Clean Ktm 2.0
This application has been backed by theKathmandu Metropolitan City Office. The app is aimed for people whowant to contribute to making Kathmandu Metropolitan City cleaner.One can do so by sending a report which can be viewed by themunicipality office which in turn will be used to send pickuptrucks to pick the respective waste.So if you are one of those who want to see their surroundingcleaner and you live within Kathmandu Metropolitan City then grabthe app and send a report.You can send a report in just 6 simple steps:1. Open the App2. Get a photo of the waste deposit or person throwing waste thatyou want to report3. Select the type of waste4. Select location on the map or open GPS on the phone to getlocation directly5. Add your comments6 Press 'SEND REPORT' and you are done!This app also takes your device id for security reasons and toprevent spamming and falsifying reports.
Events Nepal 1.1
This application provides details ontheschedule, presentors and sessions in "International Workshop ontherole of land professionals and SDI in disaster risk reductioninthe context of post 2015 Nepal Earthquake".Features:1. Event Schedule2. Event Map3. Presentors' details4. Sponsors, media partners and Organizers' information5. Material Design6. Offline
Hamro Sudurpaschim 2.0
Hamro Sudurpaschim is a mobile application to promote Far WestRegion of Nepal.
Heritage Collect 1.0
This application is destined to collectthedata about the condition and status of different heritagesitesafter the Earthquake. This is made available for the generalpublicso that the concept of crowdsourcing can be used to collecttheimportant data. We believe this application will help thedoneragencies as well as Nepal government to reconstruct thedamagedheritages.The disasterous earthquake struck Nepal in 2015 which killedandinjured many people, damaged households, structures etc.Afterearthquake differnent doner agencies lend a helping handbydonating money, foods and goods. But the identification ofthedamge and loss as well as proper distribution was alwaystheproblem because of the lack of data. Then we thought if wecouldhelp a little in collecting a data this can be very usefullater toidentify the damage and decided to make a crowdsourcingapplication"Heritage Collect". Anyone can report the damage whetherthe damageis complete, partial, minor or no damage. A mobileapplication isdeveloped the data and the web application isdeveloped to view thereported data and locations. Web applicationcan be viewed on and mobileapplication can bedownloaded from google play store.
LMTC Workshop Nepal 2019 1.0.9
Organized by Land Management Training Center (LMTC)
CBLEWS 1.2.24
Community-based landslide early warning system app.
भूमी सुशासन 5.0.522
The land office, the various services provided from there,arespecial.
Pahiro Alert 1.0.28
Community-level landslide early warning app (पहिरो एलर्ट)
Naxa: Explore & Navigate 2022.0.34-beta
Naxa is an easy and convenient way to find your way around.
Shaasan 4.0.0
Your voices now has a platform