Qualtira Apps

V-Belt Drive Designer
This application allows you to quicklyandeasily select industrial v-belt drives that meet yourdesigncriteria.You specify basic inputs such as horsepower, driverspeed,desired driven speed and shaft diameters. The applicationwillevaluate thousands of drives, and display a list of themosteconomical solutions. The list of solutions is initially sortedbycost, but you can reorder the list by other attributes suchasactual service factor or actual driven speed.You can optionally specify advanced inputs to further refinethelist of drive solutions. For example, you can limit the listofsolutions to sheaves of a certain size, to belts of a certaincrosssection, to certain types of mounting styles, and severalothercriteria.The application allows for designing variable speed drivesaswell as fixed speed drives. For variable speed drives,theapplication displays drive information at each possible "turn"ofthe variable pitch driver sheave.Power ratings and other formulas used in the software arebasedon the following sources, which are joint publications oftheMechanical Power Transmission Association (MPTA) andtheAssociation for Rubber Product Manufacturers (ARPM):1. IP-20 Specifications for Drives Using Classical V-BeltsandSheaves2. IP-22 Specifications for Drives Using Narrow V-BeltsandSheavesProduct information used in the software, including partnumbersand dimensions, is based on manufacturers' publishedinformation,including print and electronic catalogs.If you are a belt manufacturer or a sheave manufacturer, wecancreate a custom version of this application using *your*partnumbers, ratings, and pricing. Contact us at [email protected] information.The web version of this application is availableathttp://www.productselectionpro.com.