Ricco.Co Apps

= Ricco app second edition! =Ricco2 is an application that you can collage photos withcuteframe and stamp illustrator Ricco. Was designed. Chooseabackground (photo), and with the frame, and round and roundturnthe stamp, you can play it put Petapeta in favorite size!Ricco app was released in 2010, won first place in theAppStoreentertainment fee department. A large number of mediaasrecommended app, we picked up the blog, is downloaded to theuseraround the world, I received a lot of messages. Thank youverymuch.This time, upon realizing the improvement of the application,thatthe artist himself and believes that want to enjoy easy to useamore Ricco app user of everyone, and to reflect as much aspossiblethe voice of the user of everyone for the, to implement afurthertwist want to be thought that, although it was sometimesnecessaryis a fundamental reworking rather than the version up, andtheopportunity that can be realized, and has led to am allowedtoproduce and release as Ricco2.It is not possible to reflect all the opinions that we receiveisalso relationship of budget, but I think that is pretty easy tousecompared to the previous work is getting better. In Ricco2thatbecame new, Please enjoy the world of illustrator Ricco.!- Ricco2 production team -= Additional from previous work function =• I pasted the frame to photo• Supports horizontal photo• stamp Undo function• improvement of stamp deletion method (you can erase instamplength Press)• temporary storage of the work screen, add a call function• stamp bulk delete function, all the delete function Add• UI, improvement of screen transition• improvement of the stamp resolution• improvement of stamp operability• Add a scaling function of photo= The newly written! New stamps and frame design =• stamp 272• frame 31* This app will recommend that you download under Wifienvironmentfor capacity is large.* Installation limit the number of stamp is 16 children.* Temporary storage of the screen, you can save a call featureisonly one. Please note that the temporary storage contentsDroppingthe app disappear.= February 18, 2013 postscript =◆ when downloading or "Error 498", if that settled Even thoughitis in a state that can not be downloaded, thefollowingpossibilities will be considered.For · Ricco2 capacity of app is as large as 47MB, exchangedoesnot work between Google Play and your terminal· Contact your free capacity of the cache of the terminalisnotCan not respond to, your terminal◆ countermeasures- Log in to your Google Wallet account, credit cardinformation,make sure that you have the latest.· Google Play I will erase the apps and both cache and data ofthedownload manager. To do so, follow these steps.Press the MENU key, and then tap Settings>Applications>Manage applications].I tap the All tab.Select the Google Play app, [to erase the data, and then tapClearCache].Then, select the Download Manager], [to erase the data, and thentapClear Cache].And capacity in order to install the app on the mobile terminalortablet is to make sure that there is enough.· Wifi environment, such as communication, please performthedownload in a stable location.· You must restart the mobile terminal, and then try to downloadtheapp again.· In addition, remove the Google Play, it seems there is a casetogo well when you download from the Android Market.If that does not work in the above method, there is apossibilitythat Ricco2 app is not fully compatible with yourterminal.In that case, because we will refund,Very trouble ....,· Contact name· Purchase date (time)Order numberPlease contact us the way, thank you.