STMicroelectronics Apps

ZAirMeter 1.4
Make use of your built-in barometer to measurerelative height, wherever you go!ZAirMeter is an app developed for users to quickly measurerelative altitude.Most barometers are sensitive enough to accurately record heightchanges of +- 0.4m and below.Instructions:1. Hold the device and click the button to take the firstmeasurement.2. Move to a different altitude (take elevator, stairway), thenhold the device steady and tap again to take the secondmeasurement.3. The height (altitude difference) will be displayed.Note: A longer acquisition time may provide more accuratemeasurement:This can be done by pressing and holding the button for a longertime (over 4 seconds).How does this work?Higher altitude makes the air pressure decrease.The app measures relative altitude (pressure differences) withmeasurements done within minutes using a generic pressure toaltitude conversion formula.Why measurements must be done within minutes?Because the air pressure changes with weather, so measurements donein minutes are less affected from changing weather. Remember that1mb variation corresponds to around 8.3m.Why not showing the sea level altitude and the difference?Because the sea level pressure altitude changes with the weather:to make a plane safely land, the local and present equivalentairport sea level pressure must be beamed to the landing plane. Forthe phone app, it would require using internet (roaming) access toairport's METAR data. For more reading on the subject, search onQNH altitude. (ever thought about the tides effect on the sea levelpressure?)Quiz: Would a phone placed within an inflated bladder bag beable to measure the weight of an object?Tags: Altimeter, pressure sensor, relative height measurement,barometer, barometric.
Serial Port Communication 2.0
Serial Port Communication App can be used toconnect a Serial Port device to Android Tablet/ Mobile Phone.Tablet/ Mobile Phone should be OTG compatible. Device is connectedto tablet/phone via OTG Cable.The important features of App are as follows :1) Baud Rate Settings can be configures in App.2) Display Settings option is available in Menu to View data inDecimal, Hexadecimal or Char.3) There are two tabs in app : Read and Write4) Read Tab can be used to read bytes of data available on VirtualCOM Port.5) Write Tab can be used to send bytes of data on Virtual COM Portof Device.6) Bytes of Data can also be sent by choosing a file with data inWrite Option.This is a generic App which can be used to send and receive dataon ST Virtual COM Port.
NFC based Weight Recorder 2.0
STMicroelectronics NFC based Weight Recorderis an Android Application integrated with NFC.It allows the user to read Weight value from ST Dual InterfaceEEPROM contactless tag (NFC-V on NFC Forum) using NFC based mobilephone.Application provides an interesting feature to upload the BodyWeight to Microsoft HealthVault website on a single tap.It is synchronized with User's HealthVault Account.Microsoft HealthVault is a trusted place for people to gather,store, use, and share health information online.
ST NFC Based Health Monitor 2.0
ST Health Monitor with NFC is an applicationwith following features :1) To Read, Record , Monitor and Analyze Patient/User SpO2 andPulse Rate from ST Pulse Oximeter device through NFC interface.2) It can also record Temperature from ST IR Thermometer Devicewhich is also integrated with NFC technology.3) ST Pulse Oximeter and IR Based Thermometer is integrated withM24LRxxE (Dynamic NFC /RFID Tag) to record SpO2 and Pulse Rate andTemperature with date time stamp in its memory.4) NFC based android phone can be used to read M24LRxxE and thento show the following :-a) Application can be used to read Spo2 ,Pulse Rate andTemperature readings from M24LRxxE using NFC interface.b) It can be used to show a user friendly graphical representationof history of readings in form of plot ( SpO2 vs Date-Time andPulse Rate vs Date Time , Temperature vs Date Time).c) Application can also upload the health data to MicrosoftHealthVault website on one click.d) Pulse Oximeter device can be configured using Application likeManufacturer ID , Device Name etc . can be modified usingapplication.e) IR Thermometer can also be configured using Application
ST25 NFC App 1.3
ST25 NFC App is an Android applicationdedicated to handle the ST NFC tag ST25TA (CLOUD ST25TA02K-P), thedynamic NFC tag M24SR (M24SR Nucleo shield and M24SR Discoveryboards), the Dual Interface EEPROMs of the M24LRxx family, and theST25DV series Dynamic NFC Tags.It allows the user to store or read NDEF messages such as NDEF URL,SMS, Email, vCard (including picture), AAR and proprietarymessages. NDEF Multi-records is also available.Tag information retrieval [CC file, (*)System File]NDEF, ISO14443 Type A (ISO-DEP)NDEF, ISO/IEC 15693Tools functionalities (Counters,GPO control, registers, …,according to Tag found)Password management [Password Authentication, Tag Read only/Writeonly …] (*).Energy Harvesting(*)Specific demonstration features such as FW update, image transfers,LED toggles, setting configuration and Data log are available andwork with specific firmware and Discovery kits.(*ST Product)
Metering 1.0
This application allows your NFC phone tocommunicate with STMicroelectronics “STEVAL-IPE020V1” meteringevaluation board, powered by ST’s Dual Interface EEPROM device.The STEVAL-IPE020V1 is an autonomous battery-powered energymetering able to record and store 64 Kbits of eight differentconsumption data using the M24LR64-R Dual interface EEPROM (I2C andRF). It is a fully functional single-phase solution, also based onthe STPM10 metering IC and the STM8L152 microcontroller.The M24LR64-R is a Dual Interface EEPROM which targets a widerange of applications such as metering, industrial or medicalequipment and consumer electronics. NFC compatible (ISO15693) andI2C serial communication are the two interfaces available withEEPROM. More information on this product on the following page App features :- Download power meter’s data from the STEVAL-IPE020V1 devicethrough ST’s Dual Interface EEPROM- Get information about the power meter (manufacturer, version,serial number, firmware version , …)- Power consumption information (plot the seven month energy meterdata like cumulative energy, tamper counts,…), and display of thesedata on 8 different graphical curves- Miscellaneous Information (installation date, power down, …)This App will enable you to download consumption data from theSTEVAL-IPE020V1 board as described below :- Total Cumulative Energy- Maximum Demand log- Cumulative Energy Month- Average PF Log- Earth Tamper Count- Reverse Tamper Count- Neutral Missing Tamper Count- Case Tamper Count
DatalogV3 1.0
This application allows your NFC phone tocommunicate with multi-sensor board “STEVAL-IPR002V1”.It is able to :- Download data from all of the sensors from the STEVAL-IPR002V1board- Display the sensor data on 6 different graphical curvesMain features :- Start / Stop a sensor acquisition- Download acquired data’s sensors from the STEVAL-IPR002V1device- Trace a graph of downloaded values (vertical & horizontalorientation)The different kind of sensors is:- Temperature Sensor- Humidity Sensor- Vibration- Freefall- Tamper- LightThe STEVAL-IPR002V1 is an autonomous battery-powered dataloggerable to record and store 64 Kbits of six different sensors datausing the M24LR64-R Dual interface EEPROM (I2C and RF).The M24LR64-R is a Dual Interface EEPROM which targets a widerange of applications such as industrial or medical equipment andconsumer electronics. NFC compatible (ISO15693) and I2C serialcommunication are the two interfaces available with EEPROM”More information on this product on the following page
Gas Meter Application 1.0
The Application interacts with the SmartGasMeter STEVAL-IPG001V1 via Near Field Communication.This Application enables the consumer to communicate withtheirGas Meter and analyze different parameters and configuregasmeter.Application can be used to read Meter data recorded in STDynamicNFC/RFID Tag integrated with Gas Meter via NFCCommunication.It can record monthly data for 7 Months.Monthly Data can be viewed in form of plots for 7monthssimultaneously.Main Parameters included in Monthly Data :1) Cumulative Consumption2)Maximum Demand3)Tariff Consumption4)Alarms
Bluetooth Pairing through NFC 1.0
Android based application compatible withNFCsupported phones can be used to pair mobile phone/ tabletswithBluetooth Speakers/ Headset at a single Tap.Bluetooth Speaker can be converted to multi- channel speakerbyinserting STMicroelectronics Dynamic RFID/ NFC Tag (M24LRxx).Bluetooth Speaker information can be stored as BluetoothHandoverMessage inside the memory of STMicroelectronics DynamicRFID/NFCTag .Application provides the following features :1) To Program ST Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag with BluetoothHandoverMessage of Bluetooth Speaker/Headset.2) To create multiple copies of one Tag at a single Tapwithoutentering all details again and again.3) To Pair the mobile phone with Bluetooth Speaker at asingleTap4) To Unpair the phone with Bluetooth Speaker.Application makes use of standard Bluetooth HandoverMessage(NDEF) Format as a standard provided by NFC Forum.
Wi-Fi Pairing through NFC 3.0
Wi-Fi Pairing application is a simplifiedwayof pairing two Wi-Fi based devices through NFCusingSTMicroelectronics M24SR or M24LR Dual EEPROM.It connects phone to Wi-Fi devices through NFC Out-of-BandInterface.Wi-Fi Network SSID & Key is uniquely assigned to connecttoWi-Fi Network.This application supports both M24SR & M24LR type DualEEPROMto be used for Wi-Fi Pairing.This device can be used withPrintersor other Smart Wi-Fi supported devices.Application provides following features :1) To Program STMicroelectronics M24LRxxE & M24SRxx withWi-FiDevice content.2) To copy the content of one M24LRxxE (Dynamic NFC/RFID Tag)toother M24LRxxE (new Tag).3) To Connect to Wi-Fi Network on a single Tap using NFC.
STM8/32 Bluetooth Flashloader 1.0
Limited bluetooth flashloader for some STM8andSTM32 Microcontrollers (MCU).Supported MCU:STM8L151G6 (32kb) [ex: FROG and Draco demoboard]STM32L151RBT6 (32kb max over 128kb available) [ex:Pangolindemoboard]STM32F103RBT6 (32kb max over 128kb available) [ex:Pangolindemoboard]Required Hardware:- any microcontroller board with usart connected toanyrs232-bluetooth module.[discovery kits, eval boards, frog, draco, pangolin boards]- SPP Bluetooth HW module configured with "FROGxxxxx" name,and115200,8,E,1 speed (the module should NOT be tied to the MCUresetsignal)Use the generic AT commands when the module is not pairedtoconfigure the speed, bit parity and name of the bluetoothmodule.It is suggested to use the MCU unique serial number sothatmultiple boards can coexist in the same area.It is recommended for battery operated system that the MCUcontrolsthe bluetooth module power.The flash S19 file is usually generated by the linker(projectoption, output Motorola format).Copy this file to the phone internal's download directory.With this tool a demoboard can be reflashed by emailwirelesslyand without PC/Laptops in minutes.Bootloader does not use any of the 32kb user flashspace,contrary to IAP (In Application Programming).Even if the flashing is corrupted/interrupted, bootloader isalwaysaccessible.We also suggest Teraterm-like application for userterminaloperations.Bonus Feature for developers:Plot and Datalog values in user mode with this app:In user mode, send by USART text ASCII strings with thefollowingformatting style example:(# sec):, 120, 201, LPS (PRaw_mb PQuad PFilt_mb C):,1556.35,1556.35, 1556.35, 27.49, ADS (Gain ADC12b Averaged):, 4,-3651,4248The text line should end with the return code 0x0A (nexttextline) separatorLPS is the main label, values in () are the physical unitsforthe following data valuesSend these information by Bluetooth from the MCU user coderegularly(eg. 1 sec).Click on the [START] button, and when the graph legenddisappear,click on [Sel Plot], which will show a list of thedecoded valuesand names. Up to 8 curves can be plotted on thescreen which lookslike an oscilloscope's.You will also be able to add some of the phone sensors to it.All the Bluetooth incoming string data once the [START] buttonisclicked will be datalogged as FROGxxxx.txt in the phonedownloadfolder.
ST M24SR Demo 1.4.5
ST M24SR product dedicateddemonstrationapplication to write and read NFC Type 4 Tag NDEFMessage.App can read/write NDEF Text, Uri, Sms, E-mail, BThandover,M24SR Discovery Kit Message. Lock/Unlock message featureis alsoprovided.To evaluate the full functionnality ST M24SR Demo App has tobecoupled with the M24SR Discovery board availablefrom
Smart Home Lighting
Smart Home Lighting is to control LEDbasedlighting boards having BLE connectivity with on/off anddimcommands. The LED based Lighting board is based on STM32baseddesign using BlueNRG for BLE connectivity
Dual EE 1.0
The STMicroelectronics "Dual EE"applicationallows you to work with the M24LR64-R dataloggerdevice*.The application manage the NFC chip of the phone (read &writeoperations) in order to :- Download data from the datalogger device*- Save new settings to the datalogger device*Main features :- Start / Stop a temperature acquisition- Download acquired temperatures from the datalogger device*- Trace a graph of downloaded values (vertical &horizontalorientation)- Display statistics (Max/Min/Avg Values - Histogram - etc…)- Change settings (Frequency acquisition - Overwrite option)If you don't have yet the datalogger device* you can :- View a cover Flow presentation of the M24LR64-R product- Access the STMicroelectronics website directly on the"Dualinterface EEPROM" dedicated page.datalogger device* : is an autonomous battery-powereddataloggerable to record and store 64 Kbits of temperature datausing theM24LR64-R Dual interface EEPROM (I2C and RF)