Edutrack Of Chhattisgarh 1.0
‘CG Edutrack’ is a system which enablesthemonitoring of the implementation of the Right to Education Actinreal time, using the power of digital technology. It enablespublicparticipation and brings together a number of people suchasteachers, parents, community representatives, civilsocietyorganizations as well as education administrators to improvethefunctioning of Government schools in the state of Chhattisgarh.CG Edutrack was inaugurated by the Honourable Chief MinisterofChhattisgarh, Dr. Raman Singh on 20th November 2015 duringtheconcluding event of the UN Child Rights Convention Week atRaipur.The program has been designed and technically supportedbyUNICEF.In essence, CG Edutrack is a software application thatenablesreal time monitoring of the implementation of the RighttoEducation Act. The central premise behind Edutrack isthatcontinuous and collaborative efforts at various levels byeveryoneconcerned, are needed to improve school quality. Thisneedsreliable data that reflects the current situation on theground.Digital technology enables access to real time data. This isthefirst step in facilitating targeted action on a numberofeducational parameters.The Edu-track application can be enabled on android basedmobilephones. Given the rapidly increasing user base for these‘smart’phones, the Government of Chhattisgarh has decided to usetheirimmense potential to strengthen the monitoring andimplementationof its programs for public good, such aseducation.The multiple users of the application can take part inEdu-trackby first installing CG Edutrack on their android enabledphones.This is followed by approval of registration. The user canthenstart reporting school information as per the variousindicatorstracked by the application. These could include studentattendance,status of the midday meal, children’s learning levelsand otherindicators chosen by the education department from timetotime.The Edu-track application is flexible as it allows eachdistrictto set its own benchmarks against which school data canbereported. Further, what is unique about the application is thatitis ‘latitude and longitude enabled’. If the user is notreportingdata from the school, the application immediatelyhighlights this.Further, it does not matter if the school islocated in an area notcovered by mobile connectivity. As soon asthe user moves into azone of connectivity, the data entered getsautomatically getsuploaded to the server. Thus, the Edu-trackapplication builds in a‘Real time’ aspect and an accountabilityaspect as far as reportingis concerned. This further helps inverifying existing educationdatabases of the government.The ‘front end’ of the Edutrack application has a userfriendlywebsite/dashboard that can be easily accessed through thesamemobile phone that is used to make the data entry. Throughthisdashboard, information can be seen at the school, cluster,block,district, and state levels. Thus, the application enablestargetedanalysis and responses by the administrators ofeducationdepartment. For instance, we will know which schools areunderperforming with respect to attendance and other parameterssuch asbasic facilities, teacher vacancies, children’sacademicperformance, and so on.CG Edutrack is designed to strengthen the governance ofeducationin Chhattisgarh State. It is hoped that this real timemonitoringsystem will bring in tangible changes and ‘make anothereducationhappen’. You are welcome to participate in this importanttask.