mClassTest 2.0.1
Esta app permite a los estudiantes contestardurante la clase y mediante su dispositivo móvil a preguntas tipotest planteadas por el profesor a través de la plataformamClass.Para iniciar sesión en el sistema, los estudiantes deberán utilizarsu cuenta personal de Twitter de manera que el profesor puedaidentificarles a la hora de evaluar las respuestas.Los estudiantes deben hacer checkin en la sesión correspondiente dela asignatura para poder visualizar las preguntas que el profesorplantea.This app allows studentsto answer during class and through your mobile device testquestions raised by the teacher through the MClass platformtype.To log into the system, students must use their personal Twitteraccount so that the teacher can identify them when evaluatingresponses.Students must checkin in the corresponding session of the course inorder to view the questions that the teacher poses.
T3CHFEST-UC3M app is the official agenda forthe Tradeshow of Computing and New Technologies T3CHFEST which isheld at Leganes campus from the Carlos III University of Madridpromoted by Computer Engineering students and supported by UC3M.With T3CHFEST-UC3M app you will be able to:- View the tradeshow events classified by day.- View detailed information of the events and share them throughsocial networks.- Store the events you want to attend in "My talks" and your Googlecalendar.- View the campus places where the tradeshow is held.- View who is sponsoring the tradeshow and visit their websitesfrom the app.
MyITV 1.0
Esta aplicación permite llevar a cabolagestión individual que cada conductor debe realizar antesdeafrontar la ITV de una manera eficiente sobre su vehículo.
Free Voices 1.0
Esta app permite compartir pensamientos conlacomunidad de usuarios a través de capturas de sonido.This app allows youtoshare thoughts with the user community through soundcapture.