RhodesMedieval Apps

Rhodes Medieval 1.0
Experience the medieval history of Rhodesviathis augmented reality app.You don't need to have any map knowledge or make anylocationidentification to find out what buildings are around you,just holdup your smarphone, move it around and you will be able tosee allthe info appearing on your screen of your phone, pinned onthe realworld.Discover the medieval buildings and learn about theirhistory,find out about the betrayals and the legendary battles andtheheroic defense of Hospitaller knights during the great siegesofRhodes. Learn about the Great Masters of the Order, whattheyaccomplished and what mistakes they did, duringtheiradministration. Be a citizen of Rhodes in medieval era andcheckout the gossips and legends of that time. Feel the atmosphereofRhodes Medieval Town!Features:-More than 200 POIs-More than 120 POIs with detailed description-More than 120 minutes audio description of POIs.-3D Medieval people will guide you through the streets ofMedievalcity-3D scenes and models of knights and famous Great Masters-3D Towers that don’t exist anymore.-Hear sounds of medieval sounds (battles, executions etc)-Publish photos of your family or friends beside 3DHospitallerKnights with background the Medieval city.
Rodi medievale 1.0
Vivi la storia medievale di Rodi tramitequestaapplicazione Augmented Reality.Non hai bisogno di nessuna mappa né di identificare alcun luogoperriconoscere gli edifici che ti circondano, devi solo prendereiltuo smartphone, muoverti e vedrai apparire tutte leinformazionisullo schermo del tuo telefono, connesso al mondoreale.Scopri gli edifici medievali e la loro storia, i tradimenti,lebattaglie leggendarie e le difese eroiche dei CavalieriOspitalieridurante il grande assedio di Rodi. Conosci i GrandiMaestridell’Ordine, le loro imprese ma anche gli errori checommiserodurante i loro regni. Sentiti un cittadino di Rodi nelMedioevo eascolta i pettegolezzi e le leggende di quell’epoca.Vivil’atmosfera della Città Medievale di Rodi!Live the medievalhistoryof Rhodes via this app Augmented Reality.You do not need no map or to identify any place to recognizethebuildings around you, you just have to take your smartphone,moveand you'll see all the information on the screen of yourphone,connected to the real world.Discover the medieval buildings and their history, thebetrayals,the legendary battles and heroic defenses of theKnightsHospitaller during the great siege of Rhodes. Been to theGrandMasters of the Order, their businesses but also themistakescommitted during their reigns. Feel a citizen of Rhodes intheMiddle Ages and listen to the gossip and legends of thatera.Experience the atmosphere of the Medieval City of Rhodes!
Rhodes médiévale 1.0
Découvrez l'histoire médiévale de Rhodesviacette application de réalité augmentée.Vous n'avez pas besoin d'avoir des connaissances de la carte,ourendre toute identification de l'emplacement pour savoir ce quelesbâtiments sont autour de vous, il suffit de tenir votresmarphone,il se déplacer et vous serez en mesure de voir toutes lesinfosapparaissent sur votre écran de votre téléphone, épinglée surlemonde réel.Discover the medieval buildings and learn about theirhistory,about the treachery and legendary battles , the heroicdefense ofthe Knights Hospitaller during the sieges of Rhodes.Learn moreabout the Great Masters of the Order, what theyaccomplished andwhat mistakes they made during theiradministration. Be a citizenof Rhodes in the medieval era anddiscover the gossips and legendsof that time. Feel the atmosphereof the medieval city ofRhodes!Caractéristiques:-Plus de 200 POI (60 sur la version gratuite)-Plus de 120 POI avec une description détaillée (non inclus surlaversion gratuite)-Plus de 120 minutes audio-description des POI (non inclus surlaversion gratuite)-3D personnes médiévales vous guidera à travers les rues de lavillemédiévale (non inclus sur la version gratuite)-3D des scènes et des modèles de chevaliers et de célèbresGrandsMaîtres (non inclus sur la version gratuite)-3D tours qui n'existent plus (non inclus sur laversiongratuite).-Entendre les bruits de sons médiévale des batailles, etcexécutions(non inclus sur la version gratuite)-Publier des photos de votre famille ou entre amis à côtédeChevaliers Hospitaliers 3D avec un fond de la cité médiévale.(Noninclus dans la version gratuite)Discover themedievalhistory of Rhodes via this augmented reality application.You do not need to have knowledge of the card, or makeanyidentification of the location to find out what buildingsarearound you, just hold your smarphone it move and you will beableto see complete information appear on your phone display,pinned tothe real world.Discover the medieval buildings and learn about TheirHistory,about the treachery and legendary battles, the heroicdefense ofthe Knights Hospitaller of Rhodes DURING THE seats. Learnmoreabout the Great Masters of the Order, What They Accomplishedandwhat mistakes They Made Their Pendant administration. Be acitizenof Rhodes in the medieval era and discover the gossips andlegendsof That Time. Feel the atmosphere of the medieval cityofRhodes!Features:-Over 200 POIs (60 on the free version)-More Than 120 POI with a detailed description (not included inthefree version)-More Than 120 minutes of audio description POI (not included inthefree version)-3D Medieval people will guide you through the streets ofthemedieval town (not included in the free version)-3D Scenes and models of knights and famous Great Masters(notincluded in the free version)-3D Towers that no longer exist (not included in thefreeversion).-Hear The medieval sounds sounds of battles, executions etc(notincluded in the free version)-Publish Pictures of your family or friends beside 3DHospitallerKnights with a backdrop of the medieval city. (Notincluded in thefree version)
Rhodos Mittelalterlichen 1.0
Erleben Sie die mittelalterliche GeschichtevonRhodos über diese Augmented-Reality-App.Es ist nicht nötig, eine Extra-Karte zu verwenden - überIhrSmartphone erhalten Sie alle relevanten Informationen! DafürmüssenSie nur die Gebäude und Plätze um sich herum anvisieren undschonliefert Ihr Smartphone in Sekundenschnelle alles Wissenswerte.Aufdem Bildschirm erscheinen dann wichtige undinteressanteInformationen über Rhodos und seine Geschichte.Entdecken Sie die mittelalterlichen Gebäude und erfahrenSieetwas über ihre Geschichte, informieren Sie sich über denVerrat,die legendären Schlachten und die heldenhafte Verteidigungdurchdie Johanniter -Ritterr während der großen Belagerung vonRhodos.Informieren Sie sich über die großen Meister des Ordens,über ihreLeistungen und Taten und auch über ihre Fehler inVerwaltung undMilitär. Werden Sie zum Bürger im mittelalterlichenRhodos undüberprüfen Sie die vielen Gerüchte und Legendendieserbeeindruckenden Stadt.Genießen Sie die einmalige Atmosphäre des mittelalterlichen Rhodos-direkt und informiert!Features:- Mehr als 200 POIs- Mehr als 120 POIs mit ausführlicher Beschreibung- Mehr als 120 Minuten Audio-Beschreibung der POIs- 3D-Modell des mittelalterlichen Menschen werden Sie aufdieStraßen der mittelalterlichen Stadt zu führen- 3D-Szenen und-Modelle von Rittern und berühmtenGroßenMasters- Betrachten Sie 3D-Modelle von Türmen, die nichtmehrexistieren- Laute hören auf mittelalterliche Schlachten,Hinrichtungen,etc.- Veröffentlichen-Fotos von Ihrer Familie oder Freunden neben3DJohanniter Ritter mit Hintergrund die mittelalterliche Stadt.Experience themedievalhistory of Rhodes via this augmented reality app.It is not necessary to use an extra card - on your smartphoneyouget all the relevant information! For this you only need totargetbuildings and places around you and you provide your phoneinseconds everything worth knowing. Appear important andinterestinginformation about Rhodes and his story on thescreen.Explore the medieval building and learn about its history,informyourself about the betrayal, the legendary battles andheroicdefense by the Hospitallers -Ritterr during the Great SiegeofRhodes. Find out about the great Master of the Order,theirachievements and deeds, and also about their mistakesinadministration and the military. Become a citizen inmedievalRhodes and check out the many rumors and legends of thishistoriccity.Enjoy the unique atmosphere of medieval Rhodes - directlyandinformed!Features:- More than 200 POIs- More than 120 POIs with detailed description- More than 120 minutes of audio-description of the POIs- 3D model of medieval man will guide you on the streets ofthemedieval city- 3D scenes and models of knights and famous Great Masters- Consider 3D models of towers, which no longer exist- Sounds heard on medieval battles, executions, etc.- Publish photos from your family or friends beside 3DHospitallerKnights with background the medieval city.