RochaLabs Apps

Historias Misteriosas 1.2
Las historias misteriorsas es un conjunto dehistorias donde se desvela el final de una tragica historia, losinvestigadores deberán preguntar al narrador hasta conseguirresolver el misterio, si te gustan los acertijos y adivinanzas teencantará este juego tipo Black Stories, en el que disfrutarás encompañia sintiendote como un autentico detective en estemaravilloso juego de pensar.The misteriorsas storiesis a collection of stories where the end of a tragic story reveals,researchers must ask the narrator until solve the mystery, if youlike puzzles and riddles you'll love this game type Black Stories,in which you can enjoy in company authentic feeling as a detectivein this wonderful game of thinking.
Flashlight instantly changes your device toaREAL flashlight! The ultimate lighting tool that takesfulladvantage of the LED device. Free!features:- Suitably Turn on or turn off the light as if it were arealflashlight- Imponentes- Graphics This is the most beautiful flashlight youcanhave on hand!Enjoy!
Funny Jokes 1.1
Best collection of free funny jokes. Comeon,have fun!