PBSoft Apps

Síndico Amigo 1.8
ESTE APP DESTINA-SE APENAS PARA CLIENTESDOwww.sindicoamigo.com.brO Síndico Amigo é um software administrativo paracondomíniosverticais e horizontais, edifícios empresariais eadministradorasde condomínios.Este aplicativo traz os principais modos para utilizaçãodoscondôminos:* Reserva de Área ComumEste item, um dos mais utilizados no sistema, temcomofuncionalidade principal: informar o usuário sobre dias ehoráriosdisponíveis para reservas, últimos agendamentos realizadoseefetuar novas reservas.* Serviçosmorador terá acesso a uma lista de prestadores de serviços, dasmaisvariadas especialidades, contendo os seguintes dados: nome,e-mail etelefone. Eles são os profissionais que geralmente atendemocondomínio, e o morador poderá indicar novas opções, sedesejar.Basta solicitar ao sindico pelo fale conosco, repassando osdadosnecessários.* CorrespondênciasUtilizada para informar o usuário sobre a chegadadecorrespondências na portaria, bem como o controle de entregaàpessoas autorizadas. Com isso, o extravio é reduzido a zero.* NotificaçãoPossibilitar ao morador a ciência de um algum fato importantequenão esteja de acordo com o regulamento do condomínio, bemcomopermite acesso ao síndico para que tome as devidasprovidências,inclusive emitindo notificação de multas. Funcionacomo livro deocorrências.THIS APP IS INTENDEDONLYFOR CUSTOMERS www.sindicoamigo.com.brThe Amigo Receiver is an administrative software for verticalandhorizontal condominiums, office buildings and condosmanagers.This application brings the main modes for use oftheshareholders:* Common Area ReserveThis item, one of the most used in the system, its main function:toinform the user about days and times available forreservations,recent appointments made and make newreservations.* Services resident will have access to a list of service providers inavariety of specialties, with the following information:name,e-mail and telephone. They are professionals who generallyservethe community, and the resident may indicate new optionsifdesired. Just ask the liquidator by contact us, transferringthenecessary data.* MatchesUsed to inform the user of the arrival of mail in the lobby aswellas the delivery control to authorized persons. Thus, the lossisreduced to zero.* NotificationEnable the resident science of any important fact that is notinaccordance with the rules of the condominium, as well asprovidesaccess to the liquidator to take appropriate action,includingissuing fines of notification. It works as a bookofoccurrences.
Sindico Amigo 2.0 2.1.14
THIS APP IS ONLY FOR CUSTOMERS FROM www.sindicoamigo.com.br TheSíndico Amigo is an administrative software for vertical andhorizontal condominiums, business buildings and condominiumadministrators. This application brings the main functions for useof condominium owners: * Common Area Reservation This item, one ofthe most used in the system, has as its main function: inform theuser about available days and times for reservations, lastschedules made and make new reservations. * Services  Residentwill have access to a list of service providers, of the most variedspecialties, containing the following data: name, e-mail andtelephone. They are the professionals who usually attend thecondominium, and the resident may indicate new options if desired.Just ask the union to talk to us, passing on the necessary data. *Correspondence Used to inform the user about the arrival ofcorrespondence in the concierge, as well as the control of deliveryto authorized persons. With this, the loss is reduced to zero. *Notification Provide the resident with the knowledge of animportant fact that is not in accordance with the condominiumregulations, as well as allows access to the liquidator to take thenecessary measures, including issuing notice of fines. Works asevent book.