Ghost are you here ? 1.0
Joking with your friends , how it workit'ssimple just add "." in the formulation box and write youranswerthen in the Question box write the question and press"Ask"Exemple : i want to know where i'm i write in the formulationbox".Cenima" then i write in the Question box "Where i'm ?" andipress "Ask" ...voila !you can't press Ask if the formulation box has a wrongformulationso if you want play without "." you must write "Ghostare you here?" and you put your question in the Question box!in case you want to prank your freinds you must write"." intheformulation box and the application write automaticly"Ghost are you here ?" then don't touch any thing just putyouranswer and go to the Question boxSorry for my bad english and hav fun !
تاريخنا 1.0
تطبيق تاريخنا هو تطبيق عربي مجاني يتيحللمستخدمالعربي أن يتعرف على تاريخنا الأسلامي ...حروب,غزوات,مؤامرات,فتحات...كل شئ عن تاريخنامنذ بعثة الرسول صل لله عليه و سلم الي سقوط ادولة العثمانية.The application ofourhistory is an application that allows free Arabic Arab usertorecognize our history ... the Islamic wars, invasions, plots,slots... everything about our historySince the Apostle Mission God bless him and handed over to thefallof the Ottoman Empire as a state.