Percentile 1.03
Calculating percentiles for children 0 to 5 years. StatisticalCharts percentiles for height, weight, head circumference and bodymass index. Ability to create multiple profiles with informationand photographs of children. Enjoy the Pro version without ads.
SakiSpace 1.11
Help the little alien to ply their planet avoiding the dangerousfires. Get all the achievements and share your score with otherplayers.
SakiFit:Bodybuilding & Fitness 1.10
Guide bodybuilding exercises.
Sakiplantas 1.7
Listado de plantas para jardin. Clasificaciónpor tipo de uso, persistencia y familia botánica. Fichas de lasplantas mas utilizadas en jardinería, con su descripción, cuidadosy observaciones. Sección Mi jardin para clasificar las plantas detu jardín.List of garden plants.Classification by type of use, persistence and botanical family.Sheets more plants used in gardening, with its description, careand observations. Section My garden to classify the plants in yourgarden.
CronoBox Pro 1.4
Timer for boxing workouts, one hundredpercentfunctional. Removed the sleep mode and screen rotation, lestyousuffer any interruption in your training. Besides the largescreenlets you check the times with great ease.-No banner advertising to better enjoy your training.Full-time training per screen.-Registration training with time and number of rounds.-New Display Options for best settings.
SakiBattery 1.3
Battery Monitor with attractive interface.Widget with battery level and status.
BreastFeeding Pro 1.4
Journal for breastfeeding baby. To remind breast-feeding and timeand keep track of breastfeeding the child. Intuitive and easy toregister with a single button each feeding the baby makes.Notifications of notice to remind the time of breastfeeding.-Export your journal to archive. Cvs to display in excel -Chartshours per day and feeds per day. -No advertising of any kind.
Huerto 1.7
Listado de plantas de huerto, con sus características, cuidados yobservaciones. Sección para añadir tus plantas favoritas y elaborartu propio huerto.
SakiFlashLight 1.1
Simple widget to use the flash asaflashlight.
CountTime 1.8
Simple Application to display the elapsed time between two dates indifferent formats. Sample years, months, days, weeks, hours,minutes, seconds and milliseconds elapsed. Ability to configure theinformation displayed.
Breastfeeding 1.20
Journal for breastfeeding baby. To remind breast-feeding and timeand keep track of breastfeeding the child. Intuitive and easy toregister with a single button each feeding the baby makes.Notifications of notice to remind the time of breastfeeding.
Volume Control 1.10
Simple volume control device sounds. Modes silent, vibration,plane. Save your favorite sound settings in one click to retrieveit at a later date.
SakiPlay 1.4
Collection of children games to play on the street or at home byageand place. Detailed to the smallest non-stop fun descriptions.Youcan choose your favorite for your private collection.
Animal Games 1.9
Sheets animals with their sounds
Percentile 1.14
Calculating percentiles for children 0 to 5 years.StatisticalCharts percentiles for height, weight, headcircumference and bodymass index. Ability to create multipleprofiles with informationand photographs of children.