Nodria Apps

NotifyMe 1.0.4
Receive your Android notifications on your computer.This application allows you to receive your Androidnotifications on your computer through Google Chrome. You don'tneed to check your phone/tablet anymore, your notifications aredirectly displayed on your computer screen.To use the application :- Install the Google Chrome extension on your computer: From the application, scan the QR code displayed by the extensionin Chrome.When scanning the QR code, the application retrieves anencryption key linked to your web browser. The application usesthis key to encrypt (AES256) the notifications before forwardingthem to your web browser, the only one able to decrypt them. Yournotifications are secure.Features :- Forward Android notifications on your computer- Clear notification from your computer- Filter notifications- Maintain an history of the notifications- Synchronize the clipboard between your device and yourcomputersPlease contact us if you encounter any problem : [email protected] application only works on Android 4.3 and later.
Freenge 0.9
Vous êtes chez Free Mobile ?Vous voulez savoir si vous êtes connecté au réseau Orange ou auréseau Free mobile ?Freenge est là pour ça.Une icône dans la barre de notifications vous indique le réseausur lequel votre téléphone est connecté :- rouge : Orange- vert : FreeUn historique vous permet de consulter la liste des antennes surlesquelles votre téléphone s'est connecté ainsi que leur positionsur une carte. Vous pouvez aussi n'enregistrer que les changementsd'opérateur dans l'historique.Une carte contient la position approximative des antennes FreeMobile détectées par Freenge. Elle est mise à jour toutes lesheures. Plus il y aura d'utilisateurs de Freenge plus la carte seracomplète et précise !Vous pouvez télécharger le fichier KMZ contenant la liste desantennes détectées par Freenge sur etl'ouvrir dans google Earth.Pour information :- Freenge ne peut pas récupérer les informations de l'antenne surlaquelle le téléphone est connecté si ce dernier est en veille(écran éteint).- Les positions des antennes peuvent être approximatives. Freengen'utilise pas le GPS (pour ne pas impacter la batterie), mais l'apide géolocalisation de Google basée sur les réseaux environnant.Si vous avez des questions, envoyez un e-mail, sinon le forum estlà : de mettre un commentaire disant que vous rencontrez unproblème, je ne peux pas y répondre.Cette application n'est pas une application officielle de FreeMobile.You are at Free Mobile?Want to know if you are connected to the Orange network ormobile network Free?Freenge does just that.An icon in the notification bar indicates the network to whichyour phone is connected:- Red Orange- Green: FreeA history allows you to view the list of antennas to which yourphone is connected and their position on a map. You can also recordonly operator to change the history.A map contains the approximate position of Free Mobile antennasdetected by Freenge. It is updated every hour. The more Freengeusers of the card will be more complete and accurate!You can download the KMZ file containing the list of antennasdetected by Freenge on and openit in Google Earth.For information:- Freenge can not retrieve information from the antenna on whichthe phone is connected if it is in standby (off screen).- The antennae positions may be approximate. Freenge does not usethe GPS (not impact the battery), but the API Google geolocationbased on surrounding networks.If you have questions, send an e-mail, if the forum is: to post a comment saying that you have a problem, I cannot answer.This application is not an official application of Free Mobile.
AppMeter 1.1.0
AppMeter lets you monitor any Play Storeapplication to get statistics about ratings and releases throughtime.Just set the package name and AppMeter handles the rest. Noauthentication necessary, AppMeter retrieve publicly availabledata.Features:- Retrieves information about the current release (version, date,size, install range, price, average rating, ratings count,stars)- Stores information through time- Shows charts abouts average ratings, stars evolution, ratingscount, releases- Notifies you when new ratings are available or when a new versionof an app has been released- Allows you to import/export stats to csv formatCharts will be meaningful once enough data has been retrieved.If you encounter any problem or need any help using the app,feel free to contact me by e-mail or write a message on the forum : What is a package?It's the unique application name, you can find it in the play storeurl. For instance, the AppMeter url is,so the package name is How do I add an application to monitor?In the AppMeter main window, just click on the + button
Timote Web 1.1.0
Turn your phone into a remote control for theSpotify web player!With this version of Timote you can control the Spotify webplayer using an extension for the Google Chrome web browser(Mac/Windows/Linux).Please note that Timote IS NOT a music player, it's a remotecontroler !Features:- Control what's playing now: play/pause, next/previous track,volume, shuffle, repeat, seek in current track- Search for tracks, artists, albums- Access your music and playlists- Control the queue- start radios- Add tracks to your music- Controls from lockscreen and Smartwatch (requires fullversion)- Auto pause on incoming or outgoing calls (requires fullversion)If you have any trouble using Timote, send me an e-mail or leavea message on the forum ( you want to control the Spotify desktop client for Windows,please download the other version of Timote.This product uses a SPOTIFY API but is not endorsed, certified orotherwise approved in any way by Spotify. Spotify is the registeredtrade mark of the Spotify Group.