RazvanDeveloper Apps

Floricica Dansatoarea 1.0
1. Prima imagine o face pe Floricica saspuna"Sa va fie Rusine!"2. A doua imagine o face pe Floricica sa spuna "huaa"3. A treia imagine o face pe Floricica sa spuna "Iesitiinstrada!"4. A patra imagine (bonus) prezinta replica lui FlorinIordache"alta intrebare"Sper sa va placa! Spor la protest!1. The first imagemakesthe Flower to say "Shame on you!"2. The second image makes the Flower to say "huaa"3. The third picture does say on Flower "hit the streets!"4. The fourth image (bonus) shows replica Florin Iordache"anotherquestion"I hope you enjoy! Spor to protest!