OmiSoft Apps

Loan Manager 9.6.1
'Loan Manager' is an idea to digitize the lender/borrower details,so that one cannot forget their debits/credits, they owe to lendersor borrowers. Easy and straightforward computation of the amount ofmoney you owe to or expect to receive from a particular individualAn app that allows you to be aware of the money you have lent otherpeople, friends, etc. It's quite easy to use. You just need tosimply add in details about the cash you've lent/borrowed fromsomeone, and you're done. The app will remind you when your recordreached its time limit, so that you can return/get respectiveamount. Including following features : • Can easily add/modifylenders/borrower. • Get notified when specific lender/borrowerreached their time limit for returning money. • Listing alllenders/borrower, by sorting them end date wise of sublet. • Easyto use, its more like a cash log manager. • Works offline. •Ability to see record transactions as they are processed. • Addlenders/borrower record and their complete details. • See whichlender/borrower have reached time limit. • Create, edit or delete alender/borrower record. • Set reminder alarm for lender/borrowerpayment time. • View and plan lenders/borrowers.
Property Dealer 4.0.0
An app for whole world Property dealers, to keep digital records oftheir deals.
Vehicle Maintenance 1.0.4
'Vehicle Maintenance' is an idea to digitize the car services logdetails.