PDevelopers Apps

Burn Fat 1.0.0
20 Tips to Shed Body Fat for Good
Math for kids 1.0.0
Mathematics for children is based on the 4 main mathematicaloperators such as the sum subtraction multiplication Division Theexercises are limitless the person using exercises you can practiceall you want without restrictions and that never end, you canchoose between 1-4 digits depending on the difficulty level youwant. Recommend this program to your friends you do much in herschool! If you have questions about the program or would like anapplication for your organization or personalize this pleasecontact by email. Credits: Logo Play Store: Designed by Freepik.comLogo App: Artist: Elegantthemes License: GNU General Public License
Diccionario Español (Offline) 1.0.0
Este diccionario esta basado en el Tesauro Español de codigo Libre,que le permite buscar el significado de palabras en Español sinnecesidad de estar conectado a internet.Puede hacer sus consultas en cualquier momento y lugar.Creditos Logo:Diseñado por Freepik.esProyecto: GNU General Public License (GPL)www.gnu.org/ licenses/ gpl-2.0.htmlThisdictionary is based on the Spanish Tesauro open source, whichallows you to search for the meaning of words in Spanish withoutbeing connected to the internet.You can make inquiries at any time and place.Credits Logo:Designed by Freepik.esProject: GNU General Public License (GPL)www.gnu.org/ licenses / gpl-2.0.html
Riddle me that - Free 1.0.0
The best selection of good riddles and answers from all categoriessuch as funny riddles and math riddles.. See if you can solve themall. if you liked share with your friends :)
English Telugu Dictionary 1.0.0
Is a handy app featuring 50,000+ English words and their meaning inthe Telugu.
Test de Ortografia 1.0.1
Las mayores dificultades ortográficas del español son lasrelacionadas con el uso de la letra h, así como el empleo de más deuna letra para representar un mismo sonido como en el caso de losfonemas /b/ (letras b, v y w), lo mismo ocurre con la k (c, k yqu), entre otras.En definitiva, y para ayudarte a evaluar tu nivel ortográfico,pongo en tus manos esta prueba empírica y práctica como una ayudamás.OlderSpanish spelling difficulties are related to the use of the letterh, and the use of more than one letter to represent the same soundas in the case of the phonemes / b / (b, v and w), as occurs with k(c, k, qu), among others.In short, and to help you evaluate your level spell, put yourhands in this empirical and practical test as a help.
La Biblia Frances 3.0
Frances Bible with the Old and New Testaments
La Santa Biblia en Español 1.0.0
Catholic Holy Bible Old and New Testament in Spanish.
Humor y Chistes 1.1
In this application there are more than 450 jokes and pranks, Ihope you have fun.
Prueba de Embarazo (FREE) 1.0.0
Resuelve tus dudas completando este test deembarazo con 31 preguntas y descubre si estás embarazada. Contestalas cuestiones que se plantean y si respondes afirmativamente a lamayoría de los síntomas de embarazo podrias estar embarazada.Aunque los cambios físicos que acompañan al inicio del embarazopueden pasar desapercibidos, hay algunos signos que lo anuncian,mientras que otros sólo se detectan mediante un reconocimientomédico.Solve your doubtscompleting this pregnancy test with 31 questions and find out ifyou are pregnant. Answer the questions that arise and if you answeryes to most of the symptoms of pregnancy Might be pregnant.Although the physical changes that accompany the onset ofpregnancy may go unnoticed, there are some signs that advertised,while others can only be detected by medical examination.
Calculadora de Ecuaciones 1.0.0
This calculator will help you quickly solve equations exercises
English Spanish Dictionary 1.0.0
This dictionary contains more than 50,000 words translated intoSpanish
English Arabic Dictionary Free 1.0.0
This dictionary contains 174 000 words translated into Arabiclanguage
English Dictionary - Offline 1.0.0
Check the meaning of words without internet connection
Bibbia in italiano 6.0
Italian Bible contains 66 verses of the Bible
German English Dictionary 1.0.0
German dictionary with over 180 000 words translated into English
Test de Ortografía (Free) 1.0.0
This test is designed to measure your level spell.
Diccionario Español Inglés
Este diccionario trabaja sin necesidad de estar conectado aInternet, puede usarlo en cualquier momento y lugar, si usted estaen el extranjero o tiene una duda sobre una palabra en ingles, estaherramienta podra ayudarle rapidamente. Creditos: Iconos: Artist:Elegantthemes Iconset: Beautiful Flat Icons Licencia: GNU GeneralPublic License Esta base de datos es parte de un proyecto de codigolibre Licencia: http ://www.apache.org /licenses /LICENSE-2.0
El Arte de la Guerra - Sun Tzu 1.0.0
A book on military strategy mainly encompassing also tactics.
Funny Jokes 1.1
Here you will find over 700 jokes and jokes in Inglés
Juego de Acertijos 1.0.0
Puzzle game with 100 questions for children and adults
The Holy Rosary Audio (Free) 1.0.0
Select one of the Mysteries depending on the day of the week.
The Catholic Holy Bible 1.0.0
The purpose of the version, both the text, is to keep the Catholictradition.
World English Bible (Deuteroc) 1.0.0
Deuterocanon contains 81 books to be understood by mostEnglish-speakers
Psalms - King James Version (A 1.0.0
Free audiobook works without internet connection, completelysubtitled
World English Bible (Catholic) 11.0
Catholic contains 73 books to be understood by mostEnglish-speakers worldwide
Bíblia Sagrada Almeida (Grátis 1.0.0
The Almeida Received is public domain
聖經 新標點和合本 1.0.0
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, thatwhoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Almas del Purgatorio (Oración 1.0.0
Devotion of the Hundred Requiem in Suffrage of the Blessed Souls ofPurgatory
Diccionario Latinoamericano (J 1.0.0
The most complete Dictionary with spoken jargon in Latin America
The Holy Quran 1.0.0
The Quran is the central religious text of Islam.
The Children's Bible 4.0
The text is that of the Bible itself, but in the language of thechild,
The Holy Bible (World English 1.0.0
It is one of the few public domain, modern-English translations ofthe Bible
La Biblia Católica 17.0
Free Catholic Bible without internet connection
Biblia en Español Reina Valera 27.0
It is one of the first translations of the Bible into Spanish.
Audiocuentos infantiles 1.0.0
You can enjoy 8 audiocuentos without being connected to theInternet
El Santo Rosario Audio (Free) 1.0.0
The Holy Rosary Free recommend downloading this application with aWiFi Network
Test Psicotecnico 1.0.0
Psicotécnico examination with more than 80 questions.
Diccionario Español (Free) 1.0.0
Spanish dictionary, you can make inquiries quickly and for free.
Biblia Reina Valera (1909) 13.0
King James Version of 1909 (Public Domain)
The King James Version of the 26.0
The Authorized Version is in the public domain
Biblia Católica - Português 1.0.0
The application works entirely without the need for Internetconnection.
Bíblia Sagrada em Português 4.0
You can access your Bible anytime and anywhere.
Juego Acertijos Matematicos 1.0.0
Interesting collection of mathematical puzzles for all ages andAnswer
Significado de los sueños 1.0.0
Check your dreams without the need for Internet
El Corán Español 13.0
It is the sacred book of Islam, as Muslims contains the word of God
Le Saint Coran 10.0
The Holy Quran translation into French
Dictionary Synonyms & Antonyms 12.0
Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms without need of connection toNetwork.