PrinsApps Apps

LinkMe 1.0
LinkMe App is a Real time social network app available for Androidand soon as other smartphones. We all know there are many app whichlet you to chat with you friends but LinkMe the app which let youto share your thoughts with the people not only in your life butglobally and real time cloud messaging service. LinkMe App usesyour phone’s Internet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, asavailable) to access with the people. Switch from Text Message andother chatting apps to LinkMe App to send messages Sharingthoughts, photos, videos, and Voice Messages. And it’s free foreveryone. WHY USE LinkMe LINKME NO FEES: LinkMe uses your phone’sInternet connection (4G/3G/2G/EDGE or Wi-Fi, as available) tosharing your thought with not only the people with in your life.LINKME SHARING: Display posts from people you are linking and whoyou have as friends. You can Link anyone and anyone can Link you.No need to add or send request simply by clicking Link and startyou conversation. Not necessary the person has to be in yourcontact list. NO INTERNATIONAL CHARGES: There’s no charge to sendLinkMe messages internationally. Chat with your Linkers around theworld and avoid international SMS charges. SAY NO TO VERIFICATIONPINS and ADD REQUESTS: Why bother having to give your phone numberand PIN? LinkMe App works with your just username only once, and noneed to add or send invitation to the people that you want toconnect until or unless if they don’t have LinkMe app installed.ALWAYS LOGGED IN: With LinkMe, you’re always logged in so you don’tmiss messages. No more confusion about whether you’re logged inuntil or unless you press logged QUICKLY CONNECT WITH YOURCONTACTS: No need to add to your address book. Just simply link thepeople that you want and start your conversation OFFLINE MESSAGES:Even if you miss your notifications or turn off your phone, LinkMewill save your recent messages and posts from your linkers untilthe next time you use the app. AND MUCH MORE: Show shared Locationin map, ability to share current place using GPS,Edit/Report/Delete posts, like/dislike posts, full screen view anddownload shared photos, set shared photos as wallpaper, playYouTube videos in full screen inside the app, and share post fromthe app to other social networks such asFacebook/WhatsApp/google+…etc.--------------------------------------------------------- We’realways excited to hear from you! If you have any feedback,questions, or concerns, please email us at: [email protected]
WhatsOn 2.0
What’s On application allow you to discover and share your eventsand it may help you to keep everything whats going on all over theworld in a real time in your own device. it allow you to easily adda new event and the specialty of this app is there are no any userrestrictions, once you add your event then anyone can view thatevents, and all the events will be deleted once date expired. thispre version of app will not allow you to edit your events it willbe fix upcoming versions, so if you want to change or edit anydetails of the event please kindly email to our prinsapps([email protected]) developer teem. The personal information youprovide to us will be include your contact details and the eventsthat you share and there are no any third party involved in thisapplication unless required to do so by law. and all theinformation that you enter is encrypted by SSL. and it is yourresponsibility to secure any password used to access this app. wewill regularly update and notify you of new upgrade and latestversions of product what you can do – Register Login ChangePassword Forgot Password Add an Event View Events (Recent,Upcoming, Past) View Number of Users Help What You Can’t do – EditYour Events (You can do this by email to [email protected] teem and when you request to edit your event pleasekindly mention your Name of the Event and details which you want tochange)
Just Guess 1.0
Description Man or Machine just take a challenge. Many times we asksomeone to guess our age but now all changed by the algorithms, nowit’s a time let system to think how you look in terms of yourgender and the age. Just Guess App estimates your age and gender,how you look from your face detection. Sometimes it very accurate& also funny! You can trick your friends about their real agehow they look like. DOWNLOAD FREE NOW, don’t miss the movement andtime to believe Man or Machine better. Process * Use your phone totake a photo, app will determine age and gender of you 1. Press‘Take Cam Shot’ button to open camera 2. Point camera at yourfriend faces, wait until you see frames on those faces 3. If noframe showing at any face, adjust your camera angle, try movein/move out until see frames 4. Press Guess to let the appdetermine the age. Or *Upload photo by device Gallery 1. PressImages to choose your photo from Images 2. Press Guess, then thesystem will search the image and get you a result. 3. Share theanalysed result photo to other via Facebook, twitter, e-mail,Instagram ,etc. Just Guess is a fun way to interact and socializewith others. Guess the age of other people, upload a selfie on yourown profile and see how old everyone thinks you are!