Plandroid Apps

Random Card 0.9
A useful application to get random cards.Number of desks can be chosen.
Nervioso (Nervs) 1.0
Nervs is an entertaining playing cards gamewhich needs good concentration and cold reaccion skills. React asfast as you can to run out of cards and win the game!
Music Challenge 1.21
Play Music Challenge!
Ball Separation 1.2
Separate the blue balls from the red ones!
Ring of Fire 1.1
Ring of Fire, also known as 4th King, circleof death, etc, is a very entertaining card game to drink withfriends. Every player has to take a card on his turn and, dependingon the card taken, different mini-games has to been played. Withthis application you will not have to carry cards to play it andyou can even add your own mini-games to the app. Certain fun!Tags: Ring of Fire, Fourth King, Drinking Game, 4th