Qwant Apps

Qwant - Privacy & Ethics
With Qwant, search in private mode.
Qwant Junior 3.4.3
Qwant Junior is the world’s first search engine made for 6-12yearsold kids. For them, Internet is an amazing place to learn,discoverand have fun and Qwant Junior brings forward the besteducationaland entertainment content. But there are things on theweb you'drather kids not see, and you cannot always keep an eye oneverywebsite your kid go to. With its safe and secure browser,QwantJunior brings security for your kid by hiding inapropriatecontentsuch violence, porn, drugs, hate… Thanks to a strictprivacyrespectful supervisory system, Qwant Junior browser protectskidsfrom accessing harmful websites identified by Qwant Junior anditscommunity of education professionals. Qwant Junior Mobile isabrowsing experience that is fun, safe and fluid: • Keep peaceofmind when your kid goes online: blacklisted websites willnevershow in the browser; • Forced safe mode for major videoplatforms;• Tracking protection built-in for better privacy andless ads; •Lightning fast and feature-packed browser based onopen-sourceMozilla technology (bookmarks, tabs…). Qwant and QwantJunior arethe best search engine that respects your privacy. Unlikeany othersearch engine, you can find all content in the world, andyet notbeing tracked or spied upon. To know more about our privacypolicy,please visit https://about.qwant.com/legal/privacy/.