Peeter Apps

Weight Tracker 1.4
Weight Tracker is a multilingual Android application that can beused to track and analyse your physical achievements if you aretrying to lose weight or gain muscle. You can set a goal and theapp will help you track progress towards that goal. Weight Trackerapplication requires an electrical weighing scale, that measuresbody fat, muscle mass and water weight in the body. Note that it isonly the long-term trend which counts. Short period fluctuations inweight over a few days are mostly the result of a loss of fluid.The interpretation of the results will be depend on changes in yourbody: overall weight and body fat, body water and musclepercentages, as well as on the period during which these changestake place. Rapid changes within days must be distinguished frommedium term changes (over weeks) and long term changes (months).
Covfefe - Fun with words 1.2
How to play? In this game you have to type random words. There are6steps. What kind? - describe something with one word. Who? -namesomebody. Doing what? - describe an activity in a few words.Where?- name a place. With whom? - name any character. When? -write downa random time. On each step you get a hint about whatkind of wordyou have to type. You can play with friends or onlinewith randompeople. While playing with friends, you type one wordand then handyour phone to a friend and he/she types the next wordetc. Havefun!