My GPS Distance 1.0.5
"My GPS Distance" from PO Systems helps youmeasure the distance by using the GPS and hardware sensors of yourphone.In the "My GPS" screen, you can measure the distance between yourlocation and a target on the map, or the distance between twopoints. It is recommended to use "My GPS" outdoors as your phonemay not be able to receive GPS signals inside a building."My Measure" shows the distance to the target seen through thecamera lens of your phone as you aim the target."My Measure" calculates the distance to the target using the heightof your phone and the tilt angle that is formed by facing the phonecamera to the base of the target. "My Measure" can be used eitherindoors or outdoors, but it gives more accurate results when youmeasure short distances (less than 50 yards).These long and short range finders can be used for your outdooractivities such as camping and golf. Next time you play golf, tryusing "My GPS" for long games and "My Measure" for short games!
My Home Inventory 1.2.3
"My Home Inventory" helps you keep trackofeverything you own and the things you borrowed or lent tosomeoneelse.The background of borrowed or lent inventory becomes yellow whenadue date is coming up and red if it is overdue. You can alsosendan automatically generated reminder by text, email, orphonecall.Please feel free to send us email to let us know any idea toimprovethe application, we are more than happy to provide thefeatures atour best for your valuable feedback.