Deepam-AP 3.1
Government of Andhra Pradesh is providingLPGconnections to women of BPL families to reduce dependence onforestfor fire wood, improve their health status, remove drudgerydue toconventional cooking and improve the general environment oftheState.The State Government is paying the security deposit ofPublicSector Oil Companies viz., Hindustan Petroleum Corporation(HPC),Bharath Petroleum Corporation (BPC) and Indian OilCorporation(IOC) for release of LPG connection on behalf of thebeneficiariesselected under this scheme. In the rural areas ,thisschemelaunched in July,1999 and in urban areas sinceFebruary,2000
AePDS-AP 1.20
It aims to empower citizens to access widearray of civil supplies department related services inspeedy,convenient and transparent manner.It provides single windowplatform for ration card services like member addition,membermodification,address change,member removal etc.,.It also offerscitizens to check their card allotment of current month and letsthem apply for deepam scheme(free LPG subsidy scheme) .It achievestransformation of government services directly to the mobileplatform to ensure transparency.It enables G2C interaction withoutintervention of any individual or third parties by facilitatingpublic participation in utilizing government services.