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HeroCraft Z 1.1.5
Chosen one, welcome to the world of HeroCraft Z!!!This game is all about gathering and enhancing an adventuringparty with characters of your choice, and go head-to-head with evermore challenging quests staged by the evil, as well as your fellowplayers in multiple game modes.Will you stand triumphant in the campaign to deliver the worldfrom turmoil, or become the arena champion among the bestcompetitors?It's about time to have some real-time action on your phone!Features:EPIC 3D BATTLES[√]Face your enemies in real-time battles powered by Unity3Dengine!BUILD YOUR TEAM[√]Assemble the team in your own play style with extra helping handfrom your friends!GATHERING OF THE BEST[√]50+ collectible companions, each with unique abilities! Maximizeyour fighting strength by smart combination!COMPETITIVE PVP ARENA[√] Prove yourself a winner in multiple game modes! Face downchallenges from a global players' community![√]TAP-AND-PLAY - Smooth controlling with your mobiledevices![√]THINK-TO-WIN - Apply creative tactics to overcome newchallenges!
逆战三国志之龙啸九天 1.3.0
经典的三国志题材,此次将于安卓平台重获新生!首款指尖动作战争策略手游《逆战三国志》现已上架!FB主页:★-★-★-★-游戏特色-★-★-★-★【第三代手游策略大作】3D的视觉享受,告别常规策略手游套路,完美结合建城、卡牌、战斗元素于一体!【轻松简单的触屏战场策略】经典回合+触屏策略,兵种克制、战前布阵、战场指尖亲触,无限策略组合乐趣!【多路线兵种转职路线丰富】游戏中5大兵种、4大路线,总共30种兵种,不同兵种特性不一,不同搭配折现出万般策略变化!【深入人心的传世名将】浓厚的三国历史风格与漫画风结合,游戏中角色采用全新的设计理念,抛弃以往三国的写实风格,最终融合了写实与漫画相结合的传世名将。【丰富的武将专属神器】青龙偃月刀、丈八蛇矛、双股剑、倚天剑、方天画戟、青缸剑、的卢、赤兔、绝影、爪黄飞电等等传世神器法宝一览无遗,对应的专属武器对武将有极大的强化,一一收集打造三国最强神将!【全民澎湃的资源掠夺】全民掠夺,掠夺攻防战一触即发!【热血沸腾的策略国战】三国联盟、合纵连横,三国团体策略激突大碰撞!客服支持邮箱:[email protected]游戏官网:主页: classic theme ofthe Three Kingdoms, the Android platform will be reborn! first hand tour war strategy fingertip action "against the war ofthe Three Kingdoms" is now the shelves! FB home page:★ - ★ - ★ - ★ - Game Features - ★ - ★ - ★ - ★ [third-generation mobile games strategy masterpiece] 3D visual enjoyment, conventional strategies farewell tour routinehand, the perfect combination to build the city, cards, battle theelements in one![easy and simple touch battlefield strategy] Classic Round + touch screen strategy, arms restraint lineup beforethe war, battlefield fingertip touch pro, unlimited portfoliostrategy fun![rich multi-line arms transfer route] Game five branches of the military, the four major routes, a totalof 30 kinds of arms, different arms of different characteristics,different strategies with fold change emerged worth![name] popular masterpieces Three strong winds combined with the history of comic style, thegame character with a new design concept, to abandon the past threerealistic style, a blend of realism and comic ultimate combinationof famous masterpieces.[artifact] rich generals exclusive Broadsword, Zhangbashemao, double-stranded sword, Heavenly Sword,Fangtianhuaji, green cylinder sword, Lu, Red Rabbit, must shadowclaw Huang Fei electricity etc. handed magic artifact glance, thecorresponding exclusive weapons generals have great enhancement tobe collected to create the three strongest god![referendum] surging resource plundering Universal pillage, plunder battle imminent![national war strategy blooded] Three Union, vertical and horizontal, the three groups strategyGekitotsu big crash!Customer Support E-mail: [email protected]'s official website: home page:
救救那女神 0.9.1
(目前版本不支持Android 5.0 系统)为庆祝开放测试盛大开启,开服期间推出多项活动供各位玩家参与,金币,银币,道具等丰富奖品等你来拿!★注意: 所有奖励都将于活动结束后3个工作日内以游戏内邮件的形式发放。一、玩家等级排行榜!◎活动日期:2015/1/26(星期一)至 2015/2/2(星期一)下午14:00 为期一周◎活动内容:活动截止时等级排行榜前10名的玩家可获得高额银币及道具奖励。◎排名 奖励:第一名1000万银币 + 50个紫色灵石第二名800万银币 + 40个紫色灵石第三名600万银币 + 30个紫色灵石第4~6名400万银币+ 20个紫色灵石第7~10名200万银币 + 10个紫色灵石二、战队实力排行榜!◎活动日期:2015/1/26(星期一)至 2015/2/2(星期一)下午14:00 为期一周◎活动内容:活动截止时战力排行榜前10名的玩家可获得高额银币及宝石奖励。◎排名 奖励:第一名 1000万银币 + 5级生命宝石×1 + 5级物攻宝石×1 + 5级法强宝石×1第二名 800万银币 + 5级生命宝石×1 + 5级物攻宝石×1第三名 600万银币 + 4级生命宝石×1 + 4级物攻宝石×1 + 4级法强宝石×1第4~6名400万银币 + 4级生命宝石×1 + 4级物攻宝石×1第7~10名200万银币 + 3级生命宝石×1 + 3级物攻宝石×1 + 3级法强宝石×1三、副本冲关排行榜!◎活动日期:2015/1/26(星期一)至 2015/2/2(星期一)下午14:00 为期一周◎活动内容:活动截止时副本进度排行榜前10名的玩家可获得高额金银币奖励。◎排名 奖励:第一名 1000万银币 +1000金币第二名 800万银币 + 800金币第三名 600万银币 + 600金币第4~6名400万银币 + 400金币第7~10名200万银币 + 200金币四、异界探索排行榜!◎活动日期:2015/1/26(星期一)至 2015/2/2(星期一)下午14:00 为期一周◎活动内容:活动截止时异界积分排行榜前10名的玩家可获得高额银币及道具奖励。◎排名 奖励:第一名2000万银币 + 1000异界宝石第二名1600万银币 + 800异界宝石第三名1200万银币 + 600异界宝石第4~6名800万银币 + 400异界宝石第7~10名400万银币 + 200异界宝石另有天天签到赢大奖,首充送礼,首次初值送双倍金币等更多活动。☆2015年最值得用户期待的手机游戏,第六代卡牌巨制《救救那女神》震撼来袭,天界•冥界•海域•圣域等300位神话英雄,带你走进不一样的神话时代!☆掌上神话,黄金组合!游戏背景不单单只有全球各地的神话英雄,还加入了千万种英雄组合自由搭配,挑战你的策略极限。☆魔神降临!拯救女神!城堡建设!飞艇贸易!密境探险!神秘BOSS!你想要的这里统统都有!欢迎关注游戏粉丝页:***现在下载***即刻开启全免费模式,众神之怒一触即发!【游戏特色】★★★★★超级的视觉享受:精美画面让你难忘.4K高清内核超唯美RPG,上百位英雄角色精美呈现,场景互动技术触动极致感官刺激,战斗更酷爽,技能更绚丽!【爽快的动作操作体验】★★★★★指尖微操释放华丽大招,千钧一发力挽狂澜,百位英雄的千万种组合让你战斗的体验欲罢不能.【特色鲜明的英雄设定】★★★★★汇集上百种来自希腊,北欧,玛雅,罗马,埃及,印度,中国,日本等地的神话人物,通过游戏的故事,可以将各神系英雄招募至团队。【变化多端进阶系统】★★★★★通过收集游戏中不同的英雄的卡牌,通过进阶英雄获得造型更绚丽能力更强大的存在!!【建设雄伟的城邦】★★★★★玩家在游戏中能修建自己的城邦,并且通过升级城邦的建筑获得是的城邦更好的发展,进行飞艇贸易和矿洞一系列的有趣的玩法。【共同挑战强大BOSS】★★★★★游戏中通过异界之门玩家相互合作挑战强大的boss,打败BOSS和好友一起获得高级卡牌!官网网站:
魔兽英雄Z 1.2.4
《魔兽英雄Z》2015最值得投入移动游戏,创造属于您的魔幻史诗!2015抛弃虚拟摇杆,告别双手操作,来一场单手触屏的全3D即时战斗惬意享受!欢迎访问我们的Facebook主页:官网:msyxz.ngames.com客服邮箱:[email protected]将您的感受与珍贵的建议告诉我们,非常感谢!====【游戏介绍】====★种族:精灵、人类、兽人、亡灵、特殊;★游戏画面: Unity3D引擎打造的可媲美端游的史诗魔幻战斗画面;★英雄:100+知名经典英雄持续添加中;★技能:1000+耳熟能详的技能自由操控组合;★伙伴搭配:MT、DPS、治疗、法师、远程、近攻,经典职业搭配的感觉重现;★战斗:2015抛弃虚拟摇杆,告别站桩回合,与双手操作说拜拜,来一场单手触屏的全3D即时战斗惬意享受;====【游戏特色】====★2015最正3D手游,只此一版,再无其他※系統:经典坦克、伤害、治疗职业战斗系统移植,感受传承;※独创:全屏幕触摸战斗,单手轻松操控;※玩法:副本、战役、竞技场、角斗场、远征战场;※英雄:经典知名英雄,鲜明特色,招牌技能;★手机端也能实现PC端史诗副本经典玩法※BOSS:巨型BOSS,单挑还是5人小队?※副本:经典剧情,石爪山脉,贫瘠之地,菲拉斯;※战役:10大战役,海加尔山,战歌峡谷,斯坦索姆;※PVP:成就王者巅峰,竞技场,角斗场,战场远征;★英雄阵容重现经典铁三角职业搭配※MT上路坦克:死亡骑士、大德鲁伊、山岭巨人、古树卫士、地狱咆哮※AP法伤中单:蛇发女妖、通灵院长、毁灭术士、雷霆之王、烈焰魔女※AD远程输出:黑暗游侠、王牌猎人、天谴射手、雷鸣斧手、驱魔猎人※NM治疗辅助:暗影牧师、萨满祭司、光明使者、寒冰室女、翡翠幼龙★公会战队好友一个都不能少※加入公会,即刻和会友一起推世界BOSS;※加入战队,激情团战,战队荣誉至高无上(研发中敬请期待);※加个好友,送体力,支援ING,好基友就是随叫随到;"Warcraft hero Z"2015mobile game into the most worthy, Create your fantasyepic!2015 abandoned virtual joystick, bid farewell totwo-handedoperation, to a single touch of the hand full 3Dreal-time combatcomfortable enjoyment!Welcome to visit our Facebook page: website: msyxz.ngames.comCustomer Service Email: [email protected] feelings and tell us precious suggestions, thank youverymuch![Game Description] ==== ====★ Race: Elf, Human, Orc, Undead, special;★ game screen: Unity3D engine to create a comparable tour endsepicfantasy battle screen;★ Hero: 100+ famous classic hero continued to add in;★ Skills: 1000+ free to manipulate the familiar combinationofskills;★ partnership with: MT, DPS, treatment, Mage, remote, recentattack,a classic career with the feeling to reproduce;★ Combat: 2015 abandoned virtual joystick, Zhan Zhuangfarewellbout, with both hands to operate goodbye, to a one-handtouch full3D real-time combat comfortable enjoyment;[Game Features] ==== ====★ 2015 3D hand tour of the most positive, this is only oneversion,no other※ System: Classic tank, injury, occupational therapy combatsystemmigration, feel heritage;※ Original: fighting the whole touch screen, easy to manipulatewithone hand;※ play: a copy of the battle arena, arena,expeditionbattlefield;※ Hero: Classic famous hero, distinctive characteristics,signsskills;★ mobile terminal can achieve the PC classic epicgameplaycopy※ BOSS: giant BOSS, singled or five-member team?※ copy: classic story, Stonetalon Mountains, barrenland,Feralas;※ Battle: 10 Battle of Mount Hyjal, Warsong Gulch,Stratholme;※ PVP: King pinnacle achievement, arena, arena,battlefieldexpedition;★ hero lineup reproduce the classic triangle career match※ The MT 路坦克: Death Knight, Druid, Mountain Giants, treesguards,Hellscream※ AP single injury law: Gorgons, psychic Dean, destructionwarlock,Thunder King, flames Witch※ AD remote output: Dark Ranger, Big Game Hunter, curseshooter,thunder ax hand, exorcism Hunter※ NM assisted therapy: Shadow Priest, Shaman, Lightbringer,IceMaiden, Emerald Whelp★ guild clan one less friend※ join the Association, immediately and will be friends togethertopush the world BOSS;※ Join team, passionate team battles, clan honor supreme (R &Dstay tuned);※ add friends, send physical support ING, based Friends isoncall;
雄霸至尊 - 千人国战,再续传奇 1.0.03
【游戏简介】[Game Introduction]《雄霸至尊》是一款以pk为核心的ARPG,同时将魔幻仙侠与战斗融为一体;嗜血PK、沙城争霸、结婚系统、夺旗战等最新元素应有尽有;放肆全自由的PK,热血激情帮会战,趣味娱乐互动,打造一流手游体验。你还在等什么?《雄霸至尊》诚邀您共闯江湖路!Furious War is a PK-centered ARPG that integrates excitingmagicthemed battles. It has every latest element that gamers canname:PK, the Sand Conquest, a Marriage System and Flag Seize. Plus,itcan give gamers a classic gaming experience with freePK,passionate faction war and intriguing interaction. Joinothergamers and make history in Furious War!【游戏特点】[Game Features]特点一:升级之路,多!Feature 1: Massive Upgrade Ways卫道除魔任务、石原隘口经验副本、回收装备、探宝、押送囚徒、土城烤火……大量经验收益唾手可得,任性升级!Gameplay includes the Exorcism quest, Gear Retrieval, TreasureHunt,Prisoner Transport and Bonfire. They can provide gamers withmassiveEXP and rewards to help gamers upgrade quickly.特点二:PVP、PVE,多!Feature 2: Various PVP and PVE沙城争霸、雷霆战场、神魔霸主、失落宝藏、邪神入侵、麒麟圣殿、深渊地牢……丰富的PVP玩法、PVE副本,还有各种活动任务玩法,绝对让您看得眼花缭乱,玩得不亦乐乎!Gamers will never get bored with a wide variety of PVP,PVEdungeons, events and quests: Sand Conquest, ThunderBattleground,Phantom Lord, Lost Treasure, Evils’ Invasion, KylinShrine, andAbyssal Vault, to name just a few.特点三:属性成长路线,多!Feature 3: A Number of Stat Growth Ways要提升角色属性,可以通过获得高级装备、打造神兵利器、合成高级羽翼、提升境界等级、提升坐骑等级、兑换灵石和成就勋章等,还可自由选择更多战力提升方式。There are a number of ways for gamers to boost characterstats:obtaining advance gear, forging artifacts, combiningadvancedwings, increasing realm level, upgrading mounts, redeemingSoulStones and ACHV Badges. Plus, gamers can select more waystoincrease combat power freely.特色四:PK,全自由化!Feature 4: Completely Free PK角色等级达到40级即可开启PK生涯,除在特定安全区外,PK均不受限制,畅享原味PK传奇。Characters can unlock PK at Lv.40. Gamers can use PK in anyplacesexcept the specific safe area.特色五:新颖即时语音聊天系统,爽!Feature 5: Original Real-Time Voice Chat System所有玩家可以进行组队语音,公会语音,在特色沙城争霸战中进行实时沟通,指挥攻城无往不胜!战累了,还可约上漂亮的比基尼妹子到梦幻海滩小酌一杯哦。All gamers can have voice chats in teams, guilds and theSandConquest. With this function, gamers can communicate inreal-timeand command the siege. If gamers are tired, they can alsoaskfriends out to have a drink on the beach.【友情提醒】[Tips]邀请好友一起对战,可以获得更多元宝哦!Invite friends to obtain more Ingots!【联系我们】[Contact us]官方网站 Official Website:http://fw.ngames.com官方粉丝站 Official Fanpage:客服邮箱 Costumer Service Email:[email protected][Game Description][Game Introduction]"Dominated the Extreme" is a pk core of ARPG, while the MagicSinHup fought integration; bloodthirsty PK, Shachenghegemony,marriage system, Capture the Flag battle, the latestelement ofeverything; presumptuous full freedom of PK, bloodpassion gangwarfare, fun interactive entertainment, buildfirst-class handtravel experience. What are you waiting for?"Dominated theExtreme" invites you to a total of Kenshinroad!Furious War is a PK-centered ARPG that integrates excitingmagicthemed battles It has every latest element that gamers canname:.PK, the Sand Conquest, a Marriage System and Flag Seize Plus,itcan give gamers a classic gaming experience with free.PK,passionate faction war and intriguing interaction. Joinothergamers and make history in Furious War![Game Features][Game Features]Features one: upgrading of the road, and more!Feature 1: Massive Upgrade WaysViator slayer task, a copy Ishihara Pass experience,recyclingequipment, hunting, escort prisoners Tucheng Kaohuo ......a lot ofexperience gains at your fingertips, capriciousupgrade!Gameplay includes the Exorcism quest, Gear Retrieval, TreasureHunt,Prisoner Transport and Bonfire. They can provide gamers withmassiveEXP and rewards to help gamers upgrade quickly.Features II: PVP, PVE, and more!Feature 2: Various PVP and PVEShacheng hegemony, Thunder battlefield, mythical overlord,losttreasures, Cthulhu invasion, unicorn temple, dungeon PVP play, PVE copy, and various activities of the taskplay,and let you see dazzling, not play also music almost!Gamers will never get bored with a wide variety of PVP,PVEdungeons, events and quests: Sand Conquest, ThunderBattleground,Phantom Lord, Lost Treasure, Evils' Invasion, KylinShrine, andAbyssal Vault, to name just a few.Features 3: Property growth path, and more!Feature 3: A Number of Stat Growth WaysTo enhance the role of property, you can get advanced equipment,tocreate magic weapon, synthetic advanced wings, enhance thestatelevel to enhance the horse grade, exchange began andachievementmedal, but also more freedom to choose the way toenhance combatcapability.There are a number of ways for gamers to boost characterstats:obtaining advance gear, forging artifacts, combiningadvancedwings, increasing realm level, upgrading mounts, redeemingSoulStones and ACHV Badges Plus, gamers can select more waystoincrease combat power freely. .Features four: PK, full liberalization!Feature 4: Completely Free PKCharacter level to 40 to turn on PK career, except inspecificsecurity zone, PK are not subject to restrictions, enjoythe flavorPK legend.Characters can unlock PK at Lv.40. Gamers can use PK in anyplacesexcept the specific safe area.Features five: new instant voice chat system, cool!Feature 5: Original Real-Time Voice Chat SystemAll players can team up voice, the Society of voice,real-timecommunication featured in Shacheng battle, commanding thesiegeinvincible! Warfare tired, but also about a beautiful dreambeachbikini sister to drink oh.All gamers can have voice chats in teams, guilds and theSandConquest. With this function, gamers can communicate inreal-timeand command the siege. If gamers are tired, they can alsoaskfriends out to have a drink on the beach.[Friendly reminder][Tips]Invite friends to play against, you can get more gold Oh!Invite friends to obtain more Ingots!【contact us】[Contact us]Official Website Official Website: http: //fw.ngames.comOfficial fan station Official Fanpage: mailbox Costumer Service Email: [email protected]
雄图霸略 - 攻城掠地万人国战,超快升级全民神装 1.0.1
★攻城掠地姊妹篇,原厂耗巨资打造巅峰续作!★首款以汉朝VS罗马VS匈奴为主题策略战争游戏!★中国,香港,台湾畅销榜策略类长期前三,24小时国战不停!★新马特别版,选择阵营打造你的欧亚大帝国!在《雄图霸略》中,玩家将回到公元前200年,卷入汉朝、罗马和匈奴三大帝国之争,在「国家内政」、「外国侵略」、「世界征战」等多种元素中,建立属于自己的强大城邦,不断扩张领土,蚕食对手领地,与万千玩家共同争夺欧亚大陆霸主之位!游戏独创7*24小时不间断国战系统,您随时随地都可以在手机中调兵遣将,加入帝国领土激战,与千万玩家一同较量攻城掠地的智与勇,攻占与防御包括长安、雅典在内近200个欧亚城池!游戏特色:武将收集养成系统:百位真实历史名将等你搜集,并有神装宝器助你全面培养武将实力!战场上还能释放各种强力武将技能,让你享受大杀四方的快感!超耐玩剧情副本:超过100个不同关卡等你探索,「解救白戎」、「围困护府」、「孤军独闯」.....层层深入,为您揭示2000年前历史背后的惊天阴谋!全实时国战玩法:真实再现宏大欧亚大陆版图,建立200座包含长安、雅典在内的经典古城,让你享受前所未有的征服快感!24*7全天侯战场开放,随时随地指挥千军万马,加入战场厮杀,扩大领土版图!多种跨服战斗:跨服擂台PK、跨服国家战争以及跨服远征玩法,让玩家可以与全亚洲战略高手同台对垒、一决高下,争夺欧亚帝国霸主尊荣!【联系我们】官方网站:官方粉丝页:客服邮箱: [email protected]★ encroaching companion,factory waste of money to build the pinnacle sequel!★ first in Rome VS VS Han Hun-themed strategy war game!★ China, Hong Kong and Taiwan bestseller list three long-termpolicy class, 24 hours non-stop national war!★ Malaysia Special Edition, select your camp to build the Eurasianempire!In the "hegemony aggressively slightly", the players will return to200 BC, the involvement of the Han Dynasty, the Huns and the threeRoman Empire of the dispute, in "internal affairs", "foreignaggression", "world campaign" and other element, the establishmentof a powerful city-state of their own, expanding the empire, nibbleopponents territory, with thousands of players to compete bitEurasia overlord! Original Game 7 * 24-hour country battle system,you can be summoned at any time in your phone, add Empire territorybattle with millions of players battle together wisdom and courageto conquer new territories, including the capture and defense ofChang'an Athens, including nearly 200 Eurasian city!Game Features:Generals to develop collection systems: one hundred real historicalname waiting for you to collect, and God help you install jewelsfully develop the strength of the generals! But also the release ofa variety of powerful generals on the battlefield skills, so youenjoy the thrill of the big kill Quartet!Ultra-playable copy of the story: over 100 different levelswaiting for you to explore, "Rong rescued white", "siege Dynasty,""armed alone" ..... layers of depth, you reveal the history behindthe year 2000 shaking conspiracy!All real-time national war games are played: a truerepresentation of the grand Eurasian territory, build 200 containsChang'an, the ancient city of Athens, including the classic, neverlet you enjoy the thrill of conquest! 24 * 7-day open battlefield,commanding a mighty force at any time, join the battlefield tofight to expand territorial territory!A variety of inter-service battle: inter-service arena PK,inter-service and inter-service expedition National War play, soplayers can play against the same stage with the whole of Asiastrategy expert, a showdown fight for supremacy Eurasian empirehonor!【contact us】Official website: http: // fan page: https: // Service Email: [email protected]
Dynasty Rush: 3 Kingdoms Clash
New: search "Dynasty Rush" at Facebook and get$20 Luxury Gift Pack free!Play Now to Get Epic Heroes Free!- Get Adorable【Diao Chan】on the 2nd day- Brave【Zhang Fei】on the 7th day- Be the Top & Win 5-Star 【Zhang Jiao】★ New Style Three Kingdoms Strategy Game this Year!★ Official Featured in HongKong TaiWan & China!★ Subversive Three Kingdoms Hero & Story!★ Luxury Gifts Give Away!!Dynasty Rush is a Three Kingdom strategy title,combine with cardcollecting, simulations and fun battles.A new different Three Kingdom story is waiting for you touncover.Meet the famous generals like you never knew them before.Let the innovative Gameplay blows your mind!--Features--Innovative StrategyPick the right heroes and summon them with right order, crush yourenemy's defense tower with your strategy and wisdom. Real-timebattle testing your hero choosing & summon timing.Featured Three kingdoms WarriorsWhole new Three Kingdoms Story and featured cute heroes. More than40 famous Three kingdoms warriors than unique skills andappearance.Build & Defend Your CityBuild your own city, protect it from your rival kingdoms. Series ofDefend Tower & Barracks,and buildings with different functionswaiting for you in town. Test your battle formation and deploy themin city defense.World wide City Battle-Fight with worldwide players, become the ruler of the mostexciting age.Fan Page: Website:
Dynasty Rush: Jade Summoner
New: search "Dynasty Rush" at Facebook and get$20 Luxury Gift Pack free!Play Now to Get Epic Heroes Free!- Get Adorable【Diao Chan】on the 2nd day- Brave【Zhang Fei】on the 7th day- Be the Top & Win 5-Star 【Zhang Jiao】★ New Style Three Kingdoms Strategy Game this Year!★ Official Featured in HongKong TaiWan & China!★ Subversive Three Kingdoms Hero & Story!★ Luxury Gifts Give Away!!Dynasty Rush is a Three Kingdom strategy title,combine with cardcollecting, simulations and fun battles.A new different Three Kingdom story is waiting for you touncover.Meet the famous generals like you never knew them before.Let the innovative Gameplay blows your mind!--Features--Innovative StrategyPick the right heroes and summon them with right order, crush yourenemy's defense tower with your strategy and wisdom. Real-timebattle testing your hero choosing & summon timing.Featured Three kingdoms WarriorsWhole new Three Kingdoms Story and featured cute heroes. More than40 famous Three kingdoms warriors than unique skills andappearance.Build & Defend Your CityBuild your own city, protect it from your rival kingdoms. Series ofDefend Tower & Barracks,and buildings with different functionswaiting for you in town. Test your battle formation and deploy themin city defense.World wide City Battle-Fight with worldwide players, become the ruler of the mostexciting age.Fan Page: Website:
Rival Empires: The War 1.0.1
【Introduction】Rival Empires, the top class of the Massively Multiplayer OnlineStrateyg Game. It produced so much favourable comment from the SLGgame. The game system use the Real-time Strategy, you can get allthe strong hero for free and do anything you want in the game. Notime and no energy limited. Game screen elegant and grand, theexclusive dungeon of the story and other diverse play, even can notstop playing. The best is the support of voice system, a moreauthentic experience. Be your king, rule your empire!【feature】Hero: For free forever, no limited to fight.World: Fighting all the time even when you are sleeping.War: Battle with million people! show how smart you're.Battle: Real-time Strategy, Voice system, make the battle morereal.Nation: Be a king or be a commander, it's all in control.【Contact us】CS mail address: [email protected]
สงครามจักรพรรดิ...จากภาพยนตร์ยุทธศาสตร์การรบสุดฮิตกลายมาเป็นเกมมือถือสุดมันการย้อนยุคกลับไปสู่ยุคโรมัน ต้าฮั่นซงหนูเพื่อป้องกันเมืองให้รอดพ้นจากการคุกคามของศัตรูบุกทะลุมือถือแล้ววันนี้!!ในทศวรรษที่36ทหารโรมันผ่านศึกรบจากทะเลทรายโกบีอย่างทุลักทุเลจนมาถึงด่านห่านด้านนอกสงครามระหว่างราชวงศ์กำลังระอุลุกเป็นไฟทั้งสองฝ่ายเต็มปะทะการโกรธแค้นความโลภและการแสวงหานำพามาสู่ชัยชนะเบื้องหลังศึกสงครามอันเร่าร้อนและจะเต็มไปด้วยเลห์อุบายที่ผู้เล่นก็ต้องให้สติปัญญาและกลุ่มพันธมิตรเพื่อการแลกมาแห่งชัยชนะศึกสงครามกษัตริย์ที่ไม่อาจหลีกหนีผู้ใดจะกลายเป็นผู้พ่ายแพ้แบบไม่เหลือซาก? และใครจะเป็นผู้ชนะแห่งศักดิ์ศรีสงครามจักรพรรดิ...จะเป็นข้อพิสูจน์สงครามอันดุเดือดจะเริ่มต้นขึ้นคุณพร้อมจะเป็นส่วนหนึ่งหรือยัง!!สงครามแนวยุทธศาสตร์จะไม่หยุดนิ่งมาร่วมสงครามประลองความมันสะท้านปฐพี !!Imperial Warbattlestrategies ... from the movie hit. It became a popular mobilegame.The dating back to Roman times Ta Han.Xiongnu to defend the city against the threat of theenemy.Mobile penetration surpassed today !!     In the decade of the 36Romansoldiers, combat veterans from the Gobi desert pathways untilitreaches a checkpoint outside the geese.The house was a smoldering fire. The two sides clash fullofanger, greed and the pursuit led to the victory.    Behind the battle is raging And ispackedwith Saleh ploy. The player must make wise and the Alliancefor theswap.The victory of the battle, King could not escape. Whoeverbecomesthe loser remains? Who will be the winnerHall of fame        ... Is a testament to the emperor.    Fierce battle begins. Are you ready tobepart of yet !!    War strategic concept will notstandstill. The war was vigorously contest the earth !!
Furious War - No.1 PK MMORPG 1.0.05
★Top one PK-centered MMOARPG in Asia.★App Store & Google Play featured in China, Korea.★The brand new real-time voice chat system and real-time PK.★100% Free to download, Free to play!Furious War is one of the most addicting and interactiveMMOARPGin 2016, which has already attracted more than ten millionsplayersin China and Korea. Now, our game is available in South-EastAsia,join us for the epic ARPG experience right now!▼GAME FEATURES▼------Real-time PK------Unlock PVP modes at lv.40.Free-for-all duals, guild wars, grand battles. Real-time PK, atanytime, any where!------Voice Chat System------All players can have voice chats in teams, guilds and theSandConquest. With this function, players can communicate inreal-timeand command the siege.------Global Alliance------Be part of a Global Alliance where you can make friends, co-opwithAlliance members & become the all-powerful hero!------Various PVP and PVE------Players will never get bored with a wide variety of PVP,PVEdungeons, events and quests: Sand Conquest, ThunderBattleground,Phantom Lord, Lost Treasure, Evils’Invasion, KylinShrine, andAbyssal Vault, to name just a few.------Cross-server Wars------All hail the master of the Imperial City! Next stop, King oftheWorld!Board on the expedition to the throne, none shall stop you!------Massive Upgrade Ways------Gameplay includes the Exorcism quest, Gear Retrieval, TreasureHunt,Prisoner Transport and Bonfire. They can provide playerswithmassive EXP and rewards to help you upgrade quickly.【Tips】Invite your friends to obtain more Ingots! Stay tuned to ourFanpage to get more game information!【Contact us】If you have any questions or advice kindly contact via thefollowingways:Email: [email protected]: site:
Invader-No.1 Epic SLG 1.0.0608
★Top one epic SLG in Asia.★App Store & Google Play featured in China, Middle East.★The brand new real-time voice chat system and real-time PK.Invader is one of the epic strategy game in 2016, let’sscramblefor the golden glory in Pharaohs’ world!Compare to other games, Invader has a remarkable improvement inanumber of respects: gorgeous 3D visual effect, advancedandstrategic battle scene, fabulous mutual restraining systemofsoldiers’ attributes, diversified alliance system,impressivesocial networking platform and voice-enabled chat. Thereare morenew system functions for you to discover.▼GAME FEATURES▼------To build an empire in the desert------Will you establish the most prosperous empire in AncientEgyptbeside Nile River?Fantastic gameplay on the map: In Invader, all cities on the mapareowned by the players, they can be your opponents or friends,andthat how refreshing it will be!------To experience the authentic strategy ofthebattlefield------The weapons of city defense, the mutual restraining ofattributes,the weather system, the landmines and so on, all ofthese factorsincrease the controllability and tactic of thegame.------Beneficial Alliance Fortress welfare------Let’s form an influential alliance with other players and developittogether, so you can share the advantages of the developmentandalliance items in battles.------Numerous instance zones and activities------Fighting in King’s Remains, Attack Wild Invaders and otherinstancezones by yourself or with your alliance members to gainresourcesregularly.------Voice-enabled chat system------Click to speak out your fight declaration, so easy!【Tips】Invite your friends to obtain more rewards! Stay tuned formoreevents on our Facebook page!【Contact us】If you have any questions or advices kindly contact viathefollowing ways:Email: [email protected]: site:
위풍당당 개성만점의 삼국지 무장!귀엽고 강력한 삼국무장 총 출동!변화무쌍 짜릿한 전투의 쾌감!화려하고 다양한 스킬로 전장을 지배하라!색다르고 신선한 삼국지 스토리!기존의 삼국지와는 다른 유쾌한 삼국지를 경험하라!예측불가 상상초월 전략의 묘미!공격과 방어!다양한 전략과 진영의 구성으로 짜릿한 승리를 경험하라!뺏고 막고 뺏기는 약탈과 성장의 재미!적군의 공격을 막고 약탈하여 승리의 보상을 쟁취하라![===특징===]▶원더삼국지 4대 진영◀"위","촉","오","군웅"비장 여포,무신 관우,간웅 조조 등 명장을 원더삼국지에서 모두 만나보실수 있습니다!▶원더삼국지 방어탑 시스템◀원더삼국지에서 전투의 수요에 따라 다양한 종류의 방어탑을 설치하여 적들의 공격을 막을수 있습니다!▶원더삼국지 영웅 스킬 조합◀원더삼국지에서 각종 영웅의 출전순서에 따른 영웅 스킬 조합으로 전투의 승리를 획득할수 있습니다!▶원더삼국지 각종 PVE&PVP 시스템◀원더삼국지의 내란퇴치,시련의 전장,왕의 탑,맹수의 소굴 등 각종 PVE와 PVP 시스템이 주군님을기다리고있습니다!
ロマンチックダイアリー~着せ替え恋愛RPG~ 1.0.7
異世界・ティアラにタイムスリップしたあなたは、そこにいる少年、精霊族のルカと一緒に冒険に出る。個性豊かなキャラと運命的に出会い、数え切れない素敵な衣装を身にまとい、彼らの悩みを解決しながら、時空の欠片探し!更に、好感度をアップして時空を越えた恋にも体験できる!新感覚、恋愛RPGゲーム「ロマンチックダイアリー」ついに登場!【ゲーム紹介】※あらすじ※異世界・ティアラにタイムスリップして迷い込んだあなたが精霊ルカの時空の輪をうっかり壊してしまった。どうしよう?元の世界に戻れない!キラキラな時空の欠片探しなくっちゃ!個性豊かなキャラ、数え切れない華やかな衣装、ドキドキデートタイム、キュンとする彼らの素顔、ロマダリの世界へようこそ♡※キャラ紹介※⋆ツンデレ精霊 ルカ(CV:水野駿太郎)「なに期待してんのか知らないけど、思い通りになんかしてやんないぞ!」 人の姿になれる精霊。妖精の時は小熊の人形の姿をしている。ルカは遥か昔のある出来事のせいで、人類を信じられなくなっていた。その隠した秘密とはいったい?!⋆わがままなお嬢さま~葵(CV.:九成茉凜)「内緒話がしたいの?!」過保護に育てられた籠の中の鳥。わがままな所があり、世間知らずで常識に欠ける。強気な見た目とは違い、実は・・・。⋆活発で弱気な少年~アルヴィン(CV:牧野遼生)「キミが家に帰る方法を見つけるまで、よろしくね。」「女性恐怖症」のため、異性に触られるのが苦手。異性と親しくなりかけると、わざと冷たくして知らんぷりをする。恐怖症を克服するために、どうすれば・・・?⋆無口で冷たい王子~ラインハルト(CV:おおしたこうた)「きみが望むなら、何度でもきみを守ってみせる」生まれながらにして国の運命を背負い、戦い続けることでしか生きられない。自分が選んだ人生に常に迷い戸惑っている。そんな彼の進む道は・・・。※ロマダリのお勧めユーザー※⋆乙女ゲーム、恋愛ゲームに興味がある⋆恋愛ゲーム初心者だけと無料でプレイしたい⋆イケメンとロマンチックな恋に落ちたい⋆異世界とタイムスリップの設定に興味ある⋆衣装のチェンジを体験したい⋆おしゃれ、ファションが好き⋆声優、アニメ、キャラボイスゲームが好き⋆恋愛ドラマアプリを楽しんでみたい----【価値】----アプリ本体:無料一部有料アイテムがございます。----【対応OSバージョン】----Android 3.0 以降You was a time slip toadifferent world, tiara, a boy who is in there, out on anadventurealong with the spirits group of Luke. Quirky character anddestinyto encounter, dressed in a nice costume countless, whilesolvingtheir troubles, of space-time pieces looking for! Inaddition, theexperience is also in love beyond the space-time to upthefavorability!New sense, love RPG game "romantic diary" finally here![Game introduction]※ Synopsis ※You who wandered in a time slip to a different world Tiara isbrokeaccidentally the wheel of the space-time of spirits Luke.Whatshould I do? Not return to the original of the world! IsNaku'looking piece of sparkling space-time!Quirky characters, countless gorgeous costumes, poundingdatingtime, their true face and Kuen, Welcome to the world ofRomadari♡※ character introduction ※⋆ Tsundere spirits Luke (CV: Mizuno ShunTaro)"I do not know what are you doing and what the expectation,notShiteyan he wanted to something!"Spirit to become the human figure. When the fairy is the shape ofadoll of the cubs. Luke because of long ago some events, wasnolonger believe the human race. Exactly is the hidden secret?!⋆ selfish young lady - Aoi (CV .: nine formed 茉凜)"I want to have a secret story?!"Birds in the overprotective nurtured was cage. There is aselfishplace, lack of common sense in the naive. Unlikebullishappearance, actually ....⋆ lively bearish boy - Alvin (CV: Makino Ryosei)"Until Kimi find a way to go home, please."For the "female phobia", not good at being touched to theoppositesex. Applying become friends with the opposite sex, theypretendnot to notice and deliberately cold. In order to overcomethephobia, what if ...?⋆ taciturn a cold prince - Reinhard (CV: Kota Oshita)"If Kimi wants, Miseru observe the Kimi again and again."Shouldering the fate of the country was born, not only bycontinuingthe fight alive. I am puzzled always hesitation tomyself chosenlife. Such his advance road ....※ recommended user of Romadari ※⋆ maiden game, there is interest in the love gameWant to play in the ⋆ love game beginners only freeI want to fall in ⋆ handsome and romantic love⋆ are interested in setting of a different world and atimeslipI want to ⋆ experience the change of costume⋆ fashionable, like fashion⋆ voice actor, animation, like the character voice game⋆ I want to enjoy the romance drama app----【value】----Apps body: FreeThere is some paid items.---- [Supported OS version] ----Android 3.0 or later