
Score Keeper 3.1
Keep track of scores for your favoriteboardand card games like Scrabble & Rook. Unlimited numberofplayers/teams. Create each player/team then tap whomever youwantto add points to. Create players using one of the providedavatarsor pick somebody from your contact list.Score Keeper is now optimized for tablets and IceCreamSandwich.Also features a chart for individual players and the entiregame.The chart is accessible via the menu or by long-tapping eachplayer.Be sure to use the arrows to switch between rounds. Thisallows thechart to properly plot each players score.Now includes a timer. Enter the number of minutes andsecondsthen press start. The screen will slowly transition fromGreen toYellow to Red indicating how much time is remaining. Thismakes iteasy for anyone nearby to tell how much time is left. Oncethetimer reaches the end it will buzz and flash, press theresetbutton to stop.The player list can also be sorted by points ascendingordescending order. To toggle between these click the green iconatthe bottom right of the screen.A table of scores by round is available via the menu.This version does not have ads, for a free ad-supportedversionsearch for Score Keeper Free.NOTE: Contacts permission required to retrieve images fromthecontact list. The data is not used for anything else!