PJB Apps

Flexible Unit Converter 0.54
Flexible Unit Converter is the onlyunitconverter app that incorporates dimensional analysis, allowingyouto construct and convert an endless variety of complex units.Features:• Intuitive gesture-based interface.• Over 650 built-in units in 75 categories. A descriptionordefinition is included for almost every unit.• Includes 90 currencies (requires internet access permissionforupdates).• Hide units and categories to show only the units you need(mostuncommon units hidden by default).• Define new categories and units, and edit built-inunitparameters.• Save favorite conversions, quickly access them all on onepage,categorize them.• Search for units or categories.• Add any exponent or SI prefix to any unit• Detects inversions, for example to convert from mass densitytospecific volume.• Built-in keypad, for quick number entry.• Mixed fraction input.• Real-time calculation.• 'Info' page tells how to balance your conversion.• Result rounding and precision adjustment.• Mixed fraction output, with fraction simplicity slider.• Scientific or engineering notation, with threshold control.• Uses Android 4+ theme.• Basic interface with no graphics or intense colors.Basic Instructions:• Tap a category title to open units, long-press categorytitlesto enter category settings..• Touch and hold a unit to view its name and description atthebottom.• Drag and drop units from the unit library to the left orrightside of the conversion.• Tap input number (top left) to open keypad.• Flick units in the conversion area up/down to increase ordecreaseexponent.• Long-press units in the conversion area to edit or delete.• Swipe right from the unit library to edit andaccessfavorites.****The hundreds of different units used in all domains ofmathematicsand science are composed of a small number of “baseunits” ofmeasurement. The standard “SI” unit system uses thefollowing baseunits:• Length: metre• Mass: kilogram• Time: second• Temperature: Kelvin• Angle: radian• Solid Angle: steradian• Electric Current: ampere• Luminous Intensity: lumen• Particles in a substance: moleTogether with a base unit for currency (US Dollars), FUCperformsall conversions using these base units. This enables youto convertspeed, for example, using any combination of length(metre,kilometere, mile, inch, etc.) and time (second, hour,minute, day,etc.) base units.This makes FUC by far the most powerful and flexibleunitconverter app available. It is intended for scientists,engineersand students, but is simple enough for everyday use.Some of the more obscure units you can convert FUC:IlluminanceSolid AngleRadiation ExposureRadiation AbsorbanceRadiation Eq.DoseParticle QuantityMass Density or ConcentrationSpecific Electric ChargeElectric Conductance or AdmittanceElectric ConductivityElectric Current DensityElectric Field StrengthElectric Flux DensityElectric PermittivityElectric ResistivitySpecific Energy / EnthalpyMass Flow RateMolar Flow RateVolumetric Flow RateMolar Heat Capacity or EntropySpecific Heat Capacity or EntropyVolumetric Heat CapacityEnergy Flux Density or IrradianceHeat Release RateHeat Transfer CoefficientLinear DensityMass Transfer CoefficientMass VelocityMolar EnthalpyMass Moment of InertiaMomentumPermeability CoefficientPressure DropSolubility Parameter, HildebrandSpecific VolumeAngular / Rotational SpeedSurface Tension, or Impact StrengthThermal ConductivityThermal Expansion CoefficientLinear Thermal ExpansionVolumetric Thermal ExpansionThermal InsulanceSecond Moment of AreaDimensionlessMolar MassThermoelectric SensitivityFracture ToughnessSpecific RadioactivityAngular AccelerationVolumetric Heat Transfer CoefficientLinear Current Density / MagnetizationMagnetic Vector PotentialMagnetic MomentLuminous EfficacyRadianceRadiant IntensityLight ExposurePermeabilityMagnetic Dipole MomentArea Densityand more...