
#1 Suraksha - GPS Tracker 1.2
‘#1 Suraksha – GPS Tracker’ is everyfamily’s most used and trusted GPS Tracker app for the safety ofour loved ones – Family and Children. Our intelligent appintegrates the latest technology to track our loved ones on theirmobile as well as on web based Control Panel. This makes you feelsafe knowing that on a click of a mouse, you can Find their currentlocation or Trace their Path during the day.‘#1 Suraksha – GPS Tracker’ app lets your family to stay in touchand stay connected with you anytime from anywhere e.g. you canmonitor your loved one’s location while sitting at home or workingat your workplace.✓Trace your loved one’s movement during the day, 24×7 in real timefrom app’s website.✓Find your loved one’s current location 24×7 from app’swebsite.✓See the travelling location history of your loved one of past 15days from app’s website.✓Find & trace your Mobile, in case you have misplaced it or gotstolen; from our web based control panel.✓Identify your current location 24×7 in Smartphone.✓In case of emergency, send SOS / Distress messages / DistressAlerts and Distress email with exact GPS location and mobile towerlocation.✓Receive stealth Distress Call, when your loved one is in threat,once distress is activated.✓Record & Listen to Distress Call remotely from Controlpanel.Once you have downloaded our app, just Login into Your SaarthiOnline Control Panel in our website: andstart Tracking the safety of your loved ones.The perfect GPS tracker app for every family’s safety!“Intelligent app. The GPS Tracker app came in handy in allsituations and I am myself using it for some time now to monitor mychildren as well as my aged Parents. Very useful app and highlyrecommended to every parent.” – Hema Shah"I work late in office most days. My maid takes care of my 4 yearold during the day. I have given a low cost phone with this app tomy maid to track her & my child 24 x7. While I trust my maid,it is better to be Safe and Sure, thanks to # 1 Suraksha - GPSTracker, I can monitor my child's well being from my officedesktop" - Preeti Banerjee✓#1 Suraksha – GPS Tracker app integrates the latest technology totrack our loved ones on their mobile as well as on web basedControl Panel.✓#1 Suraksha – GPS Tracker app is user – friendly and easy tool foryour Family – loved ones and children by tracking their locationfrom the backend control panel of app’s website.With Suraksha – GPS Tracker app, you can track your teenagechildren, parents, spouse, or people with health issues as well assenior citizens.“Best app. Not only has the app worked well, but it gives completepeace of mind. I can monitor my son anytime from my office.” –Sneha Pawar.✓Privacy of our own family is the most important concern foreveryone. So reveal your login details and location only to peoplewhom you trust most.✓Know when your child leaves for school/ college/ class/ office andtheir return timings to take care most at that specific timeperiods.#1 Suraksha – GPS Tracker app keeps our loved ones stay safe,secure and safe – always being connected.“Wonderful app. The control panel of the App’s website is reallyeasy to access and the locations are very much accurate. It wasvery useful whenever am out of town for business ventures and myfamily stay connected with me 24×7 by locating me.” – MichelleJohn.#1 Suraksha – GPS Tracker app lets you to find your loved ones andremain connected even if you are busy from anywhere anytime24×7.Note:For #1 Suraksha – GPS Tracker to function properly,✓The GPS must be turned ON.✓Internet connection or Wi- Fi must be ON.✓Submit valid Email id to send Distress Alert/Email.✓Register your valid name in order for others to recognize youwhile you send alert messages.This is a yearly plan.Download '#1 Suraksha - GPS Tracker' for you & your loved onesand Safeguard them for whole year.
Suraksha - Power of 5 2.6.1
"Suraksha – Power of 5" is anemergencydistress app that helps to keep you safe, when you arefacingPossible Dangers/Distress by clicking the Power Button thricefromyour Android mobile phones thereby triggering thefollowingfeatures:Power Feature 1: Distress AlertPower Feature 2: Distress SMSPower Feature 3: Distress CallPower Feature 4: Distress Call Recording & StoringPower Feature 5: Distress EmailThe detailed features of Suraksha - Power of 5 areasfollows:Power Feature 1: Distress AlertOur App instantly sends an internet based ‘Distress Alert’givingyour exact GPS Location & nearest mobile tower details to2pre-identified nos. (must have installed “Suraksha – Powerof5”) in the form of push notification & continues tosendevery 2 mins for the next 30 mins.Benefit: If the pre-identified contact is busy in ameeting& cant check the message box, an instant message serviceisflashed. It tracks your entire path for the next 30 mins, sothatat the time of help reaches, your contacts will know therightplace to reach.Power Feature 2: Distress SMSSimultaneously, our App sends ‘Distress SMS’ giving your exactGPSLocation plus nearest mobile tower details to 5pre-identifiedcontact nos. in the form of SMS & continues tosend these SMSesto all 5 pre-identified numbers every 3 mins forthe next 30mins.Benefit: 5 of your pre-identified friends/relativesgetintimated of your Distress SMS; so that anyone who is near toyourlocation can reach out to you in a short period of time.Power Feature 3: Distress CallAn Automated ‘Distress Call’ is made from your mobile toaPre-identified Contact no. after 3 mins of clicking thePowerbutton, so that the Receiver can judge your Degree of Dangerleveland take necessary Action.Benefit: Once the Auto Distress call is made, theReceivercan hear the conversations going around and can make ajudgmentcall on the level of danger.Power Feature 4: Distress Call Recording&StoringOnce the Distress call is made, our App automatically recordstheentire conversation of the Distress Call and stores therecordedAudio in the local media of your mobile phone.Benefit:The recorded audio file can be leveraged at a laterstagein order to take necessary action.Power Feature 5: Distress EmailOur App immediately sends a ‘Distress Email’ with your exactGPSLocation plus nearest mobile tower details to 2 DistressAlertsContact no's registered E-mail ids & continues to sendthesemails every 2 mins for the next 30 mins.Benefit:Sends E-mail even if you have no balance in thesimcard or even if the sim card is removed, but provided you are inaWi-Fi zone.Basic Requirements:"Suraksha – Power 5" requires aDevicewith a minimum amount of 50 MB of available storage, AndroidOSversion 2.3 and above, Internet access, SMS/Call charge balanceandGPS location services being activated & enabled foraccuratelocation tracking.How it works:In the event of a Distress Situation, Clickthepower button thrice. The phone vibrates to let the person knowthat"Suraksha - Power of 5" is activated.Registration Process: You can install our app once youagreeto our Terms & Conditions. For registering, you arerequired tosubmit personal details such as Name, Email-id, MobileNo.,Address, City, State and Country.After registration, you will receive a mail. Follow theproceduresto complete the process.Website: http://www.saarthi.coEmail: [email protected]: