Northway Apps

Tipster Betting Advice 1.3
Get a free match predictions fromproventipsters, daily betting tips are now available for free.Tipsterprovides you with in-depth analysis and betting advice basedonexperience, skill and insights from top tipsters. Focus isonfootball, but also publishing tennis and basketball bettingtipsbased on insiders info.Our success rate in 2016 is above 80% but we are constantlytryingto improve.Key app features:- detailed match analysis for daily betting tips- push notifications for each betting tip published- user voting system for every match- statistic for last 7 days, last month and all time- easy to use and pixel perfect interfaceApp is still in development, new features will beaddedsoon!If you are an experienced tipster and interested in earningextra,please contact us for moredetails:[email protected] fun playing and stay profitable!
eNotar - javni beleznik 1.3
eNotar je android aplikacija koja vamomogucavada izracunate troskove overe, pronadjete najblizeg notarau Srbiji ida saznate sta je potrebno pripremiti oddokumentacije.KALKULATOR TARIFEIzracunaj koliko košta overa kod javnog beležnika za svevrstepravnih poslova po zvanicnom tarifniku.ADRESARPronadji tebi najbližu javnobeležnicku kancelariju.PRIPREMI SESpisak neophodne dokumentacije po vrstama pravnih poslova jedeoobracuna.NOTAR UVEK DOSTUPANMobilna aplikacija koja je jednostavna za korišcenje,intuitivnogdizajna i koja zauzima minimlanu memoriju na tvomtelefonu.