 3.)Updates of new events like PT meeting, Annual Function 4.) Checkthe List of Holidays 5.) Notice updated by school admin 6.) WeeklyTime Table for their classes 7.) Update daily activities forstudents of particular classes and sections 8.) See their profiledetails
TechSmart Parent 1.0.40
Securing your child from any mishap is the top most concern ofevery parent. Keeping in mind the challenges of parents, Tech Smarthas developed innovative solutions that help parents to track thereal time activities of their children & help them to get realtime updates from School. This App makes conveyance of informationflawlessly easy and swift, in real-time, which brings great reliefto all parents. Information about every activity of their child inthe school makes them more and more secured and involved. Here arekey features of Parents App: i Parents can view their child'sattendance (Monthly, Periodically and Consolidated) ii Do the Realtime tracking of the School Bus iii View Driver, Route and Vehicledetails iv Chatting with teachers v Updates of new events like PTmeeting, Annual Function vi Check the List of Holidays vii WeeklyTime Table of their child viii Check daily activities updated byteachers regarding their child's performance, behaviour, home worketc ix See their child's term wise grades of all subjects forcurrent year x Check the feedback of their child updated by schooladministration xi Restrict purchase for Canteen, Stationary,Uniform shop etc (Item wise, amount wise,daily, weekly,monthly)
Secureye RMS (Gold Series) V1.0.8
Secureye Gold Series Remote Monitoring System
Secureye is a versatile video management software for theDVRs,NVRs.
Secureye Hawk 1.8.1
Secureye Hawk is a software that supports video cameramanagementand USES the phone's camera audio and video capabilitiesfor homesecurity and we-media functions. Support cameramanagement,monitor, capture, voice intercom. Support camera livebroadcast,face recognition, camera movement alarm, alarm capture,alarm videoto the cloud, alarm playback, video playback function.
ONtime Employee Manager 3.37
Now-a-days, man-power-cost has become excruciatingly pinchingforcompanies. Wastage of working hours by the employees, theirlessproductivity & conspicuously a lesser output against thehugecosts spent on them has become the real concern fortoday’scorporate circles. When you assign your sales-team withthefield-work, you don’t exactly know about the whereabouts ofthestaff. Or are they really working? You don’t have any optionapartfrom going by what they tell you. Do you have any Solution tothis?After a deep-drilling of the problem and understandingtherecurrent inconsistencies found in daily-reporting byvariousoutdoor-employees, Secureye, a global giant in security&surveillance has come up with the solution. A mobileapplication,ON-time Employee Manager, coupled with the Time &AttendanceBiometric Machine, is an ideal mechanism for all thecompanieshaving field staff. With ON-time Employee Manager forthefield-staff, let’s see what all it does for you: 1.) This isaweb-managed service and you can check the reports by loggingintothe website. A user-name and password will be allocated toeachuser as per his designation and he can see his as well asreportsof his juniors in real-time by logging into the website. 2.)Whenyour employees are in the office, they can registertheirattendance through the Biometric Machine, but when they are inthefield, they can simply record their attendance throughON-timeEmployee Manager accessible on their 2G/3G-enabledSmart-phones,right from the location of their first assignment ofthe day. 3.)As soon as the attendance is registered through ON-timeEmployeeManager, it gets reflected in reports at the Head Officewith theimage of the employee, his exact location and the specificDate& Time. 4.) Employees can schedule their daily planseasilywith ON-time Employee Manager assisting them to navigatethroughthe routes of daily engagements. 5.) With ON-time EmployeeManagerin place, you can keep a tab on your employee’swhole-dayactivities like how much time exactly he spends on eachassignmentand how many meetings he manages to pull off in a day.This enablesyou to assess his daily productivity. 6.) Capturingnotes rightafter a meeting is critical. ON-time Employee Managermakes itquick and easy for the employee to put his meeting-remarksrightafter the meeting and that automatically get updated inhisreports. 7.) Amazingly if an employee is on the visit to anewclient, he can easily add on a new entry to his data-base byjustclicking a picture of the client’s visiting card on hisphone.After the back-end people thoroughly scrutinize and validatethecard-details, they are uploaded systematically in theemployee’spartner-database. Now this is what a facility is in anapplication.An employee doesn’t have to carry visiting cards andsundry detailsrelated to clients every time he visits them, he canextract thespecific details from his partner-database. 8.)ThisSmart-phone-based application also keeps track of youremployee’sdaily cumulative travel as it automatically calculatesthekilometers and shows them in the reports. 9.) Throughthisapplication, an employee can enter the daily expenses, ifany,along with the picture of the receipts which become accessibleforthe signing authorities. 10.) The employee can upload orders,ifany, in his reports. 11.) Moreover, the employee can alsoaccesshis partner’s database, contacts & leads while being onthemove. Contact details can be updated on the movewhichsimultaneously get transferred to the Central Location.12.)Additionally, employees at higher rung can track theirjuniorsworking in any location in real-time. 13.) Since ON-timeEmployeeManager is a quintessential cloud-based application,employees canalso view and review their work and progress on aregular basis bylogging into
Wifi Video Doorbell 3.7
This app is compatible with all of your devices for connecting theWIFI.
Secureye Falcon Plus
“Secureye Falcon Plus" is a service product for home andbusinessusers. With the " Secureye Falcon Plus " video service, youcaneasily view real-time videos and historical videos ofyourapartment, villa, shop, factory, office, etc. With the "SecureyeFalcon Plus " alarm service, you can immediately receiveabnormalsituations in your area of concern and take timelymeasures.
Secureye Falcon 4G 3.4.29
24-hour monitoring software
Secureye Pro
Secureye Pro is a versatile video management software for the DVRs,NVRs, etc.
Ontime Contractor Employee Manager 1.13
Now-a-days, man-power-cost has become excruciatingly pinchingforcompanies. Wastage of working hours by the employees, theirlessproductivity & conspicuously a lesser output against thehugecosts spent on them has become the real concern fortoday’scorporate circles.
Secureye Smart 1.0.2
Secureye Smart App
Secureye Falcon Pro
“Secureye Falcon Pro" is a app that is used with Falcon proseriescamera.